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Lavender town possibly hold a deadly ghost?!

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by DarkAngel, May 7, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    First off I would like to state that I didn't know where to put this.

    Second For those of you that don't know what Lavender town is it is a place in Pokemon origanly only in pokemon Red and Blue virsions. not knowing what is going on I desided to bring this to view. aperantly there is a Ghost called white hand that is in the lavender town tower held for dead pokemon. now knowing that pokemon don't exist at first I was thinking they were pulling the wool over my eyes so to speak but resent discoveries have lead me to believe that there is something haunting those games. knowing its not a pokemon there could be any nuber of posibilities. I am shaking just by saying this stuff. rumer also has it that Riku officials Story is from a game that is from a downlodable game called Lost silver I also have found a game called Tarnished gold. both of these game basicly describe the death of someone eh thought they saw pokemon. now mind you these games make no sence and people that have seen them have said they have been creeped out and seen things crawling about the screan while the game was being played. me being one of these people I finaly desided that there was something more going on. I also noticed that the unknowns in Lost silver spell out I am dead in a sertan way. this terifying to me...I also know that from one of the bellow videos that there is a "Glitch" in the games that at the end of a game there is a message with the Lavender town music mixed with the music you here in the ruins that the unknown live in and when it scrols acrosed the screan you see what people say is a Ghost Pokemon with unknown spelling the words "Leave now" the same is with the end of the Lost silver game the last Unknown you see in your party before the game ends are all spelling those words. now if I am not mastaking the Unknown didn't come untill the Gold and Silver games wich makes it very strange and creepy that there are unknown in Blue and Red. also what wierds me out is that in the games there is this White diddo that will apear in your box that when you cheack it again it will turn into a normal evee, then a normal arbok and back into the white diddo...reading into this the first letters of the pokemon spell out D.E.A.D. ...as in DEAD...this creeped me out...also what was weird was that every time the Diddo came in its name was known as Whitehand. I made this thread so that people would find this and descause anything they have seen as strange as they have played Pokemon Blue or red. anything will do...and if all the things that have been descause here are at all true in any form then Pokemon itself may be dangores to play in any way shape or form... ... ...

    Here are some links to the game play and one that descauses the Whitehand theroy...

    White Hand - The Myths & Truths of Lavender Town - YouTube

    Lost Silver (Hidden) - YouTube

    haven't found a Tarnished gold video yet...

    this maybe a theory or not...I am not one to try to convince people...but this is deffinetly something I would like anyone who likes ghosts to help me look into...
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    The chances of something coming out of the screen of your game is very high if you continue to play, there have been reports of strange things like this before, your DS screen is cracked Beyond repair and whenever you turn the lights off you hear the noise of the pokemon you like the most, people have gone crazy and there is 1 suicide attempt that has been recorded because they saw a "Dead Pokemon" in the mirror. Stop playing Lost sliver now and whatever you do dont play Tarnished Gold.
  3. Anniexo

    Anniexo New Member

    I think you two need to lay off CreepyPasta XD
  4. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    maybe but its still a possiblity...not to mention that if Lost gold was bad and Tarnished gold is worse...then we are all probably gona die from playing the Pokemon games...
  5. Anniexo

    Anniexo New Member

    People have just made these up you know?
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    wrong...I have seen some wierd things... lately with my Ds Pokemon gam and let me tell you its not worth trying to get the music on the game...
  7. Anniexo

    Anniexo New Member

    Care to go in to more detail?
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Haha I doubt you'll die or something will pop out of the screen.
  9. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    no but if you use a 3ds with the new ones comeing they might...
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    You do realize how (potentially) easy it is for people to screw up a game's programing to make crazy shit happen, right? Or how likely it is that an old GBC game could be severely glitched over time? People have twisted minds, and will fake anything just to get hits on youtube (hence all the Gabrial's Trumpet videos that are floating around everywhere). I'm pretty sure that video games can't be haunted.

    And I'm pretty sure this thread belongs somewhere else on these forums.
  11. Luke

    Luke Member

    I love ancient Creepypasta XD
  12. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    Basically what Wayward said. These are CreepyPasta's and they are not real they are made up stories (most of the time I have read some very believable ones) that are to scare some people and it is easy to hack the old games the 3DS versions won't be so easy to hack seriously with my simple Laptop I could make a game far better than Pokemon red, blue etc no need to worry... Me and you could make these games, don't let them frighten you :)
  13. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    then I will take you up on that challange...
  14. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    What do you mean? Make an actual game? I couldn't do that I'm not amazing at doing that kinda thing :)
  15. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ...I knew you couldn't...I have checked these stories ten times over...and they all say the same thing...no one even knew that gold or whats his name died...
  16. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    I knew he died :) I always kept them to their original name
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    ...the games don't say anything about him dieing...
  18. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Can you explain a little bit more.
  19. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    basicly what I am saying is that no one exsept for pokemons origanal creator knew that gold died and even then we don't know what the creator had in mind for that...not to mention that I don't think anyone would be deranged enough to do some creepy stunt like choceing to kill someone in a game that has no killing...
  20. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    I once had Pokemon Crystal, except somebody reprogrammed all nouns to swears and rude names. Potion was DRUG. So yeah. People have done crazy shit to those cartridges. Also, what you initially described sounded more like Pokemon Black, a fake Pokemon game where you get Ghost as a pokemon, kill everything, and then are forced to mourn and then die at the end.

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