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Kingdom Hearts: Re-Birth [OOC&SU]

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Remedy, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant



    Hello Roleplayers and readers alike. Let's trek forward through the story we've been working on. Please read it. If you don't w/e.

    Rozel and X, have been restored to their true, human forms. The rest of the group was left at Disney Castle. Currently, as Rozel and X are in a deep slumber, Xahriku takes this to his advantage and starts to take over all the worlds. Xahikru to help take over the worlds has built up a strong army of nobodies, heartless, and other dark beings.

    Until Rozel and X reawaken, King Mickey with the help of Yen Sid as well has begun to train young apprentices of the keyblade to try and fight against Xahikru to defeat him and his army.

    What side are you on? Include word the "zap" in your character profile in order to be accepted. Soon, Rozel and X will awaken, and do their best to fight back against the greater force.

    ~Rozel- Zol
    ~X- Destiny
    ~Legion- Zol
    ~Laila- G.SummonerBMW
    ~Yen Sid- Destuny
    ~King Mickey-

    ~Xahikru- Destiny
    ~Sho- Sho Minamimoto
    ~Rush- BK-201
    ~Fatin Arte- G.SummonerBMW

    ~No pointless characters
    ~No overpowered characters
    ~No Kairi
    ~4 lines minimum
    ~Proper Grammar
    ~No pointless characters
    ~Read all of this posts and other posts before making a character
    ~No stupid characters
    ~No more than 3 characters per person (even that's too many)
    ~Fill out the character form, completely and properly

    *Name: (Nothing over 10 letters.)
    *Age: (w/e)
    *Race: (Nothing Stupid or made up)
    *Appearance: (Picture)
    *Appearance: (Description)
    *Personality: (4 Complete sentences minimum. 7 max.)
    *History: (3 sentences minimum.)
    *Weapon of Choice: (If its retarded you are automatically turned down.)
    *Ability: (Can have more than one. No more than 6. If they are overpowered or stupid, you'll be turned down.)

    *Required Fields

    Have fun. Hope to see plenty of of applicants.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2012
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Sho
    Age: 18
    Race: Nobody(This is allowed right?)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Appearance: Sho stands at 6 feet 3 inches tall, and weighs 185 pounds. He has blue/yellow eyes and tannish skin. He wears ripped black&blue jeans and a short black and red coat. He wears a silver necklace with a skull on the end and has a lion head adorned on his belt.
    Personality: Sho was mistreated greatly when he was alive and as a Nobody he wanted revenge. His cunning and brutal cat&mouse tactics are well known and feared by many. His only visible human quality besides his appearance is his infamous math jokes. Sho utilizes his brains, brawn, and speed to wear down and destroy his opponents.
    History: Sho excelled in academics when he was alive, mainly math. He was constantly picked on and made fun of for his skills. This built up rage in Sho, and then to the desire for revenge, which he exacts on innocents.
    Weapon of Choice:
    Ability: Teleporting

    Weapon sent via VM, but he uses Suped up Claws he had from when he became a Nobody. And Zap... correct? Anything else?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2012
  3. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Name: Rozel

    Age: Young (Unknown)

    Race: Human

    Appearance: Recent image by Hitoban_no_fokkusu on Photobucket

    Appearance: Rozel is relatively tall, and a little bit on the slim side. His hair is long and golden, as are his eyes. He wears tattered clothes of a traveler, and always has a rose in his back pocket.

    Personality: Rozel is never one to be loud and obnoxious He is generally reserved, and pretty wise. He is rather witty, and intelligent as well. He can wiggle his way out of even the toughest situations. Rozel is loving and compassionate, yet can be aggressive when the time is right. He has a soft spot in his heart for his dearest friend, X.

    History: Rozel was a keyblader in the great keyblade war. He was brought down by an unlikely thundaga spell. Recently his nobody converged back with his heart, and now Rozel is whole once again. Now he sets out to take down Xahriku, leader of the organization.

    Weapon of Choice: Rozel Dual wields. His weapons are entitled the royal blade, and the AA+ Blade. When he is not using those, he uses the X-Blade. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs19/f/2007/236/d/7/My_Made_Up_Keyblades_by_animeartist67.jpg

    ~Light Shield
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2012
  4. BK-201

    BK-201 Member


    Original Name:
    Dare mo (No One)


    Appearance Age:




    He has little to no personality but for some odd reason he has clung on to a fragment of his heart before he was killed so he can feel a little bit of emotion. He can't feel or understand love, anger, sadness, and many other core human emotions and usually only acts on what is the most logical solution. The only thing that drives him forward is finding out who he was before and exactly what the memories from that last fragment of his heart really mean. Sometimes when that fragment of his heart is stimulated he will be able to feel his full human emotions and become extremely powerful but will forget the time he had with his full emotions completely.

