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Kingdom hearts: The keyblade wars online

Discussion in 'Archive' started by eratez, Aug 28, 2010.

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  1. eratez

    eratez New Member

    Everyone thinks "If I were to make the next KH game:rolleyes: I would add this" but I was thinking that and then I thought "I will make the next Kingdom Hearts game and add this:eek:". Currently, I as weel as 4 others are in the production of Kingdom Hearts: The Keyblade Wars Online. If I finish, then I will try to sell the game to SE and Disney. I want to do this good. If anyone knows an idea (like a world that HAS NOT been used) or would like to join production then PM me.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ok this sounds pretty cool, question though, for the online game figuring it'll be very similar to games such as runescape, Pirates of the Caribbean online, etc., they have a somewhat sort of plot. Is there going to be a plot or story in the game you could tell us?
  3. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I don't think a KH online game would be very good. I think Square should just keep to there roots, and stick with the battle system from the second game!
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    You didn't quite read what the person had to say, Axel. They said that they, not Square, are making it.
  5. eratez

    eratez New Member

    There is astory to the game. In BBS you learn that the keyblade war started from disputes over masters' rights and that is where you begin. After you finish the tutorial at where, in the future will be the keyblade graveyard, you get to go to other planets and it is always pvp. You can go to the world that will be the keyblade graveyard and fight. The story is still developing though.
  6. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    It could work to be honest but it will be a lot of work for you....I don't want it to be like Runescape.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Neither do I, I personally like Wizard 101 and Pirates of the Caribbean online more, much better story setting and personality to characters
  8. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    If it's gonna be like that, I'll play it.
  9. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    I like the idea alot i would love the idea for it to look like Wizard 101. it would be good or like a city of heros type of thing. i think that would be better. in graphics i mean. I would play it, a world they dont have if you want a Disney one than how about the sword in the stone, so you could meet Merlin from the past, that would be a good one if wanted to learn magic.
  10. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    horrible idea..If you were to even try to sell it to Square they would turn it down..and if they would want to do it. they would do it themselves, sense they have all the rights to the game. Plus an online KH game? Really? It sounds really good on paper, but put it to action it will be an epic fail :(
  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    the fighting would be weird, and there would have to be a story behind it, it couldnt be one of those go on forever things. But just giving the idea of a story like that might get Square to make something like that, i mean u never know, they might not like the idea of it being online but maybe on another system. but for that u would have to make it deep. but with all the other games goin on, it may be a no
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Square won't buy the game, but you can still create it as a fanmade game. You could also maybe approach square about it, maybe it will get them to see about making an online kingdom hearts game(such as Final Fantasy has). I could see it working.
  13. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    That is the way to go right there
  14. Kit

    Kit New Member

    If you're still thinking of a game to use as a model, I have a suggestion. Cartoon Network's Fusionfall MMO. It has brightly colored characters, and a simple-but-effective system. Plus, it plays in your web browser, with no need to download the game itself. If you were to model your proposed KH game after Fusionfall, I think it would be a massive success.

    Of course, that means a LOT more work than a Runescape-ish game. But if you're willing to put that kind of work into it, it'll payoff big time.
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