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(Late) Hello again!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Burnin'-Axel, Jun 20, 2009.

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  1. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Hey everyone how're you all doing?:D i was an old memember that was around back when this place was KH-3.net. I left for a very long time (due to.....um....issues) but have come back. i know that this might be a bit...late but i thought i should do this anyway ^^"
    Anyway, im looking forward to meeting everyone new (and old). I proabably wont dissapear this time.

    well, cyaz all around sometime!!:D:D
  2. Unbirth


    Whats up welcome back.
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Hey, I don't think we have met before. If you have any questions about the site, feel free to ask.
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