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Kingdom Hearts:Runaways (Actual Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jul 9, 2009.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Thank You my Loyal servant now....where are the kids?"Xehanort said
    "Sir they will all be meeting tonight at my residence at 3:00 p.m."The servant said
    "Perfect my Loyal servant now are you clear with the...."Xehanort said as he seen his servant jumping in front of a blast of light
    "Who's there?"Xehanort said
    "Its me!!"The cloaked man said

    "Hey Mom when are the rest of the people coming?"Darian asked his mother
    "They'll be here soon"His mother said
    Darian looked at the T.v.
    "Huh another Kid has gone missing mom"Darian said
    His mother was washing the dishes
    "Thats good son" she said not paying attention to him
    "Mom take a break ill finish the rest"Darian said looking at the T.v.
    "Mom is Jordan and Jessica coming over?"Darian asked
    "Yes son and lots of other people"His mother said
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Mich was hiding behind a boulder, with helmet on & a black vest on him. He turned around & hid right back as he saw that paintballs was coming towards him. "Alright! Time for me to pull out my baby!" Mich jumped away from the rock & was shooting like crazy with his paintball gun. "SAYONARA SUCKERS!!" He was shooting so fast that the kids was hit & was covered in red paint. The Gym teacher started to laugh as she saw that. "Sorry, BUT YOUR OUT!" Mich started to laugh but then saw that others was also shooting at him. "UH OH!" Mich started to run as fast as he can to make sure that he can't get hit & jumped in a garbage can. "This should be ok." Mich jumped right out & started to shoot & hit a couple in the face & hid right back inside the garbage can.

    "OH MAN! Can't they ever give me a break?!" Mich then felt the garbage can rolling as the kids pushed it to get him out of there & he started to fly & roll down the hill. "BWAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Following him downhill was several pampers & rotten apples...
  3. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    "Damn, it is the same dream again." Yuhi mumbled. Waking up in her bed, she crawl up and look in the mirror.

    "Time to do a little hunting, eh?" Yuhi smiled. Taking her outfit from the closet, she wore a black gothic dress. Finding a black ribbon, she use that as her choker.

    The castle was big, and their are many servants around, but she did feel lonely. Her heart doesn't know love, compassion, nor warmth. It is fill with hatred, anger, and sorrow. Finding her masquerade mask, she tuck in her dress, she will need this later.

    Checking herself in the mirror, a flash back of a woman appear in it. It was her, the woman from her dream. Who the hell is she? She wonder. Mother? No. She never had a mother nor a family for that matter. She was abandon and left for dead in till Master Xenahort found her. Now she must repay him by doing what he wishes.

    "Time to hunt children." Yuhi giggle.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Draco wa sat home, watching T.V. didn't have a care in the world. He heard his mom singing while his dad was far away somewhere doing something. He was getting real tired as he flipped the channel. "When will dad comes back. This is such a drag. There's nothing fun here or anything surprising." His mom then came up to him with a smile. "It's time for lunch. Come & eat." Draco looked back at her & didn't have a care. "Why should I come & eat? I should whither away & die. No one cares anyways."

    His mom sighed & sat by him & hugged him. "He'll be back. Don't you worry about a thing. It's just that this job is very important not only for us, but also to the whole world." Draco just shrugged & started to head for the kitchen. "Yea yea. I know I know." His mom just sighed again. "Someday, hopefully not at your age or sooner, you will understand something that sleeps within you."
  5. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Cuts on both knees and completely exhausted. It had been a long hard day for Tukiko. She had gotten herself into another fight again. It wasn't her fault really; the other girl had started it this time. Fights tended to break out regularly because her next door neighbours' daughter was one of Tukikos' worse enemies. Her and her gang always tried to get under Tukikos' skin, but she wasn't going to let it bother her today. No, she was going to have fun.

    Tukiko decided to go in the backyard and listen to nature unravel all around her. This always was able to calm her down. Hearing the bumble bees buzz and the grass dancing as th wind rustled through it was one of the most relaxing things to listen to in the whole world. As she listened to the wind chimes shimering in their own form on song, her mother came outside looking quite upset for some reason.

    "What's wrong mo---"
    "You know perfectly what's wrong Tukiko. The neighbours just called saying that you were being shrude to her daughter again and got into a fight!"
    "No way, she started it I swe----"
    "Enough talk little missy, go up to your room and think about what you've done. I don't see why you just can't get along with her."

