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Kingdom Hearts: Origins

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by King of Darkness, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Wow Devlin! Do you think I'll get a Keyblade just like you one day," the young child asked as he gazed in amusement at the man. With a small chuckle the man looked down at the boy and crouched down to his height. "Of course you will Darian After all, if you really are my brother you might just be as good as me one day, if you're lucky." Darian's face brightened up with a large smile as he replied, "R-Really? You really think so?" His brother laughed before drawing his Kingdom Key and twirling high in the sky. "Yeah, well I mean getting the Keyblade anyway. Haha, you'll still be one step behind me though." Darian's face frowned up and punched his brother as hard as he could on the shoulder. Devlin cocked his head back and laughed. "Well if you keep throwing punches like that, you'll never be like me!" Darian getting a bit more frustrated now began to throw another punch before it was quickly stopped by Devlin. "Wait," Devlin said. "Something's wrong."

    It's been 9 years since the Twilight Occurence in Twilight Town. It's still not very clear what happened that day. All that is known is that whatever happened, had left Darian not quite the same. He's only confided in one other person besides his parents about that day, being his best friend Jordan. The Darkness hadn't been seen in years before then, and afterwards has never been seen since. But in the Kingdom Hearts Universe...it's never so simple and clean. Our protaganists, all children of Twilight Town must now embark on a perilous quest outside of their own world to save theirs and many others. This is their story, 5 years before that of Sora's.​

    Roles Needed
    Maleficent (Minor Antagonist):
    Pete (Yeah Right):
    Xemnas (Minor Antagonist):
    Axel (Minor Antagonist):
    Larxene (Minor Antagonist):
    Marluxia (Minor Antagonist):
    Saix (Minor Antagonist):
    Twilight Town's Heroes (Main Protagonists):
    Jordan, Darian, Angel, Akinori
    Jordan's Sister:

    Devlin (Main Antagonist):


    Theme (Optional):
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2012
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Question what exactly is special about Jordan's said sister's role. Feel free to PM if you please.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I see minor antagonists... Who's the main baddy?
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Well all you need to know about the Main antagonist is that he's taken. Also Ill Pm You Destiny about the role of Jordan's Sister
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Name: Jordan
    Age: 17
    Role: Twilight Town Hero
    Special Abilities: Other than an increase in strength and agility, can use Darkness and Light
    Personality: Brave, arrogant, funny, smart mouthed, prefers the leader role
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Bio: Born in Twilight Town, Jordan has known Darian all his life including his brother. He scarcely remembers, however, at one time when Devlin went missing. Ever since, he has spent nearly all his time with Darian not just for himself, but to comfort Darian. Jordan also has a younger sister whom he thinks the world of. If he's ever not with Darian and his friends, he's doing something with his sister. He is known though for his smart antics and witty replies and comebacks which has gotten him in numerous altercations.
    Theme: Metallica - The Memory Remains (Video) - YouTube
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2012
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Darian
    Age: 17
    Role: Twilight Town Hero
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    Personality: Quiet, Kind, and Stubborn
    Bio: Born In Twilight Town, Darian has known this town for almost all of his life. But his only true friend for those long sixteen years was only person, Jordan. Darian and Jordan have been friends for as long as they can remember and nothing has seperated them since. Darian was kind of an outcast next to his brother Devlin so his parent really didn't show him much love or any signs of carrying for him. Darian then began to study technology and mutiple engineering courses and things of that sort. Darian always did good in school and his parents never ecknowledged it. When Darian found out Devlin had a keyblade Darian began trying to make a mechanical keyblade in which he only finshed a prototype of.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Theme (Optional):
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2012
  7. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Akinori Hirogome (Aki)


    Appearance Age:

    Twilight Town Hero




    Special Abilities:
    Kemono Syndrome- His cells have been infected and modified through long periods of exposure to a certain radiation created by several machines in the mansion. The machines processed the flow of light and darkness which took a tremendous amount of energy and thus a source of energy known as Kemono's Plasma, which was dug up from certain places in the realm of darkness was found and used. The radiation infected his cells and stunted cell growth which explains his younger-looking appearance, his regular cells started producing large amounts of altered cells which enhanced physical abilities and created routes of synchronization of weapons which used light and darkness as a source of power.

    Purge, Kowareta Kizuna- This is the ability to "get in sync" with his weapons and allow him to carry large weapons that a regular person would never be physically capable of carrying. In also allows him to absorb the light in darkness to decrease damage and increase power. However while the cells allow him to have a longer lifespan it can also damage his internal organs in the process if he doesn't use the cells sparingly.


