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Korra: Changes

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by x3pic, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Anyone else catch the first two episodes of the 3rd season of LoK?
    If not, KITTY, then go look at them O_O
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I've been following it, at first it started off a bit iffy to me, but so far it's been pretty great and I love how we're exploring more and more of the characters.

    Also the trailer from SDCC has also made me curious on what to expect going into the end of season 3.

    The Legend of Korra season 3 new trailer
  3. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Honestly, I love how it started. It set the tone, but I feel like the spirit world isn't playing that big of a part. She hasnt fixed the issues and I feel like they won't address that until the Final book, which I'm calling now will be called "Wisdom".

    For a series that was only supposed to be one book, they are doing an amazing job. I
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yeah, no definitely. And that's my biggest thing is the whole spirit thing, and we haven't been seeing that many spirits. Like episode 1 there were a ton of spirits hanging out in Republic City but upon exploring the Earth Kingdom, not too many spirits have been popping up. Like did they all vanish? Did they decide to all want to live in Republic City?
  5. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    That's my biggest issue with it. The spirits aren't playing a roll, yet. I think they won't until Book 4. Because Korra isn't the most spiritual avatar, she short tempered, and immature at times. I think the next book will form around her being a complete avatar. Reconnecting with the passed ones to return everything back to normal
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    That would be great if that could happen. Crossing my fingers for something like that to occur. It actually upset me severing the tear between the past avatars, I would love it if they would come back in.
  7. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    That's true, but people seem to forget that Aang lost connection to all the Avatar's as well. Back when Azula shot him in the back with lightning. So, I have a strong feeling that she will reconnect with thim in book 4 Wisdom.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm completely mortified that I haven't even seen the first season yet. >_< I need to get with it.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Giving you a heads up Kitty, if you haven't seen season 2 of LoK then this post will be totally spoilerrific for you.

    Not quite. Aang didn't lose connection to the past Avatars. He lost connection to the Avatar State. He was still able to communicate with the past Avatars, as shown when he was on the back of the lion turtle and was still unable to go into the Avatar State.

    Korra, on the other hand, had Raava torn out of her and the connection to every past Avatar completely severed. I don't think they're coming back. And to be completely honest, I like the idea of the entire Avatar line essentially being reset to Korra. I'm not sure how to put it into words, but to me there is a certain appeal in Korra being the first in the next line of Avatars.
  10. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Nah, I think Aang still lost connection with the past avatars as well. He literally died, in the Avatar state. (In that time, that means the whole avatar line, past and future would die off.)
    If I recall, That whole season he wasn't able to connect to any of the spirits until hit sat on that SUPER SPIRITUAL sea turtle, which is one of the reasons why I think he was able to talk to his past 4 lives.
    Though, there is a difference.
    When aang, broke the avatar cycle he died, but was revived by Katarra, Ravva never was separated from his body.
    On Korra's side, Ravva was completely removed from her, so I think that started a whole new avatar cycle.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    You know I didn't think to look at it this way, but you got a good and valid point. It makes Korra more independent and definitely a legend as the first next generation type of deal, Avatar.

    Though I'm still going to miss those flashbacks....
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I don't recall Aang ever trying to communicate with the past Avatars until confronted with the dilemma of how to completely stop Ozai without killing him. Aang never actually died. Katara saved him before that happened. But Azula's lightning did a number on his chakras, causing at least one of them to be locked and that is what prevented him from going into the Avatar State until Ozai forced it open accidentally with that rock. It is what that monk said to him as they were going through the training to open up all of his chakras. Once Aang started opening them up, he wouldn't be able to access the Avatar State until he opened all of them. And then when he finally opened up the last one, Azula shot him with lightning and closed that chakra up again.

    Also, it was only ever mentioned in some side comics and not the actual cartoon, but during the time Aang was unconscious after Azula's lightning strike, he was in the Spirit World and talked to some of the previous Avatars and then totally forgot about his experience after he woke up. It may not mean much in terms of his connection to the past Avatars, but I think it would at least show towards him having never lost the connection.
  13. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I don't think he could, the episode where he couldn't sleep he tried to connect with them, but it didn't happen. I think they were completely cut off for a second.

    No dude, he died. He even woke up and said "I was completly gone wasn't I?, but Katara you brought me back.". LIterally, he died. Not fully losing the connection, but temporarily. She didn't save him before it happen, she revived him after the fact it happened. That holy water.

    I too read the comics, but this proves nothing. He could have went on the journey after Katara revived him. It didn' t have to be the second after he was shot down. I think Korra's issue is different than Aangs, but I also think she will reconnect with the avatar spirts.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    This doesn't prove anything. In Korra, Aang tells Korra that when as, an Avatar, are at their lowest point, they're able to connect to the past Avatars. That's the only way they're called out. Korra didn't purposely call Aang out, only her current state of being low and essentially giving up did they pop up. Therefore I think the Avatar connection is more like a morale booster when needed.