    Little miss perfect had gotten away with it again. Tukiko just couldn't stand her. She went up to her room like her mom had said, but once she got there something was wrong. She just couldn't put her finger on it though, all she knew was that something was up and she didn't like the feeling of it.
  6. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Reyson was looking out the car window, watching the things outside quickly pass him by. It's been 2 hours since he and his parents had left the house. They hadn't said more than 4 words to him since then: We're all going out.

    Reyson sighed, this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Sure his parents had spoken more, sometimes LESS, had actually told him at times where they were going, but something about this just felt....

    "Strange" Reyson said.
    Reyson's mother looked at him "What was that dear?"
    Reyson looked over to her, "Hm? Oh, I was just thinking outloud again." He looked back at the window. "When will we get to where we're going?"
    "We'll get there soon honey, just be a bit more patient"
    "Right then...."
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan sat on a large tree branch that overlooked most of the island. He procrastinated going to Darians house, seeing as he was feeling lazy. He laid back on the tree branch and yawned, "Now this is the life. No worries, no problem." The tree shook a little bit so Jordan looked down. He saw his little sister shaking the tree.

    He yelled down, "Hey! What's the big idea? Can't a guy relax in a tree like a normal person?! Geez........." Jennifer was getting a bit upset so she yelled back up, "But we're suppose to be going to Darians house! And you said you'd be there!"

    Jordan looked back upwards and replied, "Eh, not in the mood now."
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Mich finally stopped rolling as he hit a tree. The rotten apples & diapers hit him in the face & he was embarrassed. "AW MAN! WHAT THE FRECK?! WHY DID THEY HAD TO DO THAT?!" Mich then saw some running down the hills while the others was busy finishing each others off by the school. "UH OH! I need to find a good place to hide, but wha..." Mich looked up & then started to chuckle as he ran behind the tree & started to climb. "The P.E. teacher was with the kids who was after Mich to see if they can get Mich or not." Mich started to chuckle as he pointed at the leader. "OK! DIE SUCKERS!"

    Mich jumped out of the tree & started to shoot like crazy & was shooting them in the head. one of the paintballs almost hit the P.E. teacher in the face. The kids started to run back as they was frightened by Mich's yelling. "IF YOU SHOOT LIKE THAT ONE MORE TIME, SOMEONE COULD'VE GOTTEN HURT! At least we're wearing helmets. Nice tactics Mich. As for you, you're out!" The bell then started to ring & Mich realized that it was time to leave the school. "AW MAN! I was having so much fun!"

    Draco was at the table eating with his mother, looking out of the window, hardly eating anything on his plate. "Is something the matter Draco?" Draco just sighed. "no mom. It's nothing." Draco started to have deep thoughts in his head. "I want to leave from this place. This town, the people, all of them makes this scenery boring. I don't even care about anyone anyway..."
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC:: Who is being Jessica!? I'm just going to make my characters nickname then be Jess


    Jess walked down the street and stopped infront of Jordans house looking at Jessica and Jordan.

    "What are you two doing?" Jess asked them. She blinked seeing Jordan yelling down to Jessica.She blinked at them and turned to go.

    "So what are you two doing today?" Jess asked them. She started down the street seeing if they were following or not. She kept on walking and saw Darian's house ahead. She looked at it. She walked to the door and knocked on it.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Ill get it mom"Darian said
    Darian opened the door
    "Oh Hey Guys.....the other people will be here soon so help me set up please"Darian asked while looking tired
    Darian began blowing up a balloon
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Jess nodded and walked in.

    "So need help blowing up balloons?" She asked him taking one and began stratching it out to blow into it. She looked around and leaned against the table. She tied off the first one and then started another one.
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Yeah and other stuff like the streamers and all the other party stuff my mom bought"Darian said laughing
    Darian began looking at the television
    "Huh another Kid gone missing....this is starting to get weird three kids have already been kidnapped in two days"Darian said
    Darian blew up a balloon then another one
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    OOC: I changed the sisters name to Jennifer for other reasons.........

    Jordan saw Jessica didn't wait to hear his or Jennifer's response. He thought to himself, "What a quick visit." Jennifer looked back up at Jordan and said, "Well fine. I guess I'll see you at Darian's house." She walked to Darian's house. Jordan paid no attention and simply muttered, "Whatever."
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I know I can't go anywhere without telling somone. I wonder what's happening to them, kind of scary they're all around our age, the youngest being 13." Jessica/ Jess said. She finished blowing up some balloons and pulled up a stool. She began taping up the streems and stuff.

