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'Last post' timer error (TD may want to look)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by shadoweddestroyer, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. I was just looking at the RP's and noticed something. If you look at my post on Desert Stars it claims last post was 1 day ago from me. Yet (at time of posting this) i posted it 10 hours ago. About a week ago i noticed it was at 2 days in around 20 hours. It seems after 9 hours it jumps a day every 10 hours. I cant make that a fact as im not 100% sure on the 2 day one, except i know it wasnt over a day at most.

    Just thought the mods should know about this because its quite annoying in my opinion. ;)

  2. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Or maybe it kinda does that that depending on the location ur from..?? I don't really know though, but that might be it.
  3. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    You can PM LDC1121 (Leah). She's online.
  4. Mike

    Mike Member

    [​IMG] Pokemon

    17 Hours Ago​

    In any case...I don't see 10 hours turn into 1 Day Ago, as I just pasted that I see 17 Hours Ago on the main forum page.

    It's either a local problem (ie. unique to your username, and/or isp and/or browser), or you're simply losing track of time by having too much fun.​

    I'm opting to believe the second, as MySQL Databases don't discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, race, or location. (Har har)​

    To find out, I will check this post periodically, to see what time displays.​

    The time for me is currently 5:13 AM, which places the posting time at roughly 12:13pm. Converting to Grenwich Mean Time, That's 5:13pm, or 17:13.​

    EDIT: Upon editting this point at 5:16, "3 Minutes Ago" displays.​
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  5. Mike

    Mike Member

    Sorry to double post, but I'm only doing do to preserve the "Last edited by Mike" time stamp. (To mods: Please preserve my posts until I can determine is there's some error in the timestamping. I'm only double posting for diagnostics purposes...after it's all sorted out, you can delete the doubles).

    Now it's currently 2:39pm local time, and I see

    Last edited by Mike; 9 Hours Ago at 05:16 AM

    Which is the correct timestamp. So far so good, I'll check back in an hour or two to see.


    Last edited by Mike; 11 Hours Ago at 05:16 AM.

    Seems legit still.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  6. First of all i actually find the 'losing track of time' quite offensive. Yes im 13. But i am NOT a stupid child. Im sorry i know you didnt mean to offend but it is.
    And it just plain as hell isnt 1 day if ive posted it before i start playing on GuildWars, and GW gives you an update every hour to tell you to take a break. I mostly ignore them until they reach about 3 hours. So i knew that after only three breaks i must have played 9 hours. i take breaks of 15 - 20 minutes.
    So do the maths and its 10 hours. Look at this. 1 day later (the correct time) So yes i suppose it must be something to do with living in britain or my IP. But my IP is based over AOL. As an American company that should still work so i really dont understand what the hell is going on then.
    Or maybe it is that thread, as my post at the top of the page is displaying 1 day correctly while the post on that topic is saying 3 days :\ and as ive said it took 10 hours between me posting, playing on GW, breaks, and looking again. I havent really looked at other peoples on that thread as i usually post as soon as anyone else has.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  7. Mike

    Mike Member

    Sure, so y'know what, take offense to the guy (who's not even a staff member) who actually gave a damn, and tried to diagnose and fix your problem...simply for throwing a little humour into his post.

    You know what? THAT is offensive. Quite frankly, you can kiss my ass.


    To TD: I've determined there's no problem with the timestamping.

    Last edited by Mike; 1 Day Ago at 05:16 AM.

    It's been over 20 hours (infact, it's been over 38) and it still says one day.

    EDIT: Mods, please cleanup my double post (if you can be bothered) as I no longer need it, I drew the appropriate conclusions.

    EDIT 2: I also took offense to you challenging the notion that I can do basic arithmetic. Don't bother trying that again.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2008
  8. Wow ive even apologised for saying its offensive AND you still act like an arse. And just because YOU dont have a problem with it doesnt mean I dont.

    Oh and I didnt ever "challenge your notion that i can do basic arithmetic." It was simply put in to show what I was doing to work it out.
    Oh, and what is that? Ive even bloody AGREED with you on alot of it. Oh and your last post seems to go on and on about the first 4 sentences. Short sentences. So 'quite frankly' it seems you have ignored everything else in that post. Wow I thought you might actually be able to work out what it was and help me....