    He was born into a family who worshiped the force of Kingdom Hearts and longed to touch it to become more powerful than the other humans. But one day the family head's wife became pregnant and died during child birth, this caused the family to despise that one child, they thought of him as a sign of misfortune, a sign of death that would bring the family down into darkness. So they simply put the child to work keeping the basement clean and then didn't acknowledge him hoping that would prevent the cruel fate. Whenever they would give him food they would say "It was for the rats". While he was under there he found a trunk of books, a set of BB guns, and a TV. While he was under there he also met an old man who had a debt to the family. He taught the boy to speak, read and write, and shoot and they soon became friends until the old man died of untreated heart failure. One that same day the family made a decision to offer that child's heart to Kingdom Hearts seeing as they knew it was extremely powerful. However, before they could fully complete the ritual he escaped with a fragment of his heart the rest of his damaged heart created a Keyblade. By the time he got to the castle that never was he had become a nobody and had lost but a few of his memories. His nobody then joined Organization 13 before quitting for his own reasons and setting off to find his own memories.

    Weapon of Choice:


    Space and Time Manipulation
    Expert Marksman and Swordsman
    Martial Arts
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2012
  5. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    If you would read the rules, guidlines and plot you may understand why i keep saying no.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    And just like a quick zap, I show up with awesomeness ;D

    Name: X(pronounced Key like the ancient letter)
    Age: young unknown
    Race: human/weapon/power being descent
    Position: X-Blade
    Alignment: Rozel/Zol
    Kingdom Key(with half of the X-blade keychain) when normal, can transform into X-Blade for Rozel/Zol to wield.
    Abilities: Power of X(-Blade)- X is the destined girl born of both a pure light being and pure dark being, her heart dangerously, but also safely balanced of light and dark. She is wielded by her chosen wielder a young boy her age by the name or Rozel. She grants him power of both light, the power of friends, love, a power used to for putting an end and lighting up the darkest of places, and the power of darkness, a power used for destruction and striking fear to people a power that allows death to come without mercy(if used in correctly)

    When she is not the X-Blade, X has the power of light and darkness.

    Basic Magic taught to her by her former master and King Mickey.
    Physical Description:
    ~anime- a little more pink color hair.
    Clothes and armor- [​IMG]

    X-Blade/Wielded Form- http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/171/0/9/x_keyblade__xblade__by_angeldad83-d3jfrlr.png

    Personality: X despite her appearence of looking like a poor, depressed, lonely girl is actually fairly kind, sweet, and happy, and surrounded by amazing people. She sticks closer to her wielder, best friend, and her affection, Rozel.
    Biography- X is a keyblade apprentice of master Hikaru. X was the daughter of who's believed to be the first princess of heart and the first person, and only person of a completely dark heart. X ended up as their daughter as the two of them were able to feel off each other's emotions to form a bond so powerful nobody could break. Their bond held them close but it was obvious they could't be together as the worlds began entering a state of war. The two broke away. After the main battle was over, they were able to meet each other again. They were over joyed and shortly after they had their daughter X. They raised their daughter with care on a special world they hope nobody would come for a long time, a world known as the keyblade graveyard where the war of light and dark waged. They were unknown of another resident hoping to bring the war back. When X was 4 years old, her parents both sensed the danger of Master Xehanort and also received a warning from Master Yen Sid. They left to go into battle. Upon arriving on the scene they fell into an unknown trap set up by Master Xehanort. Using both of their hearts and the emotions of the current keyblade apprentices fighting him, he was able to form Kingdom Hearts. The two of them lost their lives.

    Meanwhile X, stayed hidden away in their home, a little cave, watching the birth of Kingdom Hearts. Her own heart became mixed up in the situation. A situation not expected by Master Xehanort. Upon the birth of Kingdom Hearts, only one key was supposed to be able to open and close it. A boy who's heart was unbalanced and altered by Master Xehanort so he and another boy when merge would form that key. He tried to create the key he read in destiny, however as her name clearly states, X was the prophet key to open kingdom hearts, X is the one who is the X-Blade.

    Shortly after the battle ended and the world began to collapse, X found herself afraid and alone until a light guided her away safely and found refuge with an old keyblade master by the name of Master Yen Sid. When Yen Sid learned of who she was and felt the power in her heart, he knew she was the prophet and was given to one of his past apprentices now known to be the only keyblade master alive, Master Hikaru. Hikaru took on X as his apprentice and treated her like his daughter protecting her the way her parents would. She loved him dearly for it. Though because of it and her sleeping power in her heart some of Hikaru's own apprentices teased and would make X's life horrible. It wasn't until a weak boy with a strong caring boy joined them. He became X's only friend, his name was Rozel.