    "So how many people are coming today?" She asked him.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Well im not sure i hope everyone the came last year"Darian said
    Darian looked at the door
    "Ill get it"Darian said while opening the door letting Jennifer in
    "Hey Jennifer how is it going?"Darian asked her
    Darian walked int he kitchen and grabbed three Large bowls and laid them on the table and pour chips and pretzels in them
    "Well im going to go get Jordan ok"Darian said while grabbing his coat
    Darian began walking to Jordan's house
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Hey Jennifer." Jessica said to her friend.

    "I wonder if Darian's mom needs any help." She said. She took a pretzel and ate it she walked into the kitchen.

    "Hi, do you need any help by any chance?" Jessica asked Darian's mother walking into the kitchen.
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian Knocked on Jordan's door
    Darian looked behind him
    "Huh Jordan is always sleeping"Darian said
    "He is so lazy"Darian said
  18. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    Tukiko looked all around her room, but didn't see anything wrong. Everything looked normal; nothing was out of place. Hmm... maybe she was just getting paranoid, so she decided to brush off the feeling that something was wrong. As she was sitting on her bed in her 'time out' she realized that she was supposed to go over to Dariens' house a couple of hours ago. "Oh no!!", she shouted outloud as she started to pace on the cold wooden floor of her room. The first thing that came to mind was, maybe I should put some socks on....

    She kicked her garbage can and hurt her toe in the process. She was starting to get annoyed with herself for thinking about socks at a time like this. Now she started to wonder how she was supposed to head over to his place while she was grounded? Only her mom was home so maybe she could sneak past her ---- "Hunny, I'm home!", her dad shouted as he entered their house.... You've got to be kidding me, how am I supposed to sneak past both of them?

    Tukiko looked over at her Winnie the Pooh alarm clock and noticed her window. Maybe sh could get out of the house that way. She walked over to the window and looked out of it. "Man, I wish I lived in a bungalow right now." She said while looking out the window of her two story house. Hmm... to far to jump, she gazed over at the blankets on her bed. Maybe I can tie them together and make a rope like they do in the movies, how hard could it possibly be?

    After ten minutes of tieing the blankets together to make some pretty sturdy knots, Tukiko was ready to attempt to climb out of the window on it. She took a big gulp and pushed the blanket rope out of her window. This is no time for nerves she kept telling herself; the worst that could happen was that she fell off it. Somehow this thought didn't make her feel any better. "Well, here goes nothing" she said and starting climbing down the rope. She was doing pretty good until she started to feel cocky, and as she thought that she was the best at these kinds of things her fingers slipped and she fell the rest of the way down, which was only three feet.

    Okay, atleast now she was out of the house! She started at a full sprint to Dariens place and was trying not to trip over rocks, since she was a little clumsy. His house was only a few feet away now she could finally see it. As she got to the house she opened the door, "Hey sorry I'm la----" She looked around and couldn't see Darien anywhere...
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan saw Darian at his house and heard what he said. He yelled down at him, "Hey, I am not always sleeping! I'm usually just resting my eyes! And I have no comment for the lazy part!" He laughed as he hopped down from the very large tree. He walked to Darian and said, "So, how's it going? And shouldn't we be at your house or something?"

    Jennifer was about to say hi to Jessica but Tukiko had just arrived. "Oh, hi Tukiko! Darian just left out to get my lazy brother," she said to Tukiko.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Mich started to board on the bus getting excited that this is the last day of school. "ALRIGHT! VACATION! TIME FOR ME TO GO CRAZY!" He turned around & saw some kids acting real bad throwing paper balls at each other, while some sing or read. Others secretly was playing some card games or their own video games. "Man. Some things never change do they?" The bus driver started the bus & took off. "Whew. Another long 30 minute road back home." Two of his best friends smiled & sat behind him. "CAN'T YOU BELIEVE THAT VACATION HAS STARTED?! IT FELT LIKE IT WAS 2 YEARS OF SCHOOLING IN & OUT?!" Mich smiled & started to sweat. They talked & talked & looked back out of the window. As he looked out of the window, something caught his eyes. "Hm? What's that?" He saw someone in a brown cloak with a glowing, green keyblade in his hand. "What's a sword looking like a key doing there?"
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