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Little Big Planet

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by NeRo, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    n LittleBigPlanet, players control small characters (nicknamed either "Sackboy" or "Sackgirl", owing to their material and appearance), each of which can jump, move, and grab objects. Players can use their abilities to shape and develop the highly manipulatable environment to build custom spaces either individually, collaboratively, and/or competitively. Levels focus on co-operative, physics-based gameplay, and players can use mechanisms such as cogs and blocks to build anything from small level parts to large, complex worlds. The game will also allow opportunities for players to acquire new skills and tools.

    A major focus of LittleBigPlanet will be on the global community features through the PlayStation Network for players to interact and share their "patches"[9] - levels and other modifications - as well as online play.

    Players can navigate their way through the world by jumping, pushing, grabbing, running to overcome numerous puzzles provided by the game's robust physics engine. Players will also face physics-based enemies ranging from the small such as burning logs, to big "bosses" built around one of six AI "brains" available in the player's toolset[10][11]. In addition, harmful objects can be placed in the game, such as pits of fire and being "squished" or flattened by an object that cause the player to restart that section of the level; players pop and roll out of restart points nearby.

    A scoring system is also in place, in the form of a time trial with a start and end gate and players collecting world items such as sponge. Scoring is based on both time and execution of the level

    Now that those formalities are out of the way. Discuss and share and enjoy.
  2. keyblade

    keyblade New Member

    did you know tht if you pre order from gamestop you get a sack boy designed to look like kratos from god of war?

    if you pre order from eb games you get a diferent one though
  3. To be honest I'm not overly excited by LBP. Everyone seems hyped, but I can't say I think it will be amazingly fun for me.

    Firstly, I haven't got the time to make my own levels,a nd while I could get others, it wouldn't be playing the whole game would it? No point blowing £40 - £50 on a game I won't make use of.

    Call Of Duty 4 was more than worth the £45.99 I payed, I'm still playing it with a genuine liking now.

    But yeah, I'm not going to get LBP, unless I really get a recommendation from a friend.

    Plus I'm saving for Fallout 3 :D
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well that's your decision. and yes i knew about the Pre-order you get a special edition SackBoy. but i wont wear it because everyone else will have kratos and Nariko(those are the specials you get if you pre-order
  5. darkside

    darkside New Member

    I got the game and it is awesome. Its hard to describe what it is about or what type of game it is, but it is just plain fun. I got jypped though because I preordered it and didnt get the kratos one or nariko one
  6. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Ya ive had the game since its been out but my college has the DNS server blocked so i cant get online on my ps3 tragically T_T.
  7. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    An amazing game me and my frien made this level called Ride/of/Awesome and its like on page 5 online my friends name on his PS3 is darksin and I love the sound track to that game, the level creation is amazing and the game play rocks

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2008
  8. Khthree

    Khthree Banned

    i wish i could play it more, but i dont have the online play to share level i would make for myself. i just have dial-up, or i may would buy it. i have played it at a friend's house tho, its neat.
  9. Change your signature picture. Now.

    Got CoD5. It = awesome. Add me on PS3 if you wanna lose-i mean, have a game.

    Shadowedestroyer (only 1 d)
  10. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Weeel,It only just got released here so I played it on my Uncles PS3,I really liked it,I didn't get to make my own level or online because we didn't have the time,Dressing up sackboy/girl was fun and I thought the physics were amazing,the way that the game was linear yet it could be tackled in different ways was good too.

    All in all I liked it,I'm looking forward to mirrors edge though.

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