    ASE- The ASE (All Seeing Eye) is a tactical scanning device used to identify certain enemies and individuals. It can go as far as to provide behavioral patterns, background information, as well as battle and casual engagement strategies.

    DSB- The DSB (Digital Storage Base) is a device that can convert large, non-living objects into data and store them within the DSB's internal storage making weapon carrying and concealment very easy.

    Akinori is extremely anti-social and epathetic and only speaks when it is necessary or in his favor. In other words all his actions are based on logic and if he has to resort to dirtier tactics to win for those he has sworn loyalty to then so be it. If he has sworn loyalty to anyone he will follow them as he believes it is the only way for him to exist as a human with feelings. However, if he does not he disregards himself as a non-human weapon or tool.

    His father had created the original laboratory that had been in the mansion but abandoned it leaving Akinori with instructions to operate and keep the lab in good condition. Before his father left he implanted a chip in Akinori's eye, allowing him to scan possible enemies. In the instructions his father had he included daily battle simulations to get him used to defending the lab from any heartless. By the time he was 9 the radiation had already infected his cells, so along with his stellar fighting abilities he could also use the cells to his advantage. However, one day a very strong heartless infiltrated the lab and even while he was able to defeat it it damaged many important machines to the point where they were beyond repair. After that he ventured to the city, taking jobs and earning munny so he could live in the city. His current goal is to find the meaning and purpose of bonds and why they are so important to the individual.


    Story of The Year- The Antidote Lyrics - YouTube

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2012
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Selena
    Age: 16
    Race: human
    Position: keyblade wielder, apprentice
    Alignment: Jordan...
    Abilities: Power of Darkness like Terra and Riku, basic magic, drive form-anti form like Sora.
    Physical Description:

    Selena has black hair and blue eyes. She wears mainly black clothes: black shirt, black shorts, black shoes(like converse). On her right wrist when her hands can be seen is a silver charm bracelet belonging to her mother. She usually wears black gloves with the fingers cut off.
    Personality: Selena is friendly and strong. She loves her friends and older brother a lot. She would fight to keep them safe at all costs. Around town she is seen as the tough scary girl, but those who know her know it's all a lie because she's friendly and without a strong legit reason, cannot hurt a fly. Though she does like the stereotype of her, nobody messes with her or her friends when she's around.
    History: Selena has lived in Twilight Town her entire life. She is closest to her older brother Jordan who has taught her how to fight and stand up for herself. She is good friends with him and her best friend is Angel. The two of them practically grew up in the crib together with their parents being good friends.
    Theme: YouTube - Dark music - Memories - YouTube
    Famous Uses: http://www.khplanet.com/forums/roleplay/9546-kingdom-hearts-unloaded.html

    Name: Angel
    Age: 16
    Race: human
    Position: Keyblade
    Alignment: Twilght Town Heroes
    Abilities: power of light and love for her friends
    Physical Description:
    Angel has brown hair and bright blue eyes(not seen in the image). She stands about 5'6". She wears a white lose long sleeve shirts matched with a black vest. Also she wears a black fairly puffy skirt with pink tights and she wears a dark pink color combat boots. It's very rare she's seen without her head phones jamming out to music, if she's not listening to music(usually when she's not alone) they're around her neck.
    Personality: Angel is a very hyper perky girl. She loves her friends a lot and is always with them it would seem. She enjoys having fun and let lose. She will fight for what she believes in and she is a strong willed girl. She can be weak sometimes though...
    History: Angel has lived in Twilight Town all her life growing up alongside her best friend Selena. The two are inseparable. Through Selena she met Jordan and from there met Darian. She has told only Selena this but it wouldn't surprise her if Jordan knew, but since she was about 13, she has had the biggest crush on him. Whenever it's just the two of them alone she gets butterflies in her stomachs and can talk, she's extremely nervous then. When Selena and Jordan are around she's a little better, a little more her normal self but still nervous to be around him. She doesn't let that completely get in her way.

    She like Selena knows how to fight often taking challenges to struggle. She is completely self taught but though not stronger than Jordan, Darian, or even Selena, she is one of the toughest girls in Twilight Town.
    Famous Uses: http://www.khplanet.com/forums/roleplay/11161-kingdom-hearts-origins.html
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2012
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well then, consider Marluxia taken :p

    Name: Marluxia

    Age: 23?

