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KuraiKeybladeMaster's Characters

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KuraiKeybladeMaster, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. Note: the thread Kingdom Hearts Character- Axeus was also started by me. I found that you couldn't modify the title of a thread after it is posted, so I made this. Mods, if you want to delete the Kingdom Hearts Character- Axeus thread (or PM me telling me how I can do it), that would be great.

    Second Note: These are my original characters, do not use them without my permission. Also, no one should be posting in this thread but me.

    * * *​

    Name: Axeus (no middle or last name)

    Arena: Accepts Challenges (similar power level please!)

    Age: 17

    Main Weapon: Black Keyblade, slightly similar to Xehanort's in design (BBS), but less ornate.

    Gender: Male

    Position: Self-taught Keyblade Master (has trained for three years).

    Alignment: Evil. While he could be called neutral, because he really just does whatever he wants rather than working toward a higher evil, Axeus has a dark fondness for stealing hearts.

    Appearance: Pale skinned, lean but not skinny. Has unkempt, but not too spiky black hair. He wears armor somewhat similar to Terra or Ventus' (BBS), but it is colored black and grey, and he never wears the helmet. His eyes are blood red and he always wears a piercing glare. If he ever takes off his armor, which is rare, he is wearing a suit vaguely kin to Sora's outfit in KH2, but with full pants and no red, blue, or yellow (also a bit more "flat," Sora's outfit has a certain buoyancy).
    He is about 5'10''.

    Personality: Axeus is a loner, and always has been. He despises almost everyone he meets and therefore chooses to interact with others very little. When he does come into contact with others, he is very quiet, sometimes silent. He hates weakness and will steal the hearts of those that are not strong enough to stop him. Axeus relishes battle and constantly tests himself against other powerful beings.

    Bio: Axeus was born in world made of other, fragmented worlds; a world where others who had been cast out of there home by darkness could come seek refuge. Yet, it never felt like a true home to Axeus. As soon as he was old enough to think, he began to hate, and as long as he could remember he has openly beckoned the darkness. One day, when he was 14, the darkness threatened to take him once and for all. The darkness in his heart took over, making him attack his parents and then open a corridor of darkness and hurl himself into the Realm of Darkness. He awoke with a Keyblade in hand, to a world of pure black. A normal person would have had their heart consumed and have become a Heartless; for some reason, Axeus kept control of his heart, the only change being that his eye color switched from blue to blood red. He was forced to wander the Realm of Darkness for three years, during which time he learned to use his Keyblade and the power of darkness. After three years, Axeus became powerful enough to leave the realm of darkness, again using a corridor of darkness and stepping back into the realm of light. When he reappeared, the weakness of the hearts around him disgusted him, and he began to steal many peoples hearts, creating many Heartless and possibly a few Nobodies in his wake.

    Abilities: Axeus is able to attack very capably using darkness, mostly in the form of condensed bullets. Other powers include being able to use corridors of darkness at will and being able to summon small amounts of Heartless. He is also quite good with a Keyblade for someone who trained themselves. Unfortunately, his defensive capabilities are virtually non-existent; he relies on harrying the enemy with powerful offense to win fights. If he defeats someone in battle, he will usually steal their heart.

    Home World: Traverse Town

    Current Location: Now, Axeus wanders the Realm of Light taking hearts and spreading darkness.
  2. Character for KHPlanet: Eternal Roleplay

    Name: Haku Matsumoto

    Gender: Male

    Arena: Accepts Challenges (similar power level please!)

    Age: 18

    Status: Member

    Weapon(s): An old Katana worn from training.

    Appearance: Haku Matsumoto.jpg His jacket, v-neck and pants are all black.The sheath for his Katana is red.

    Battle Abilities:
    Fire Dash- Cloaks his Katana in flames and charges in for a strike.
    Blade Flurry- Unleashes a torrent of slashes in front of him. Hits do only small damage but are difficult to avoid.
    Feint- Fakes an attack to make his opponent block or dodge, leaving them open for the next strike.
    Counter Flare- When knocked back, can retaliate in midair by casting a Fire spell.

    Passive Abilities: Attunement- Can sense when magic is being cast in his general vicinity.
    Anchored- Immune to Magnet and Zero Gravity.

    Personality: Haku is good at heart. He can be over-confident, even cocky at times. Haku loves meeting new friends and challenging them to duels. He likes coffee and can often be found grabbing a cup when he's not battling. He hates vegetables and people who pick on the weak. He values his inner light and would never succumb to the darkness.

    Strengths/Weaknesses: Haku has high attack, magic, and evasion, but low defense and magic defense.
  3. Name: Zenaku Aichi

    Arena: Accepts Challenges (similar power level please!)

    Age: 18

    Faction: Servants of the Dark

    Personality: Zenaku was once a very nice person, but the light was ripped out of his heart, and now he is but a husk of his former self; the outside is the same, but his personality is so drastically different he seems like a different person. If he doesn't like someone, he's prone to ignore them and will sometimes even attack unprovoked. Needless to say, he will fly into battle at the drop of a hat.

    Appearance: Zenaku Aichi.jpg

    Weapon: Zenaku's Keyblade.jpg

    Bio: Zenaku grew up on an idyllic world called Farthest Reaches. As the name implies, they were far off from many other worlds and went mostly undisturbed by outside forces. In his childhood, Zenaku was outgoing and a genuinely good guy, always willing to lend a hand. He had many friends and he loved his freinds and family dearly. Anyone who knew him would tell of his kind nature.

