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Kingdom Hearts Pick Up Lines

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Angel, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    We've all heard of pick up lines. They're used to attract a person of interest, but have you thought about dropping a line that would make Sora swoon over you. Maybe, a verse that would make even Saix shed a tear and rethink his whole no-emotion philosophy. Well, here's a list of Kingdom Hearts Pick Up Lines. If you have any, I'll add them to the list. Here goes:

    1. Are you sure; you're a nobody, because from where I'm standing you're all body!
    2. I lost my heart. Can I have yours?!
    3. Two. Two. Five. Three. Seven. One. Nine. Nine. Eight. Zero. Those are my digits. Got it memorized?!
    4. I don't know which is worst, being lost in this castle or being lost in your eyes.
    5. If we could become any keyblade, we'd be the two becomes one.
  2. Maxad

    Maxad New Member

    Wanna share a paupu fruit?
    lets get some seasalt ice cream, my treat

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