    Oh and (Har har) isnt generally the term used for a joke. Actually universally I usually see har har as a laugh expression at the expense of or cruelly towards a person. Try using something different. I knew in that case it was not being used in the context above I merely assumed it was sarchasm.

    Yeah so why dont you consider that. Oh and I think you've totally overreacted. Oh and I think Ive helped myself. I think its a problem with that thread/forum as the post time still displays correct on this page.

    Im not turning this into a freaking debate so if you reply im not replying back unless you say something absolutely discusting i cant stand.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  9. Mike

    Mike Member

    I've deliberately waited an hour or two after reading your response, to respond, so I don't say things I regret later. Here's how things stand:

    1) I look like I'm being an asshole to you, so I have to redeem myself.
    2) You look like you're being childish and ungrateful, and you have to redeem yourself. (Don't get upset, I explain exactly why I think this, later on in this post. Now you just have to change my opinion)

    So please try to be civil as I'm going to try to redeem myself and explain why #2 holds. You should try to do the same. I'm not exactly looking for people to be cold to over the internet...that doesn't give me some kind of a buzz. So I'd like to work this out before this escalates.

    You didn't apologize. What you did was like the following:

    "I'm sorry, but you're ugly"
    "I'm sorry, but you smell bad"
    "I'm sorry, but you're a moron"

    Even though these contain the word 'sorry' they are not sincere apologies. The rest of your post was written in a tone that doesn't exactly feel like you're sorry...so you didn't apologize. The word sorry doesn't mean anything, it's instead the feelings/reactions behind the words that counts.

    I'm sorry, but I can't help but laugh a bit here because you completely missed the point of what I was doing. (See?)

    I wasn't determining whether or not I have the problem. I was determining whether or not KH-3.NET has the problem. If it was a problem TD can debug, then it would appear that way to EVERYONE. Not just you. Thus by determining that timestamps work for me, I'm eliminating KH-3.NET as the problem. It's on your system, ISP, computer, Browser, wherever it lies....it's none of TD's business, and not his problem.

    My next step would have been to list off possible fixes, including, but not limited to, flushing your browser's cache. But I was stopped before I got to those suggestions.

    Also note that I never said you didn't have a problem. If I did, would I have spent an entire day roaming this topic, to determine when the timestamp changes to "1 day ago" ? Absolutely not.

    See, this ties in with not actually apologizing. The rest of your post was written angrily, and as such you communicated more than just your method of calculation. It was said in a demeaning manner...so in other words, it's not what you wrote, it's how you wrote it.

    It had a "What's 2 + 2? 4? Very goooood!" Sesame-street kind of feel to it. I don't think you can even deny that.

    First, I don't care if you agree with my sense of logic; I agree with my sense of logic, that's all the motivation I need to draw a logical conclusion. If I'm mistaken I'm mistaken...but agreeing/disagreeing with me does not strengthen/weaken my conclusions. That's not how logic works. (this is how math differs from the other sciences, like biology)

    'Quite frankly' you're absolutely right, I did ignore everything else in that post. Read on to find out why. (And furthermore, don't ridicule me for using 'quite frankly.' I don't even want to start tearing apart your post for using weird expressions/bad grammar. "Actually universally" ???)

    And it all boils down to this response;

    I'm almost certain I could have helped you with your problem (except now I would have needed to communicate with you directly, as I've determined the problem lies somewhere out of my, and KH-3.NET's reach). I've already said what my next course of action would have been.

    See when I said "Quite frankly, you can kiss my ass" it means I no longer care about your problem...I can't be bothered. I devoted the better part of a day yesterday to sitting by the computer, so I can occasionally drop in a check the timestamp. And though I'm not going to claim I ONLY did so in order to help you (it's my decision after all), I still devoted lots of time to diagnosing this problem. Then I come back on to post my findings and a suggestion or two, and see your response which I took offense to. Not only did it not express a shred of gratitude, but it also contained things which I took personally.

    Sure, a better man wouldn't have taken them personally, but I'm a human being after all, I can get annoyed as well.