    One day, while Zenaku was playing with his younger brother and sister, Jordan's forces came to Farthest Reaches. Jordan's apprentices attacked Zenaku and his siblings. He tried to fight them, but his attacks were ineffective. Zenaku and his siblings fled and hid within their home, but Jordan's wrath would know no bounds. The apprentices broke in and attacked his parents. Hearing the combat, Zenaku ran out of hiding place. He saw Jordan extracting the hearts from his parents and consuming them, his mother and father turning into shadows before his very eyes. Zenaku flew into a blind rage and a Keyblade appeared in his hand. He attempted to fight Jordan but was defeated relatively easily. However, Jordan saw potential in Zenaku and decided to take along and make him an apprentice. He realized that Zenaku would never willingly go along with him, and so Jordan used his Keyblade and removed all of the light in Zenaku's heart, which he then consumed.

    When Zenaku came to, he was forever changed. The lighthearted boy who was always willing to lend a hand completely disappeared. Jordan explained to him that Zenaku belonged to him now, and Zenaku accepted without a second thought. Jordan made Zenaku summon his Keyblade and they dueled, as Jordan wanted to test the power of his new apprentice. Zenaku was naturally a talented fighter. Jordan then helped him learn how to control darkness and use it in combat, which it seemed he was also naturally good at. The one area where he struggled was basic magics; Zenaku can't cast a Cure spell to save his life.

    Once, Zenaku witnessed Jordan stealing and consuming hearts. Zenaku tried mimicking the process and devoured a heart himself. He felt power course through him and he loved it. Jordan was surprised that his apprentice adopted this ability, but reasoned that it was probably because Zenaku's heart was fractured. Consuming hearts could counter the gradual loss of Zenaku's own heart, an inevitably consequence of the light being ripped from ones heart.

    Now, Zenaku continues to act under Jordan as one of his apprentices. Zenaku is ruthless and will go to battle without a second thought. As he is fulfilling his master's wishes, he is also trying to consume as many hearts as possible so his own does not slip away.

    Other (Anything special like powers): Zenaku has control over darkness, and can use it in many forms of attack. He is also able to travel using dark corridors. He is very physically capable, with impressive agility and strength. He cannot cast any basic magics, ie. Fire, Blizzard, Cure, Magnet, etc.

    Theme: Chelsea Grin-All Hail The Fallen King - YouTube (Disclaimer: This theme is VERY HEAVY DEATH METAL. If this doesn't sound appealing to you, I would advise not to listen to it. This is just the kind of music I like, and it is very dark so I felt it fit with the character).
  4. Name: Eldred

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Allegiance: Darkness/Evil

    Weapon: Keyblade, looks like Terra's (called Ends of the Earth I believe), except it is predominantly black with red as the secondary color.

    Brief Bio:
    Eldred's father, Valnoct, was a great figure in the Realm of Darkness, one of the only people able to live there without completely succumbing to darkness and becoming a heartless. Eldred's mother was a human Keyblade master named Kalia who gave into the power of darkness when she met Valnoct and fell in love. Eldred was conceived in the Realm of Darkness, and by his father's will alone he was able to retain his human form; a normal child would have immediately lost their heart and became a heartless. Years later, the endless heartless under Valnoct's control suddenly turned on him and killed Kalia. In a panic, Valnoct opened a portal to the Realm of Light and threw Eldred through. The last image Eldred saw of his father was one of him being devoured by heartless.

    This was about four years ago, when Eldred was 15. Since then, he decided that he would follow in his father's steps and be a beacon of darkness, wreaking havoc over the realm of light until he found out how to return to the realm of his birth.

    Personality: Egotistical, selfish, sadistic, and insensitive all describe Eldred. He looks down on everyone until they prove themselves as his equal in combat. Even then, if their heart is light, he will still disdain them.

    Appearance: Road to Master Character Concept (3).jpg
    Not sure why you want a written description as well. Anyway, his hair is black, and, like his Keyblade, his clothes are primarily black with red trim. His eyes are amber because of his immense exposure to darkness.

    Special: Dark Volley (uses Keyblade to shoot condensed bullets of darkness).
    Magic: Gravity and Magnet.
    Limit: Reaper Form (his appearance changes to heartless-like, similar to anti-sora. While in this form his speed and strength are doubled. This form lasts for 10 minutes and can only be used once per day).

    Strengths: Great in combat, above average speed and strength.

    Weaknesses: Has poor defensive skills. Gravity and Magnet spells sometimes malfunction.
  5. Name: Eckart Ravner

    Age: 27 (age of death)

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human Spirit

    Appearance: 1336891298330.jpg

    Side: Rogue Spirits

    Calm and collected with a dark sense of humor. Somewhat egotistical, but doesn't let it put him in danger; he doesn't just go rushing into fights blindly. He is often sarcastic and doesn't have a lot of respect for non-Spirits. He especially hates Exorcists. While he enjoys fighting and killing, he has no problem with running if a battle gets too tough.

    Eckart was delusional while he was alive. He thought that he was the Grim Reaper and would go around committing gruesome murders with a scythe. One day, Eckart was stalking the streets for blood when he encountered an Exorcist. Eckart foolishly tried to kill the Exorcist, not knowing what the opponent was capable of. Eckart died that night at the hands of the Exorcist.

