• Square Elite
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Kingdom hearts Power level

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by emo kairi, Jul 28, 2008.

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  1. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    I have started kh2 in pro difficulty and i found a way to get a heads up on leveling up. When you get to the serenity tower, keep going up and down the walkway to the other door and keep fighting the nobody's. Every level you gain, the easier the game becomes and note that roxas cannot use spells and combo boosts.
  2. worbs

    worbs New Member

    thats a good way of doing it. its what ive been doing since i first played kh2 and it realy does work
  3. rikulover2323

    rikulover2323 New Member

    Cool, I didn't think of that until I had already defeated the game.
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