    And FYI: every single person on this earth loses track of time because they're having fun. 13, or 13,000,000 years old. Why you took that personally, I haven't the slightest idea. It's a widely-accepted fact in human psychology: in a pleasurable situation, time passes quickly, in a depressed or painful state, perceived time passes slowly. "Time flies when you're having fun" is a very real phenomenon..."stupid child" or not.

    See, this is the problem that comes up when you talk with someone almost double your age...you have a very different sense of humour.

    'Har har' is indicative of a joke. If you claim otherwise, then you're telling me what I meant with my own words. It's meant to put a slight bit of snarkiness in...almost exactly like using a :p smilie. Except the difference is, I very rarely use smilies (although I've been known to, I didn't in this case)...Often times I use words instead.

    Asking me to consider changing my style of humour to a 13 year old's is identical to asking you to spontaneously age 10-15 years in maturity. It's not going to happen, I haven't been 13 for a long time.

    I'm not claiming I'm 'better' than you for being older, I'm merely saying we're different and have different senses of humour (among other things).

    This is actually the precise reason I don't list my age in my profile: people probably wouldn't talk to me very much, since I'm a fair bit older than the average member here. (Although it's funny, I actually joined these (or rather its predecessor forums) when I was a teenager, a lot of time has just passed since then).

    I also don't feel I've totally overreacted by choosing to withdraw my efforts from solving your problem...because that's really all I said in my previous post. I have every right to do so, as I was trying to do a nice thing for you, and (in my opinion) received a bit of a rude response, instead of what I might have hoped for (some appreciation).

    The problem is, like I said mySQL databases don't discriminate. So there are a few possible problems here...but (at least) until things are sorted out, I won't exactly be giving any suggestions.

    Ok, I'll give one: Do what I did. Be sure to use the EDIT function to edit your posts after 3 minutes. This leaves a nifty little time stamp on your posts (ie. the exact time you posted). It's easier to find a discrepancy this way.


    So basically, yes...I ignored more than half of your last post. That's because I've withdrawn my efforts from fixing your problem. If you don't like something in this post, then you have to change my opinion of you. I'm pretty sure I've explained things in a reasonable manner, and if you don't accept my view of the situation (ie. that there are two sides to the story), then you have a lot to learn as you grow older.
  10. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Ok, i really don't know what the heck you guys are talking about but, fighting is not the option. Wait till TD takes a look at this.
  11. Ok I said im not turning this into a debate so Im not going to. Im going to make 3 points and that is it, then I hope a moderator FINALLY closes this thread.

    And Id just like to say now, Im sorry it didnt come across as grateful. Actually I was pleased that someone was looking at it. I just got the feel alot of your edits were telling me 'You're wrong'. Yes I know you didnt mean it like that just read the damn post.... :p

    1. I can deny that it had a 'Sesame-Street' feel to it. First of all, you have said quite alot in that post that Im 13. You say you dont want to change your sense of humour (which is my next point) then please dont ask me to change my expressions.

    2. This is an all out apology. "Yeah so why dont you consider that." was never directed at your humour, it was directed at my entire post. Im sorry i didnt make it very clear, I merely wanted you to consider what I had to say.

    "Sure, a better man wouldn't have taken them personally, but I'm a human being after all, I can get annoyed as well."

    3. You say this and yet only a couple lines later you say "And FYI: every single person on this earth loses track of time because they're having fun. 13, or 13,000,000 years old. Why you took that personally, I haven't the slightest idea." I havent got an idea why you took offense to that post. What in there did you take personally? I really do want to know, because I didn't think anything personal was in there.

    Ok I really am not posting again. You have redeemed yourself in my eyes (aside from criticising my grammar when you have got brackets within brackets ^_^)
    I do not expect the favour in return. I have been an arsehole lately. Not just to you to most people. My friends, my family, people on other sites, other games. But only my friends and my family understand why. Anyone else just thinks Im a pity-seeking little brat and thats probably what alot of people are thinking as you read this. So Id just like to say Im NOT using that as a lever. Just as further evidence that I know Ive been a right sod and for you to forgive me. I need to redeem myself a hell of alot more.

    Loco you are right. Im leaving this thread, and, if you will Mike, no hard feelings.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  12. >>>Once again it has double posted. It probably is my internet.<<<
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008

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