    When Eckart awoke as a spirit before the real Grim Reaper, his delusions were immediately shattered. Eckart lived in the Spirit World for a long while, contemplating his place in the universe and his new situation. Eckart developed his new personality during that time, turning from a blood-crazed psychopath into a calmer, sarcastic person. However, his blood lust still remained, evidenced in Eckart's glowing red eyes. To hide this, Eckart wrapped his face in bandages.

    One day, the door to the Spirit World was broken, and many of the spirits tried to escape. However, Eckart chose not to escape; a wise decision, as all of the fleeing spirits were destroyed. After the breaking of the door, the Spirit World never felt the same to Eckart, and new spirits did not come. He decided that he didn't want to stay in the Spirit World any longer and escaped to the Realm of the Living, where he has been terrorizing the galaxy ever since.

    Now, Eckart has his sights set on Earth, where he plans to exact revenge on the humans...

    Weapon: Bloodrend- A Scythe that Eckart can summon at will. It's blade is around three feet long and glows red. The shaft is black and has chains hanging from it. It can store the souls of the people it kills in the blade.

    Soul Feast- Eckart can devour the souls of the people he kills to boost his Speed and Magical Power for a short time. He can store souls in his Scythe to allow him to use this ability at any time (does not start with any souls stored). The power boost gained from eating a soul lasts about five minutes. Eckart can eat multiple souls to stack this effect, but more than three at a time will have no effect.

    Wicked Revival- Eckart can summon the ghosts of evil people to assist him in combat. He has complete control over them. The more he summons the harder it is to maintain the spell, so he rarely summons more than a handful.

    Shadow Mastery- Eckart can manpulate shadows and darkness and change them into magical energy, which he can then use to attack his foes.

    Evil Kinesis- Eckart can use telekinesis to control things without touching them, such as breaking someone's limb from afar. the range for this ability is about a 30' circle around him. Prolonged use of this ability causes Eckart to become fatigued.

    Note: Eckart has high magic capability and can move very quickly. However, this is offset by the fact that he is very physically weak, both offensively and defensively.
  6. Name: Keiko Hayashi (known as "Chirin Hayashi" or simply "Chirin" after her Witch Clan)

    Age: 14 at time of death

    Gender: Female

    Race: Undead

    Appearance: Keiko Normally Keiko.jpg
    In her Akuryou Form Akuryou Form.jpg

    Personality: Keiko, while still alive, was a shy but kind girl. She was compassionate and open-minded. However, in death, Keiko has become jaded and twisted; she is very apathetic and cruel. She still tends to be quiet, but when she does speak, it is contemptuous and mocking.

    Weapons: No conventional weapons, relies on magic.

    Abilities: Shadow Weapons: Can form shadowy magic into a weapon that causes magical damage whenever it connects. Can the form of any weapon, such as a broadsword, rapier, staff, scythe, etc.

    Blood Magic: The Chirin Witches specialty magic. It works by writing a seal with Keiko's blood. Can be written on anything, such as a tree or the ground. Once the seal is drawn, the spell immediately activates (see Jirai for an exception). Seals are small symbols about 3"x3" in size. Once the effect of the spell is done, the seal is useless and another seal must be drawn to cast the spell again. Depending on the word written, there are several different effects this can have:
    Amaya: Needles of purple aura will rain down upon the foe. The spell will last for several seconds, then dissipate. Low individual damage but difficult to dodge effectively.
    Kiru: Vertical waves of purple aura cut through the ground toward the target. Has a cone-
    shaped hitbox in front of Keiko. A Kiru Seal makes one volley of several waves.
    Nankan: A barrier of aura shaped like a cylinder appears around Keiko, able to deflect or
    absorb most attacks. Will last until an attack hits Keiko, or until she dispels it.
    Jirai: A land mine of aura. Keiko writes the seal, then she can detonate it by saying "Jirai."
    Explosion deals heavy damage with a small burst radius. The Seal remains inactive until the word is said. The spell can be negated if the seal is disturbed before Keiko says "Jirai."

    Magic Eater: A Chirin Witch hidden spell, known only by the upper Echelon. Does not require a seal to cast. Keiko can consume Magical energy, such as opposing attacks. This will not heal her or power her up, but the attack will be rendered ineffective. If the spell is too powerful, however, it can cause a backlash that damages Keiko.

    Broom Flight: Keiko can move very quickly while riding upon her broomstick. This can be used to easily close distance with the opponent or dash backwards to give herself some space. Her broom can be summoned/unsummoned at will.

    Golem Familiar: Can create a Golem out of earth, bone, flesh or stone. These Golems deal a fair amount of damage but can't think for themselves. They follow simple orders like "Kill" or "Stop." Their natural instinct is to attack mindlessly, though they will never harm Keiko.

    Akuryou Form: By writing the "Akuryou" seal on her forehead, Keiko can access a forbidden magic that causes her to transform into a powerful, murderous spirit. While in this form, she is hellbent on killing everything around her. Her magic and strength are boosted and her speed is also slightly boosted in this form. In Akuryou Form, Keiko is unable to use Golem Familiar, Broom Flight (though she flies naturally as a spirit), or any of her Blood Magic. However, she instead gains access to the following abilities:
    Murder Beam: Akuryou Form Keiko shoots a beam of blood-red aura out of her mouth.
    Causes decent magical damage.
    Deathly Wail: Unleashes a screeching cacophony. Will cancel out illusory magic as well as
    deafen an the opponent.