    Race Nobody

    Alignment: Nobodies

    Weapon: [​IMG]

    Personality: Manipulative and coordinated, Marluxia beleives that all other beings are weak and pathetic. His disposition is usually calm and misleading but his outer beauty hides inner, more ugly, motives. His cold outer shell allows him to easily manipulate and control his opponent. He also has some sort of hidden affection(false but affection no less) for Larxene.

    Bio: Marluxia, the Graceful Assassin (優雅なる凶刃 Yūga-naru Kyōjin?, lit. Graceful Assassin's Blade), is Rank XI within Organization XIII. Originally discovered by senior Organization members Xigbar and Xaldin, Marluxia is the mastermind of an internal rebellion in the Organization against Xemnas. He controls flowers, and uses his control to command beams of destructive energy from flower-themed minions, bombard the opponent with flurries of petals, and to attack opponents with his massive scythe.


    A tall, elegant Nobody with feminine features, Marluxia wears the basic Organization uniform of a black cloak, black boots, and black gloves. His hair is shoulder-length and rose pink with ruffles, though in the Gameboy version of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories this color was more muted, appearing closer to light brown. Marluxia's eyes are blue and his lips are pale pink.

    Theme (Optional): Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories - Lord Of The Castle - YouTube (Lord of The Castle)

    Other: Marluxia seems to have a hidden affection for #XII Of Organization XIII...
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    All accepted.

    And now for our main antagonist, rather predictable I'd think.

    Name: Devlin
    Age: 27
    Role: Main Antagonist
    But longer of course
    Personality: Smart, calculating, twisted
    Bio: Devlin, brother to Darian, was born in Twilight Town. When he was younger, his parents never showed him too much attention, nor to his brother even when he was born. Devlin practically raised his brother, teaching him all he knew, feeding him when money in the house was tight by any means neccesary. When he gained his Keyblade, the Kingdom Key, his parents began to pay much more attention to Devlin, leaving Darian behind. Devlin still would have some time for his younger bro, but not as much as before. One day, while he and Darian were finally spending some quaity time, a group of people of the dark attacked the two. Although Devlin fought them off, something in him changed forever. He would then disappear in a shroud of Darkness, never to be seen or heard from again.
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Minus the nails
    Theme: N/A
    Other: N/A
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2012
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Awesome, is there an estimate time that we will start this?
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Maleficent and Pete is ALL mine! <_> This roleplay better not die and you better not disappoint me.

    Name: Pete
    Age: ???
    Theme: Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep OST Captain Justice - YouTube
    Role: Minor Antagonist & Maleficent's lackey.
    Personality: Mean and selfish but also a coward. Has an unconditional loyalty to Maleficent and is sneaky.
    Race: XD A Humanoid Cat.
    Weapon: His fists, explosive bowling balls and firecrackers that can immobilize enemies
    Strengths & Weaknesses: : Can manifest thorns, teleport, and has supreme power over the heartless while being able to manipulate the darkness in people's heart.Can create a magical shield that can heal and protect him. Can also teleport in a puff of smoke. Has a weak defense. Has power over the heartless and is resistant to darkness.


    Temper Tantrum: A close-range attack.
    Summon: Can call on Large Bodies and Minute Bomb Heartless.
    Taunt: Provokes his enemies
    Fruit Shot: Summons a magical pineapple and smash it towards his foes, exploding and leaving behind confetti.
    Rumble Rave: Summons his kart and ram into his rivals.

    Bio: After being rescued by Maleficent, Maleficent and Pete started to plan on how to accomplish universal domination. As the Heartless attacked enchanted Dominion, he help Maleficent take control of them so that they were able to bring destruction and to kidnap Princess Aurora. After traveling across many worlds, they finally landed on Hollow Bastion. While making it their base of operations, Maleficent placed the task on Pete to go and recruit allies while at the same time building up her legion of Heartless. From there, he left Hollow Bastion, going across the worlds, stirring up trouble along the way.

    Name: Maleficent
    Age: ???
    Personality: Has a superiority complex. Menacing, cunning and scheming.
    Race: Human/ Dark Fair Sorceress
    Role: Minor Evil Antagonist
    Theme: villains of a sort EXTENDED kingdom hearts.wmv - YouTube

    Weapon: Her magic and staff
    Valuable Objects: Ansem Reports

    Sorceress Abilities:

    Strengths & Weaknesses: However, she hardly has any physical combat and in her dragon form, her head is the weak point.