    The two grew close and helped each other become stronger. Rozel still was not skilled on his keyblade yet, but was becoming stronger everyday. With their bond, the two began a bond unbreakable and X made a choice, one she could never change or take back, she chose Rozel to one day wield her when her heart was ready to go through the change of accepting the power of balance of light and dark, the power that would make her X-Blade whenever called upon.

    When that was told to Rozel, she noticed a change in his training and stronger bond. He was able to get the other keyblade wielders to leave her alone(and ultimately caused them to run off where they shortly after fell to darkness becoming heartless). One day, X went off on a walk while Rozel and Master Hikaru were training. She was alone quite a distance away when she came across a stranger, a nobody. The nobody fought her in an attempt to kidnap her and make her his ultimate weapon. X fought hard but was strike down and was going to be taken until Rozel showed up, making it obvious, he was her wielder. He fought the nobody hard, but was not strong enough. The pain Rozel went through made X's heart ache, and it wasn't even worst when the nobody managed to steal Roze's heart. It was then she went to fight again despite knowing she wouldn't be able to defeat him. It was then Master Hikaru intertwined forcing X back. She made her way over to Rozel's shell, the body that was unconscious. She couldn't leave him and was hurt as her heart ache from Rozel's own heart in the hands of the nobody.

    Master Hikaru was soon weakened, it was then X took it upon herself to fight again only to be pushed back close to being defeated, but unable to give up. She tried to make her way back but stopped, she had just witnessed the nobody murder her master, the man who acted as a second father to her when after her own parents were gone residing as kingdom hearts. She couldn't move as the nobody made his way to her and looked down on the weaken, defeated X. He kicked her and hit her, beating her around like a rag doll before stopping and looking down on the beaten up X.

    "X, you should know better than this. A power like yourself cannot stay hidden forever even if on a world masked in nothing like this world. Have you given up?" The nobody asked her. She did not reply and was kicked again. She let out a whimper of pain. "Come on, show me that ultimate power! Show me what the X-Blade cane do!... no? Perhaps you need a reminder of my power." The nobody said taking out Rozel's heart and held it in one hand. His other hand flooded in darkness went and touched Rozel's heart. This caused great pain to X causing her to scream out in pain.

    "Let his heart go, I will do what you want, please!" X pleaded desperately. The nobody only laughed.

    "I always could use more nobodies X. Your friend, though weak, I know will get stronger and make an excellent nobody, perhaps even apprentice. He and you can both be better off as me as your apprentice than that pathetic master you have." the nobody said.

    "Don't talk about Master Hikaru like that! He was a great man and a great teacher! And even as a nobody, I know Rozel will not become a nobody." X said angered.

    "Oh, X, get those false ideas out of your heart. Listen to me, X, I will let you go, but know when you become the X-Blade you will be our weapon." He said. He sunk his hand into her chest grasping around her heart where she began screaming out in pain.

    "Until then, I leave you with this parting gift, perhaps you'll appreciate it, make you better understanding when the time comes when you can throw away the Rozel you once knew and will be able to accept the new nobody he will become." the nobody said as he looked over at the nobody on the ground slowly opening his eyes that held a blank stare. The nobody pulled up on X's heart, more so the chain in her heart containing her memories. He was damaging her memories. She laid there. She managed to reach out and grab ahold of her master's keyblade and went to point in towards the nobody in one last attempt to defeat him but was too weak.

    Her heart ached as her memories began to get destroyed and it ached even more watching Rozel, now a nobody stand up and look over at her but showed no recognition of who she is or was. Though she longed to be there with him, nobody or not. To be by his side and him. She couldn't.

    "You no longer will be Rozel, but rather a newer version of you, a better version belonging to us Rezol... Zol." X watched as the nobody and Rozel or rather Zol disappear. She extended her hand out where he disappeared before closing her eyes with the final destruction of her memory chains.

    Shortly after that a wizard came to the world to visit an old friend. He accidentally landed on the wrong part of the world, a part of the world that is remote and unknown to it's other inhabitant even by its own resident keyblade chosen one, a world known as Destiny Islands. He discovered X, strangely the body of Master Hikaru had vanished somewhere. He knelt down and shook the girl trying to get her to wake up. Her eyes open but the look in her eyes were blank and empty it startled him. The wizard, named Merlin, picked up the girl's body which held a blue keyblade, a keyblade wielded by Master Hikaru. The keyblade disappeared as he transported them both away.

    He transported to a world inhabited by a sorcerer and retired keyblade master, it was Master Yen Sid's tower. There on the world, a mouse was visiting the old master and was surprised to see Merlin and the girl, he didn't recognize. Merlin laid the girl down propped against the wall. Yen Sid asked Mickey to leave where Yen Sid explained to Merlin who the girl was, that it was the prophet X. Yen Sid went to speak to X but no recognition was given from X.