    Bio: Keiko was a normal girl who lived on alternate version of earth. There, magic was accepted as a common thing, though it was somewhat hushed and looked down upon. The practitioners of magic were called Witches or Warlocks and were often persecuted.

    Keiko's parents were naturally adept at magic; though they went to great lengths to keep their secret hidden, they also felt like magic was a natural part of life and should not be shunned. On Keiko's 7th birthday, she was so excited about her cake that she lit her own candles, magically. Luckily, her parents were able to play it off as a practical joke so that the other parents didn't get suspicious. However, after the party, they explained to Keiko all about magic. From that day forward they would teach her tricks here and there, like how to write without using a pen (or your hand!) or how to move stuff like coins without touching them.

    By the age of 14, Keiko was well-versed in these simple cantrips and was ready to move onto something greater. However, the persecution of Witches and Warlocks was on the rise, and her parents would not teach her any higher magics. Keiko was frustrated but trusted her parent's judgement.

    Later on that same year, on a special night called Halloween, Keiko was trick-or-treating with a group of friends. One of the friends was a boy named Ricard who she was infatuated with. Toward the end of the night, when most of the group started to head home, Ricard asked Keiko if she wanted to take a walk alone with him. She shyly accepted.

    During the walk, Ricard romanced her to the point where they were about to kiss; but instead, all Keiko felt was the cold steel of a knife in her back. Ricard was secretly a deranged psychopath who had decided Keiko would be his first kill. Ricard stabbed Keiko over and over and gouged out her eyes.

    That night, when the clouds moved and a full moon could be seen, a group of Witches from the Chirin Clan stumbled upon Keiko's body. They figured she would make a fine meat Golem and tried to summon her up; instead of becoming a Golem, Keiko was revived as an Undead, a corpse reanimated by magic. Her natural magical potential resonated with the Witches, and they decided to take Keiko under their wing.

    In the years that followed, many things happened. First, Keiko witnessed her parents burned at the stake when their secret was finally revealed. This made her hate the world and take on her cruel and sardonic demeanor. Then, she was able to learn Blood Magic from the Witches, as well as the technique called Magic Eater later on. Once she mastered all of these magics, she found out about a forbidden magic called the Akuryou Form. The Witches would not let Keiko learn it. So, Keiko killed them and claimed the magic and the name of Chirin for herself.

    Ever since then, she has been stalking the earth, with no other purpose other than to spread death and hatred.

    Other: Keiko can still see even though she doesn't have eyes. It isn't sight in the traditional sense, it is more of a sixth sense, but serves the same purpose and works just as well. Keiko carries a small notebook that she is able to write seals in.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2012
  7. Name: Exilus (no middle or last name)

    Age: 24

    Universe and World: Kingdom Hearts, Homeworld: Boundless Horizon (OC World). Also lived on Ashen Crater (OC World).

    Personality: Exilus is sadistic, cruel, and hedonistic by nature. He is usally kinder to those in the Syneptophy and those that are close to him, but he has been known to exercise cruelty on them as well. Exilus can usually be found with a wide smile across his face, whether he is causing pain or simply reaping every pleasure he can.

    Appearance: Exilus is 6'4" and has long, flowing black hair. His eyes are amber and his skin is tan due to his exposure to darkness. He wears a suit of armor adorned with spikes on the pauldrons, colored black with a grey trim. A black cloak flows behind him.

    Weapon: Dual Keyblades. One is the Keyblade of the Heart of Ashen Crater and is called "Brimstone Shadow." The other is the Keyblade of the Heart of Boundless Horizons and is called "Fathomless Destiny."

    Powers: Heart Theft: Just as the name implies, this is the power to steal hearts (or "souls" in other universes). This power is performed using a Keyblade, and cannot be used effectively unless the target is very near death or has lost the will to live.

    Wretched Banquet: This power allows Exilus to consume hearts and other forms of spiritual energy (not including attacks that utilize spiritual energy, it must be inert). This will provide Exilus
    with an ample power boost, improving his speed and destructive capabilities. This effect lasts for three posts and cannot be stacked to amplify the effect further.

    Shadow Magic: The ability to use darkness to attack. This darkness can be manipulated into any form, such as condensed bullets or a whip.

    Corridor of Darkness: This power allows for extremely quick travel from one world to another. The drawback is that the transition is fairly random, and the user may not end up exactly
    where they wanted to. Exilus's mastery allows him to come closer to his target than an ameteur.

    Hallowed Heartless: Exilus is able to summon heartless, from simple Shadows to mighty Invisibles. He can summon a large group of weaker Heartless (Shadows, Soldiers, etc.) or a small group of powerful heartless (Invisibles, Defenders, etc.).

    Keyblade Training: Exilus recieved standard, if brutal, training from a Keyblade Master. This has allowed him to learn all of the basic skills of a Keyblade wielder, including how to summon a
    Keyblade Glider, how to lock/unlock anything, and how to cast magic using the Keyblade as a conduit. Exilus's strength and defense are bolstered from the years of brutal training he has

    Master Magic: Exilus knows Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga.

    Fusion Casting: Exilus is able to combine his Master Magic abilities with themselves and also with his Shadow Magic ability. This can allow for a bolt of interspersed fire and thunder, or a hail
    of ice and spikes of darkness, as well as other combinations.