    Blindness: Cast a spell on the whole area where her enemies is not able to see anything except themselves.
    Dark Meteors: One of her strongest magic attacks. She starts as she chants "Meteors of Heaven! Unleash thy fury!". This can do a large amount of damage to a person.
    Fury Magic: Turns into a pinwheel-cloud version of her will o' wisp so that she can spin around and do damage to anyone in a frenzy. Attacks cannot harm her in this form.
    Sleep: Cast a spell to lull her rivals into a deep slumber.
    ThunderChaser: Shoots a dark, bright lightning at her foes so that they can fall to her might.
    Dark Fira: Shoots a fire spell that cause the person to burn internally.

    Dragon Abilities:

    DragonFire: Shoots green flames from her mouth.
    Ground Stomp: Sends out green shockwave with each stomp.

    Bio: After the events of Birth by Sleep, Maleficent and Pete were devising a plan on how to build supreme power and on how to travel to other worlds while finding the seven Princesses of Hearts. However, the Heartless came and started to attack her homeworld. While Pete insists on running away, Maleficent saw this as an opportunity to make the attackers useful. She used her magic and the power of darkness in order to take control of them, annihilating the kingdom and kidnapping Princess Aurora once again. As Maleficent and Pete traveled, they came across the ruined Radiant Garden. There, she made the castle her base of operations and renamed the world, Hollow Bastion. she then sent Pete to go across the worlds to recruit anyone who has similar goals like her and to build up her army of Heartless.

    Now that four years has passed after the destruction of Enchanted Dominion, she now has Jafar and Ursula on her side and she was able to kidnap Cinderella. With her search for power, she is now going after Belle and Snow White, the next Princesses of Hearts.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2012
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    I was thinking tonight but Im at a friends house and don't wanna milch off their stuff lol (on my phone now). So Moe than likely tomorrow.

    Haha, thanks for joining Brandon, don't worry I'll try not to disappoint ^_^
  14. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I made some adjustments to my character.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    RP is up guys!
  16. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    is their any openings for good Protagonists still?
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Twilight Town hero, lol. Pretty much Keyblade Warrior. Or, like bk, a hero without a keyblade.
  18. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Name: Sophytia
    Age: 18
    Role: Twghlight tiwn hero's
    Weapon: http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm295/Mizu-Kon/soul_calibur_keyblade_by_suburbbum.jpg
    (primary, gives her wings to glide on) http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/357/6/e/Ruby_Bow_Fire_Opal_Arrow_by_Sunrise_oasis.png
    Personality: she has a drakside to her enamy's and rearly makes friends. the day she meet the twighlight town hero's her life changed from hideing in the shadows of his past and instead looking to the present.
    Bio: She was a realy bad kid way back when, or at least thats what poeple think. in truth she always seemed to be picked on and was always manipulated easy so when she did something wrong it wasn't her fault, no one believed her but she didn't know why at the time. when she learned why she desided to hide in the shadows whenever she could. one day she was hideing in the shadows crying, wanting to readem herself for all that she had done wrong. that same day she was attacked by heartless she gained his keyblad knowing she wasn't worthy of it. she has turnd a new leaf sence then, and even though she dosen't use the keyblade unless she is fighting Embalem heartless but still is powerful non the less.
    Appearence: http://www.freewebs.com/lilnekosweets/swing.jpg
    Theme (Optional): Kingdom Hearts-Forsaken - YouTube
    Other: she has angle wings that let her glide short distences

    Name: Sniter "Nightmear"
    Age: 19
    Role: Twighlight town heros
    Weapon: http://www.deviantart.com/download/46520810/soul_edge_keyblade_by_suburbbum.jpg
    (Primary) http://media.otakuzone.com/store/user/172200/T13012641572648c519640859bd1831d8cd42b6d8d3bc.jpg
    Personality: Dark and mysterious but also doble sided personality and is confusing. he also apears to be cursed giveing him a demonic voice and not being able to fight for a sertant fear that no one knows about.
    Bio: not much is known about this mystirous man exept that he aperantly has some history with Sophytia(Wich will be explained later) and that he can be working with the team one minute and then turns and fights Sophytia the next.
    Appearence: http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w79/pointeshoes_4_me/anime look-alikes/animeguycoat.jpg
    (weares this mask when seen) Google Image Result for http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2010/268/e/7/aqune__s_mask_by_panthers07-d2zfv8t.png
    Theme (Optional): Kingdom Hearts - I Am...All Of Me - YouTube
    Other: his history with Sophytia worries him about what the others will think about the truth.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2012
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Can they not look so.......awesome? Lol, but more casual?
  20. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ...I'll see what I can do...

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