    It was then Yen Sid asked Mickey to take X with him and train her till hopefully her past memories returned. Yen Sid did not tell the king about who she was though. When Mickey introduced herself, pronunciation from X incorrectly granted her the alias Nikki from the king.

    X, known as Nikki, trained under King Mickey where a false identity began to develop. It was when the king was kidnapped and a nobody unknown to "Nikki" arrived that her past began to return. It was then she was reunited with Zol and her true destiny of becoming the X-Blade began to unravel.

    It was when Zol was confronted by Xallias and when almost all X's memories had returned and the bond between her and Rozel, was recreated through Nikki and Zol. This was when the X-Blade was formed and her heart sought refuge in Zol's empty shell. It was upon this that memories of Rozel slowly began returning to Zol even without his heart.

    Theme: Kingdom Hearts III 3 - news - Fate Of The Unknown (Orchestral by Bak.R) - YouTube

    Name: Xahikru
    Age: appears 40
    Alignment: Organization True Leader
    Race: Nobody
    History: Xahikru is the nobody of Master Hikaru, the master of X and Rozel. The day X was attacked by Xalias, Rozel and Master Hikaru took on the attacked, Xalias. Unknown to X because it occurred after she passed out from memory corruption, Master Hikaru was not dead and got up to chase after Xalias to get Rozel back and hopefully fix everything. When he entered the portal, Xalias was there ready to fight. They fought and Hikaru fell to darkness similar to Rozel. Xahikru was born.

    Quickly Xahikru climbed to the top and took over Xalias but spared Xalias embarrassment by letting him act as leader as he went into hiding. Unknown he was planning and from a distance watching his two old apprentices, X as Nikki and Rozel as Zol. He was planning a way he could have the X-Blade for himself, or at the most kill them both.

    Xahikru unlike most nobodies contains all the memories of his past somebody. He however looked at Hikaru as another person, a weak pathetic keyblade master slowly aging. He had better plans in his mind than Hikaru, plans of taking over the worlds, and nobody will be able to stand in his way.
    Personality: Xahikru is a dark and sinister man. He is evil in and out. He's very manipulative and controlling.
    Role: True leader of the organization, dark lord
    Abilities: darkness powers equal to Master Xehanort.
    Weapon: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7SK0AsndAVye_RpsgfL9SKwfX3xKfvaptGSoRoKbFxCaYmynQpOFvMlxIew
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2012
  7. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    yea...sorry about the X post Dest...
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yeah, it's all good, but do watch, I did notice something else with your X post, you copied basically all of my material minus the key blades and her appearance. That's stealing from me without asking my permission.

    Also, I'm going to clean out some of these posts, people if you read the first post well enough you will notice a certain thing you need to include to be accepted
  9. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ... ... ...ok then...um...I ain't in trouble am I?
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I will PM you details. Guys if you have a question that can help everybody, Any other questions PM Zol or myself.
  11. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Crap...I always forget about that you need to add...

    NOTE FROM DESTINY: Don't give it away, that's why zol didn't tell you straight forward
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2012
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    If you couldn't tell BK, I edited your posts, don't give it away to everybody. Now one thing though I still see you won't get accept for is your weapon. Chose keyblade or guns, not both.
  13. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Keyblade since they kick ass
  14. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    From now on, if your profile is not acceptable the first 2 times, it won't be accepted at all.

    *Name: Legion

    *Age: 27

    *Race: Human

    *Appearance: http://www.freewebs.com/pyrosuken/FFAC Vincent.jpg

    *Appearance: Vincent has long black hair, and deep blue eyes. He is nimble with a slim body.He wears a tattered black cape. His clothes are something like this http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vZ6FL5zkg...full-final-fantasy-versus-xiii-screenshot.jpg

    *Personality: Legion is a very reserved person. He doesn't crack joke's and always seems to have a scowl on his face. Although he does care for his friends. His heart is cold to anyone he does not know.

    *History: Legion had a tough life growing up. He was always told what he couldn't do. As soon as he was of age, he left his parents and set off, travelling the world. He wanted to prove himself to himself.

    *Weapon of Choice: He calls it, "Regiment" Redirect Notice

  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Now I'm interested in what Ragnarok is... Is it Sora's, or something else entirely?
  16. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    its one of sora's most powerful moves...
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    That wasn't what I was asking, Trio. I wanted to know if Legion's Ragnarok is identical to Sora's.
  18. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    oh that...who knows...
  19. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Its the Ragnarok from birth by sleep
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Oh, nice. That's going to be annoying to dodge xD

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