    Bio: Exilus was orphaned early on in his childhood. He lived on the streets, stealing to survive. At age seven, Exilus tried to pickpocket a strange-looking woman; as it turned out, this woman was a
    Keyblade Master, and an evil one at that. She looked at Exilus in disgust and almost lashed out at the little pickpocket. As fate would have it, she instead summoned her Keyblade, and offered the
    handle to Exilus. "Go on," she said. "You wanted to steal something didn't you?" Exilus, thinking that the Keyblade might fetch a price, grabbed the handle unknowingly; it shined with the telltale light of acceptance, and so the Keyblade Initiation Ceremony was complete. The Keyblade Master then introduced herself as Nocta and extended a hand to Exilus. "Time to get out of this dump. You have a destiny to fufill."

    Nocta took Exilus back to her homeworld, a place called Ashen Crater. There, Nocta had accumulated a small following of Keyblade wielders who had also given in to darkness. They were her students of war and Exilus was her newest scholar. Exilus was only eight when Nocta started training him, but she made him go through the same regiment as fully-grown adults. He was forced to spar with the others who were all two or three times his age.

    The darkness grew quickly inside of Exilus, until his heart was nearly devoid of light. Nocta taught him how to control this darkness and harness it as power. By the age of 15, Exilus was adept at using darkness to attack, creating dark corridors, and even summoning heartless. By 17 he had mastered the three techniques. Exilus was learning faster than any other student, and Nocta recognized his amazing potential.

    Soon after Exilus's 18th birthday, Nocta and her students returned to Boundless Horizon to test their strength. Using Exilus on the front lines, Nocta and her students summoned an army of Heartless and began to destroy everything in sight. In a few short days, the world had fallen to darkness, and Exilus's blooming was complete; he was now a beacon of darkness and a powerful warrior. Nocta was proud of her student.

    In the heat of the battle on Boundless Horizon, Exilus unlocked one of his abilities. bringing his Keyblade down on a helpless civilian, Exilus drove the tip of it into the man's chest, then twisted the weapon. The man's body transformed into a walking shadow as a pink aura floated up from where his body once was. Exilus grabbed the heart, and out of pure instinct, he crushed it in his hand. He felt a rush of power. A smile crawled across Exilus face as he realized he was able to consume the hearts that he stole.

    Exilus then found Nocta on the battlefield and confronted her. Though he had no grudge against the woman, he had no love for her either, and Exilus understood the position of power he could
    achieve by eliminating Nocta. The teacher understood immediately and met the challenge with a grin. Keyblades collided and sparks flew from the metal clashing. In the end Exilus was able to best her, but only barely. In the process Nocta had given Exilus a large wound across the face. "Remember... when I spoke of your destiny?" A pause as she coughed up some blood. "You're... right on track... good luck."

    Boundless Horizon fell to the darkness mere hours later. When the surviving students regathered, they asked where Nocta was. "Nocta has retired," Exilus informed them. "I am your new Master."

    With a small retinue of Keyblade wielders, Exilus went on to form the Syeptophy, intent on spreading darkness to all the worlds. It wasn't long until he found out his power to steal hearts could be used on worlds as well. Exilus devoured many worlds until he finally heard of Deep Granam. He is now looking for this mysterious heart of all things in order to rule it and all of the universe.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2012
  8. Basic Info

    Name: Harumi Sasaki
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Universe of Origin: Kingdom Hearts
    Homeworld: Radiant Garden
    Current Residence: Radiant Garden
    Current Occupation: Apprentice, Mercenary

    Physical Info

    Appearance: Harumi.jpg
    This picture displays her physical appearance, most notably her facial features and her demeanor. This is an expression she wears often. Also gives an idea of her form and level of fitness.

    Battle Attire: Harumi's Battle Attire.jpg
    This picture displays her battle outfit.

    Personal Info

    Personality: Cheerful and confident. Harumi is good at brightening other people's days, and loves to help others as much as she can. She is a loyal friend and an unforgiving enemy. Harumi believes that those who stray from the path of light should not be trusted. Her pride can sometimes get her into trouble.

    Known Connections: Squall Leonhart, "Leon"- Gunblade Master. Teaches Harumi how to fight, cast magic, and be a soldier.
    Aren Sasaki- Father. A loving caretaker who would do anything for Harumi. He is a construction worker.
    Sumiko Sasaki- Mother. She is a housewife and an amazing cook.
    Yuffie Kisaragi- Friend of Squall. Sometimes assists Harumi in her training. The two have become friends as well.
    Rin Inoue- Harumi's friend since childhood. She's a Key Bearer that has left Radiant Guardian to obtain her Mark of Mastery.
    Nobu Kobayashi- Another childhood friend. He's a Key Bearer as well, but he was fallen to the power of darkness. His current location is unknown to Harumi.

    History: Harumi is a resident of Radiant Guardian. She is the apprentice of Squall Leonhart, who is teaching her how to wield a gunblade, magic, and other combat techniques. She acts as one more warrior of light, making sure that the streets of Radiant Guardian are never plagued by darkness.

    Combat Info

    Weapons: Rising Courage- Gunblade.jpg (basic shape)
    A revolver-type gunblade, similar to Squall's. It is a little longer than the standard, with the blade measuring three feet long. The handle is bright pink with black trim, while the revolver is rose colored. This weapon can be used from a distance; the revolver shoots .357 caliber bullets. The sheathe is on her waist on her left side.

    Eris and Venus- Harumi's Heart Daggers.jpg
    Two stylized daggers kept in sheathes on the belt that enable them to be drawn quickly. They cannot be thrown very effectively, but are great close-combat weapons that take advantage.

