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Discussion in 'General' started by Napoléon, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    This was a thread made by Cameron back in either late August of 2009 or early September. (I always question whether or not that kind of information qualifies me as creepy.) Anyway, a lot of the members who wrote in the original thread are no longer around and there's a bunch of new people who have joined since then, so I'm just really curious.

    What language(s) do you speak ?
    How long have you spoken them ? (Or when you started learning them.)
    Is there any other language you would like to learn in the future ? (Perhaps insert a brief explanation as to why.)

    If you have any stories you'd like to share about this, feel free to do so. I enjoy reading what people have to say.


    As for me, I speak both English and French.

    English is my mother tongue which means that I was born English and hence, I use the language often. I started learning French when I was five years old and I speak the language frequently. (I've been speaking French for over a decade ! Where does the time go ?)

    Now, with respect to French, my grandmother was born and raised French (I'm Acadian) so it was really only a matter of time before I would have to learn the language. Once I had to start school around the age of 5, my parents enrolled me in French Immersion which was horrible at first, but eventually I got used to it. At that time, my only English courses were English, Phys Ed and Music. It remained that way up until grade 10 when I had my first English science, history and math class. Being immersed in French was great, now that I think about it and after Grade 1 I really got used to never using English outside of those three exception classes. The only thing that slightly urks me though is that I apparently have a French accent when I speak English. Oh well.

    There are really only two languages that I'd like to learn: German and Spanish.

    German because a lot of the stories I know are originally written in German, so it would be great to read them in their true essence and because the way things are pronounced in German sounds epic and harsh (?) It's the way they roll their speech or something; I always enjoyed listening to the German exchange students speaking the language.

    As for Spanish, there's literally something about the language that sounds sexy and sultry, so it would be great to be able to speak it.
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I want to learn and speak Spanish fluently. I've been taking 4 semesters of Spanish in High School and I'm currently taking Hispanic Culture and Language. Spanish is one of the world's leading native and secondary language.

    Next I'ma take American Sign Language. Mainly because it's a language that doesn't involve speech but body language.
  3. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    I speak a lot of dialectz @w@

    but for languages: Taiwanese Mandarin, Japanese and Engrish.

    Taiwanese Mandarin: it'z really my first language since I was born... there isn't much to say about it... but I'd have to say, even though itz my native language, I'm still impressed by it. for example, in Mandarin, 4 words can describe a whole situation. or even 8 wordz to describe something. for example, from the Taiwanese Mandarin singer, 梁靜茹's,"崇拜", has a verse saying, "你以為愛就是被愛" (literally: you thought love was a blanket-"covered" love). but actually, it means, "You thought love means to love and be loved back." --- putting different combination wordz can create a completely different meaning. another example, 人山人海 (literally: people mountain people sea) is a saying that there'z people every where (like in a concert). and of course, there'z many other 4 wordz that say a lot of stuff~~
    but I should say.... it'z hard to learn ......-has taught people Taiwanese Mandarin- <-- they could not grasp the sounds. QQ

    Japanese: Japanese ...is actually my third language. I had interest in it, since I was ...i dunno. I watched Japanese anime.. since.. I don't know. (fail . LMAO.) but I never started to seriously learn it until I was 10 ...(who knowz why). but the grammar structure is different from Mandarin ..so it'z hard to get the concept at first. but after a little while learning, i got the hang of it~ (and is now able to know enough to translate). what do I have to say to it??? ...learn how to speak it fast before you go to Japan. LMAO. but I love the language sooooooo much >w<... itz an amazing language *w*

    English: .....I have no comment on this. ;w;


    I speak a lot of dialectz @w@

    but for languages: Taiwanese Mandarin, Japanese and Engrish.

    Taiwanese Mandarin: it'z really my first language since I was born... there isn't much to say about it... but I'd have to say, even though itz my native language, I'm still impressed by it. for example, in Mandarin, 4 words can describe a whole situation. or even 8 wordz to describe something. for example, from the Taiwanese Mandarin singer, 梁靜茹's,"崇拜", has a verse saying, "你以為愛就是被愛" (literally: you thought love was a blanket-"covered" love). but actually, it means, "You thought love means to love and be loved back." --- putting different combination wordz can create a completely different meaning. another example, 人山人海 (literally: people mountain people sea) is a saying that there'z people every where (like in a concert). and of course, there'z many other 4 wordz that say a lot of stuff~~
    but I should say.... it'z hard to learn ......-has taught people Taiwanese Mandarin- <-- they could not grasp the sounds. QQ

    Japanese: Japanese ...is actually my third language. I had interest in it, since I was ...i dunno. I watched Japanese anime.. since.. I don't know. (fail . LMAO.) but I never started to seriously learn it until I was 10 ...(who knowz why). but the grammar structure is different from Mandarin ..so it'z hard to get the concept at first. but after a little while learning, i got the hang of it~ (and is now able to know enough to translate). what do I have to say to it??? ...learn how to speak it fast before you go to Japan. LMAO. but I love the language sooooooo much >w<... itz an amazing language *w*

    English: .....I have no comment on this. ;w;
    ...except that I finished learning the alphabet when i was 11 month old and 1-10 in Engrish. ._.

    Dialects: Taiwanese and Hakka

    Taiwanese + Hakka: both are dialects in Taiwan; and Taiwanese is the official one based off of Mandarin (..as you can see~). and Hakka is a sub-dialect of Taiwanese. I speak Hakka with my grandparentz, and Taiwanese i only have chance to speak in Taiwan (when i visit my cousinz and stuff). >w<
    ...they just make everything sound dramatic~~
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I only speak English. Instead of taking a current language in high school and college, I took Latin. It's speakable, but it's been so long I doubt I could speak it well enough to sound fluent. I can use it to guess at the meanings of some Spanish and French words if I see them written down, but unfortunately I never took classes in either of those (and I don't think I'd get a whole lot of use out of them where I live, especially the french.)

    What I'd really like to learn is American sign. I know a little, because it's something I'd tried to use in my infant classes in the past to help them communicate before they can talk, but I'd like to learn a lot more and get back to using it, because it's really awesome when the little ones pick it up.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Well this past school year I took Chinese. And at the beginning of my school year I applied for this cultural exchange program for China. I only took like two months of Chinese and they said I could go :D Left school three weeks early and spent seven weeks in China, coming back on my birthday ^.^

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