    Anyways the point here then with is, Aang was trying to contact the past Avatars, but the past Avatars don't work like that. It doesn't mean he lost his connection.

    See here I agree and disagree with both of you. I think at this point, Aang, the avatar was dead, while Aang the kid was unconscious in a coma type of thing. When Aang comes to I think he's referring to that as an Avatar, he was dead. I think also there's a few ways as an Avatar you can die and at this point I think it's referring to all of his chakras shutting off/ going offline. Katara being a rather spiritual girl in her own right, through her loving friendship, and her water bending chakra healing powers, she was able to rebalance Aang and his chakras, therefore bringing back the Avatar.
  15. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    What do you mean the past avatars don't work like that? Avatars can make the connection to their past self at almost anytime. "We are always with you."-Roku.

    That made no sense.....no offense.
    The only reason she was able to bring Aang back was because of the spiritual water. I'm guessing that water had the ability to heal souls as well.
    Had she used her regular water, Korra wouldn't be an avatar. (aang would have died).

    Let me break it down. haha

    The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars. The glow is the combination of all your past lives, focusing their energy through your body. In the Avatar State, you are at your most powerful, but you are also at your most vulnerable. If you are killed in the Avatar State, the reincarnation cycle will be broken and the Avatar will cease to exist."
    ―Roku to Aang

    So we all agree that Aang lost the ability to go into avatar state, correct?

    Which, according to Roku, it means Aang got shot, died (or not died), lost connection to the Avatar state, meaning he lost connections to his past lives, Because the avatar state is just the passed avatar focusing their energy into aangs body. Yet, he couldn't do that, SO he lost connection for a moment, even if briefly.
  16. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    A heated avatar debate, and no one invited me. Fore-shame!
    Um. no. Avatars can invoke their past selves. They just need to know how. For example, Aang is seen invoking them when he wants to know how he will go about killing the Fire Lord. He's able to cycle through different avatars at will. They're able to call upon their past selves at anytime (theoretically) not just instinctively.

    They're not separate. There's no one without the other. Aang = Avatar. Avatar = Aang. On another note, the kid was dying?! He wasn't in any regular coma. He was dying!!! Death is permanent. This kid was not dead, but I repeat, he was dying.

    Aang was on the brink of death and Katara brought him back with the (special) spirit water from the oasis at the North Pole. There's not much to read into there.

    No, it just has special healing properties. It doesn't heal souls?! Why would you think it heals souls. There's no coming back from death. If Aang had died then and there, it would have been the end!

    It evolved into a defense mechanism. It can be invoked.

    That's not what it means at all. Regardless, if he lost access to his avatar state, he didn't lose connection with his past selves. Aang = his past selves! Aang's past selves = Aang.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  17. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You also gotta remember it also has to do with the chakras. Like the monk/guru/guy who was training Aang said, once you begin opening up the chakras, Aang would be unable to enter the Avatar State until he opened ever chakra. He opens the last one, starts the Avatar State, and then gets shot by Azula which ends up shutting one of the chakras. Therefore he could logically still have the connection while being unable to access the Avatar State. Which means he didn't necessarily die. Aang telling Katara that he was completely gone doesn't mean he actually died. Katara could have just as easily saved him from the brink of death as she could have brought him back to life.

    I think that talking to the Avatar's past lives requires a certain level of spirituality. And we all know Korra isn't the most spiritual Avatar ever.

    Roku wasn't wrong, but at the same time I think his explanation of the Avatar State isn't 100% correct either. Thinking back throughout the entire series, the only time we ever see an Avatar bend more than one element at once is when they are in the Avatar State. And as the flashback stuff with Avatar Wan showed, he could only bend multiple elements simultaneously when merged with Raava. So while the Avatar State is a method to draw upon the experience and strengths of previous Avatars, it would make sense that it is also a method to draw upon Raava's strengths and be able to bend two or more elements at the same time. Which would explain why Korra can still enter the Avatar State and having permanently lost the connection to the previous Avatars.
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    A kid who was hysterical from the minute; he woke up, and barely had an idea of what exactly had happened to him, isn't a good or valid source to base anything off of.

    Communication and connection are two separate things. You're using a strong word like "connection" for this type of the thing, but she can't lose connection to what she or he is. All the avatars share the same spirit, hence reincarnation. There's no severing that. She/He may be unable to communicate with past selves, but they are always connected.

    True, but some opinions are more legitimate than others.

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