    Non-Magical Abilities: Dexterous- Harumi is more acrobatic than the average person. She can perform feats of jumping, dodging, and running with incredible speed and precision. Harumi is also able to perform high-level parkour maneuvers. She has great fine motor control and hand-eye coordination.

    Magical Abilities: Basic Magic- Harumi can cast Fire, Blizzard, Thunder and Cure.
    Fire- An orb of fire manifests in Harumi's hand or at the tip of one of her blades, then shoots at the opponent. In close range, this spell can instead take the form of a swath of flames that Harumi directs with her hand.
    Blizzard- An orb of ice manifests in Harumi's hand or at the tip of one of her blades, then shoots at the opponent. At long range, the spell can instead take the form of ice crystals that manifest above the opponent, then shoot downward at them.
    Thunder- A bolt of lightning shoots from Harumi's hand or the tip of one of her blades. If multiple enemies are close to each other, this spell can instead take the form of several bolts of lightning that rain down on the group. The latter method makes each individual bolt less powerful, however.
    Cure- An orb of light descends upon Harumi or one of her allies. This heals light wounds and fatigue.

    Natural Mage- In video game terms, this ability would be equivalent to a high MP stat. Compared to the average mage, it takes Harumi about 1.5x more casting to become spiritually fatigued.

    Other: Harumi carries 24 spare bullets for her revolver in a pouch around her waist, and always has Rising Courage fully loaded, for a total of 30 bullets on her person.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2012
  9. Basic Info​

    Name: Djezalia Belairius
    Age: 22
    Gender: Female
    Race: Vahla
    Homeworld: Vjun, Outer Rim
    Current Residence: Korriban, Outer Rim
    Current Occupation: Self-employed Sith
    Affiliations: Empire

    Physical Info​

    Appearance: Sith Belairius.jpg Being born on a world steeped in the dark side caused her eyes to be red, a color not usually found among the Valha. Also note that, while the picture depicts a cybernetic arm, both of Djezalia's arms are normal.

    Casual Attire: Belairius Casual.jpg

    Battle Attire: Belairius Armor.jpg

    Personal Info​

    Personality: Djezalia is a quiet and calculated individual. She is somewhat anti-social but is still quite capable in social situations if she wants to be. She has an underlying thirst for blood that comes out when she becomes angry. Djezalia is also remarkably cruel. She greatly respects the Sith and the Empire but is not afraid to step on their toes to get what she wants.

    Connections: Darth Umbra aka Tulan Belairius- Adopted father/Dromund Kaas/"Adopted" her during a raid after killing her parents. Partially responsible for training Djezalia in the ways of the Sith.

    History: Djezalia was born to a group of wandering Valha who were both force sensitive. Djezalia grew up on Vjun until she was six years old, at which point her parents left with a group of nomadic Vahla. While on a Republic space station, the station was raided by the Empire. Djezalia's parents were killed in the turmoil and she was left as an orphan. Toward the end of the raid, she was discovered by a Sith Lord named Tulan Belairius. Tulan sensed her natural force sensitivity and forcefully adopted her.

    For the next twelve years of her life, Tulan trained Djezalia in the ways of the Sith and the Matukai, all the while cultivating her hatred for him. He trained her how to refine her natural talent with the force and to harness the power of the dark side. Being a Vahla (born on Vjun, no less), Djezalia excelled in all of Tulans teachings. By the time she was 18, she had completed all of the training necessary to become a full-fledged Sith, including building her own lightsaber.

    Djezalia then left to Korriban to train in its naturally dark energies. There she explored the tombs of Tulak Hord and Marka Ragnos, learning many dark side lessons. She remained on Korriban for two years. During that time Djezalia was asked to be an instructor for the students at the academy. She accepted the offer. Her students had less than a 10% passing rate, but those that did pass her training became the prime example of a Sith.

    After her time on Korriban, Djezalia went back to Vjun and trained in solitude for a year. Within this time, she honed her skills in the dark side and nurtured her hatred for her father. She came back and took the Empire by storm, assisting the military and helping to win many skirmishes. However, despite her power and her efforts, she went unnoticed by the Empire by and large. Djezalia has concluded that her father is taking credit for her efforts.

    Now, having heard of the Victus Cystallis, Djezalia travels to Dromund Kaas, intent on proving her worth to the Empire once and for all...

    Combat Info​

    Weaponry: Personal Lightsaber Bloodlust- This is Djezalia's lightsaber that she built herself. It houses a Synth-Crystal that makes a more powerful, but less maneuverable blade. When clashing with a non-Synth lightsaber, this blade has an extremely slim chance to short the other lightsaber, making it unable to be used for at least a minute (it is the opponent's decision whether or not this takes place upon a clash). The color is red with a black core.

    DH-17 Blaster Pistol- DH-17 blaster pistol - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki

    Non-Weapon Technology: Electrobinoculars- Electrobinoculars - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki

    Armor: Djezalia’s battle attire is light and offers flexibility over protection. However, The metal section over her chest resists blaster bolts, while the fiber of the rest of her armor dampens damage from most types of blasters.

    Standard Abilities:

    Form IV: Ataru- Djezalia is competent in the lightsaber form Ataru, a primarily aggressive form that utilizes acrobatics along with quick and devastating burst attacks. Djezalia’s Matukai Training allows her to augment her dexterity while in this form by drawing on the force.

