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Light Feel?

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy X' started by EbeneezerAl, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    When Square was developing and advertising this game, they kept talking about how they wanted to give it a lighter feel than most other FF games. Do you think they succeeded?

    My answer is no. This story was morbid. I loved it, but it was really, really, morbid. Sure they had an underwater sport, a few goofball characters, and a character who's name means sun. That last one was one of the things I heard mentioned most often with regards to the games light feel, and I can't figure why. The character's names have no impact on how light the game is in my opinion. Oh and it was really colorful.

    What else does the game have? A storyline that revolves entirely around death. The world is trapped in a Spiral of Death. The Spiral is the main theme of the story. Sin exists only to bring death as a punishment for "wrongs" that have nothing to do with the world's current inhabitants. Aeons are the spirits of the dead. Summoners give up their lives for the Final Summoning. sin is reborn again from the Final Aeon to cause more death. A large chunk of the characters are dead. The enemies you fight in the game are the angry unsent spirits of the dead. Even the pretty pyreflies that float about are remnants of the dead.

    Can this be any more morbid?

    In my opinion while Square did make a great game, it most definitely was not a lighter game. It's predecessor FFIX had a much lighter feel to it, in my opinion. FFX is, to me anyway, one of the series darker titles.
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I agree with everything you said. The whole game revolves around death. Characters are sacrificed, whole races are targeted and nearly wiped out (The Al Bhed by the Guados, the Ronsos by the Guado, the Guados by the Ronsos in one version of X-2). Seymour regularly murders characters, from his own father to fellow maesters. Fayths are people who've died and given up their souls for the cause. I'd say this is one of the least light-hearted games in the series.
  3. Kanzen

    Kanzen New Member

    I agree with both of you completely. Final Fantasy X is in no way a "light-hearted" game. It is probably the darkest games in the series (of the ones I've played), and it is incredibly morbid. :/

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