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Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Answer Man, Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Please tell me theres some Zelda fans here that have played this! I loved this game, so far its one of the best, since Wind Waker. It truly explains sooo much and i loved flying! The "Link" in this game was different from the rest to me, he was like the Twilight Princess one, in the way that he wasnt like we expect most Links to be. TP Link was more dark while SWS Link was more cheery then most links, he didnt seem to care, he was more laid back and kinda of like" Dont worry, i got this!" type of person. Personally i would have liked to play without the Wii, but i got used to pullin my bow an slashing my sword till i found out i didnt need to an i could use a controller. I give it a 7/10 maybe a 8.
    What about you guys?
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Well my friend, I played it, and it was an alright game. The controls were good in concept, but in practice it wasn't all that great. I honestly would like another dark game. I'm not talking the sense of dark as in the textures like twilight princess, but I mean in overall story, atmosphere, and feeling. I would like another that was like Majora's Mask. The whole concept of them making everything seem real, and the concept of the final hours pushed you so much, and it made you itch, knowing you needed more time that you didn't have. The whole atmosphere of the world resting on your shoulders and its in that same twisted cycle. I want a game like that.

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