    Form V: Shien/Djem So- This form is two fold; the Shien style is focused on reflecting blaster bolts and Djem So is focused on counter-attacking, while both styles make use of short power attacks. The aim of this form is to use the opponent's attacks against them.

    Force Abilities:

    Matukai Training- The Matukai were a group that believed the physical body could be used as a conduit of the force. To this end, they practiced martial arts, exercised vigorously, and practiced physical meditations, all intertwined with the force. This ability actually encompasses several abilities:
    Physical Superiority- Djezalia is able to passively channel the force to improve her dexterity, strength, and stamina. Unless being channeled for stamina, this will fatigue her. She cannot channel to improve more than one area at once. If improving stamina, further use of Force Abilities will fatigue her as normal.
    Martial Artist- Djezalia is a superb hand-to-hand fighter. She could even be considered a specialist.
    Force Jump- Djezalia can use this training to jump incredible distances, vertically and horizontally. At its most powerful, this ability can allow Djezalia to jump 30' both in height and distance.
    Force Speed- Djezalia is able to speed up her movements with the force. It also makes Djezalia perceive everything to be slightly slower.

    Saber Throw- Djezalia can throw her blade, using the force to guide it to her target and bring it back to her. She is talented in it’s execution, though she is unable to use more difficult techniques such as changing the course of the weapon mid-throw. This power has a maximum range of 30’.

    Sith Lightning- The classic Sith power, Djezalia channels her hatred and suffering into electricity that then erupts out of her palms. It is a powerful ability that causes a good amount of damage and is also capable of shorting out electric technology. However, the ability also quite to sustain. This power has a maximum range of 30'. Djezaria is unique in the sense that when using this ability, the electricity produced is black.

    Force Flame- A power not often seen. While on Vjun, training in a particularly volcanic region, Djezalia was practicing one of her martial arts forms when she was overcome with a burning desire. She thrust out her hand and flames spouted forth in a jet of death. Now Djezalia considers it her trademark ability. The flame of this ability is fueled by the force and can damage even heat-retardant materials. This power has a maximum range of 10'.

    Special Abilities: None.

    Other Info​

    Notes: Djezaria cannot pilot a starship, but she wants to learn how.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  10. Basic Info

    Name: Asiila
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Universe of Origin: Kingdom Hearts
    Homeworld: Aether Plains
    Current Residence: Ashen Crater
    Current Occupation: Head Recon Officer for the Syneptophy, frequently assigned to planetary surveying.

    Physical Info

    Appearance: Asiila.jpg Asiila has a slim but fit build. She is quite strong, though her appearance somewhat hides that. She is about 5'9".

    Typical Attire: Asiila will often wear the apprentice cloak that is given to all of Exilus's apprentices. It looks similar to an Organization XIII cloak, except it will have a badge over the heart which indicates the rank of the apprentice. Asiila's cloak boasts a Gold Keyblade Badge, indicating she is an officer, the highest rank of apprentice.

    She will also sometimes wear more casual cloths, and she particularly likes dresses. She tends to wear clothing that is black, grey, dark blue, dark purple, or some combination of those colors.

    Battle Attire: Bears a great resemblance to Aqua's Keyblade armor, however it is glossy black as it's main color, purple that matches her hair for the secondary, and dark grey for the trim. Asiila's armor also differs from Aqua's in that Asiila's has two small spiked pauldrons and the fins on the side of the head are replaced with backwards-facing, twisted horns.

    Personal Info

    Personality: Overall, Asiila is even tempered and calculated. However, under the right circumstances, her personality can change, from becoming docile to becoming extremely angry and cruel. She looks up to Exilus and does everything she can to be useful to him. This leads to her acting different around Exilus; she is a bit shyer and quieter in his presence. She generally looks down on all lesser rank apprentices, and she does absolutely not tolerate weakness or failure, often doling out harsh punishments to those who fall short of her expectations. She is known to become furious when one of hers or Exilus's plans is compromised due to inside incompetence.

    History: Asiila was born on a world called Aether Plains; as the name suggests, the majority of the world is rolling, peaceful plains and prairies, interspersed with low, soft hills and calm oceans. The "Aether" part of the name comes from a wonderful rippling effect that would fill the sky, similar to a constant, purple, aurora borealis.

    When Asiila was born, she bore a birthmark over her heart that signified she was a bad omen. Because of this, the Elders of the town ordered that she would be kept in a temple outside of town, secluded from everyone but the temple’s monks. The first few years of her life were peaceful as she grew up. Asiila was a happy child who was always smiling or laughing. The monks always had a special love for her. They couldn’t see how such a child could possibly be a bad omen. When Asiila would ask about her birthmark, the Monks would tell her that it was the mark of her destiny; that her heart was so eager to fulfill it’s purpose that it marked her flesh so she would never forget. Asiila’s young life was a cheerful one, and not once did she ask about the world outside of the temple. She was content.

    Then, when Asiila was 10, some knights came from the nearby village. They demanded that Asiila be handed over as a sacrifice. The farms had been slowly degrading for the past ten years, and the Elders thought Asiila must be to blame. The monks tried to stand up to the knights, but the knights were far stronger. They had no choice but to surrender Asiila to them. Huan Tsu, the head monk, picked up Asiila and kissed her on her forehead.

    “Where am I going, Huan?” Asiila asked through sobs.

    “Do not fear, child,” Huan whispered soothingly. “Remember what I told you?” Huan put her down and pointed to her birthmark “Your destiny is calling you. When your heart beckons, there is no choice but to follow.”

    She was then taken to the village of her birth, where she was tied to a stake in the middle of the town square. Despite her only being a small child, the crowd that gathered was ruthless and wanted to see blood. They were the farmers that were sick of barely staying alive and always being hungry. They were past the point of logic, they just wanted something to be done, and the Elders assured them the sacrifice was the salvation they were waiting for.

    When the executioner approached to set fire to the stake, Asiila let out a shrill, gut-wrenching scream. The crowd fell silent. Asiila’s eyed turned black and her body began to seethe darkness. The crowd became unnerved, a few shouting “burn her already!” or “she’s a devil, I knew it!” As the executioner put the torch forward, a pulse of darkness suddenly burst from Asiila, knocking him onto his back and breaking Asiila’s bonds. In Asiila’s hand was a large black Keyblade. She turned to the executioner and pointed her Keyblade at him. Three blasts of darkness shot out of it’s tip and slammed into the executioner’s torso.

    The crowd roared in a terrified rage. Half of them ran away while the other half ran at Asiila, demanding that the sacrifice be made. Asiila attacked the crowd, brandishing a weapon she had never used and firing blasts of darkness. She killed many men before the knights came. Asiila went to attack, but before she could, an unknown woman jumped into the fray, grabbed Asiila, and leapt through a dark portal. The town square was left a bloody mess and the knights were dumbfounded.

    When Asiila came back to her senses, she was inside a nice bedroom that she had never seen before. the walls were dark, stony grey. When Asiila looked out the window she was shocked; she saw a molten, volcanic world, unlike anything she had ever seen on Aether Plains. She jumped when she heard a knock at her door. It slowly opened to reveal a solemn-faced woman. She introduced herself as Nocta and explained that she was in the crowd that was watching her-would be sacrifice and recognized her dark potential. However, Asiila’s memory of the event had been completely wiped, she didn’t even remember the knights coming to the temple.

    For the next several years, Nocta trained Asiila in the ways of the Keyblade and the disciplines of darkness. Nocta would always try to goad Asiila’s hidden power out of her, but to no avail. Asiila possessed natural attunement to the power of darkness and is able to use it frequently while still maintaining control over her heart. During her training, she always looked up to an apprentice named Exilus; while Asiila got special training from Nocta, Exilus had to keep up with the same regimen as the adults while being around half their age. Asiila admired that.

    During the Battle of Boundless Horizon, Asiila fought ferociously and took many lives. By that time she was quite skilled and was assigned to lead a strike team. If it weren’t for their squad flanking the main defense force, the apprentices may not have won the day.

    Now, Asiila diligently follows the will of Exilus. Her primary goal is to be as useful to him and the Syneptophy as possible.

    Combat Info


    Deep Night: Asiila's Keyblade.jpg
    Asiila’s Keyblade. It is an average-length Keyblade measuring around three and a half feet. It is naturally attuned to the power of darkness, making it less draining for Asiila to use her dark powers. This is the only form her Keyblade can take at present.

    Non-Magical Abilities​

    Aerial Combo Mastery: Combining her Keyblade training with her ability to Glide and Float, Asiila is able to continue aerial combat indefinitely. In addition to this, she is more maneuverable and deals slightly more damage while airborne.

    Keyblade Training: Asiila received special training from a Keyblade Master named Nocta. This has allowed her to learn all of the basic skills of a Keyblade wielder, including how to summon a Keyblade Glider, how to lock/unlock anything, and basic combat trainings that are meant to be used in front-line combat. Asiila was never good at magic and to this day cannot successfully cast a spell (manifestations of darkness notwithstanding).

    Magical Abilities​

    Asiila’s Birthmark: Asiila was born with a birthmark that, to her village, branded her as a bad omen. It is because of this birthmark that she was almost sacrificed in order to appease some higher power. Though the meaning of the mark is uncertain, it amplifies Asiila’s mastery over the darkness and can also give way to her Unlocked Form.

    Unlocked Form: A form that greatly amplifies Asiila’s skill with her Keyblade as well as the power of her darkness abilities. In exchange, Asiila has very, very little control over herself while in Unlocked Form and will be extremely inclined to kill whatever is nearest to her. She is also not able to enter the Form voluntarily. Asiila will transform into her Unlocked Form only whenever she is seconds away from death. While in this form, Asiila’s eyes turn pure black and her body seethes darkness.

    Glide/Float: Asiila is highly trained in aerial combat, it being her specialty. Accordingly, she is able to maneuver through the air quite well using magic learned from her first master, Nocta. While gliding, she slowly loses altitude, making the duration of her glide ultimately limited. She can float infinitely, though it will fatigue her after floating for a long period of time (two or more posts without touching ground).

    High Jump: Another ability gleaned from her training with Nocta, this ability lets her jump up to 1.5x her height. Does not exert enough energy to fatigue her. She can also make a second jump of the same height in mid-air, usually accompanied by a flip.

    Dark Adept: Asiila is able to use the darkness inside of her to produce attacks, such as firing blasts of darkness or concentrating dark energy into a melee strike.

    Strike Raid: Asiila is able to throw her Keyblade in an arc-like motion, hitting one or more targets in the arc and then returning to Asiila's hands. She is able to combine this ability with Dark Adept to create Dark Raid.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012

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