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Local Relationships

Discussion in 'General' started by Locogabitron, Dec 24, 2008.

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  1. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    First off, I never had one. But there is a girl that I love so much.. lives far away (about 2 hours from here). We play the same instrument (violin), and I know about her since we were 3.

    Around March of 2007 it was the first talk with her.. in all those years. And I felt happy and thankful.

    Time passes and we became friends ^_^. 7 months ago there was a violin camp where all of the suzuki (violin group) students joined and stayed for a couple of days.

    We do this every year so, each one has a great experience.

    Continuiing, a problem emerged from there, and I don't wish to tell.. But think it of this way: The police can come and ban the whole suzuki group.

    And well, I was the first one to talk to my parents and to all my friends on what happen. The rumor rose, and eventually it was discoverd.

    Apparently, the person and the girl I am inlove where firneds, and for some reason, she ignored me from that day.

    I was like.. WTF? I did the right thing, it's againts the freaking law!!
    But then again, there was no sign of nothing.

    As for today, there is no... talk whatsover. I though continue to like her, but eventually.. my love with her will vanish. I don't wish to vanish, but I just want to be friends and go to the theaters once in a while.

    Now that I ended this, It's time to explain your problems, relationships.. etc.
    Please feel free to post them. ;)
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I dont mean to be a downer,but there is a good chance that will never happen.But there is a better chance since you didnt go out with her i think.I have only had one relationship,and it didnt work out.It was mostly my fault.I wasnt exactly the best guy someone could date anyway.We havnt talked since then,though one reason why being that we never see each other (she dropped out of school while we were still dating).Thing is we didnt love each other.or maybe it was because we both already had to give up on our first loves.I dont know.But man,it will get better Loco.And I do hope you two become,at the least,friends again.

    I know this has nothing to do with this,but have you noticed how we all seem to play some sorta instrument?
  3. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Well, going to your question. Yes lol. PM what instrument you play tohugh.

    Going back to the subject, I hope to be friends with her though. The only thing that pops me out is that she awnsers me most of the comments I place on her myspace (??)

    She talks like we where face to face. Their something worng there..because why not talk in person? rather than going with myspace?

    Just weird. Also, the love you had with the girl last relationship of yours.. was it an incident she did ? or you did?

    Although, it does happen when the pair do'nt see much though.
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    No,just wasnt working out.Nothin real bad happened or anything.Mostly just stuff was getting in the way (she broke up with me,and named marching band as a reason.wth?)Werent seeing each other as much at the end,but still talked to each other.Also,i didnt,still dont,have a job.Now,thats just her.One of my friends has a boyfriend that she doesnt see much and they are doing great right now.so ya,its all the person really i guess.Noone can really understand this stuff,not fully.And the myspace thing I cant help you with.Try to talk with her in life maybe?
  5. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Ya, but she's going to vacations. And I only see her Friday.. and since the teacher wo'nt come because again, he's also in vacatoins.. Ican't see her.
  6. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Can't you send her message or call her?
  7. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Call her? I'd call her before with a friend of mine. So we were 3 people. Then, when I called her the 4th time or soemthing, I got her into trouble.. Her mom picked her up.. And I was: Dam.

    She said not to worry that the girl will call me back. But she never did because she had violin practice and she procrastinate.. most of the time. Since she is homescholed.
  8. ubernewbie

    ubernewbie New Member

    I'm single at the moment and quite enjoying it. Last time I had a girl we went out for like a year and she broke it off for a 'break' and that was that. Now I'm focusing on getting through school first before I go back to dating unless something happens down the line.
  9. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I remember when my old class asked me to sing with this girl, I fancied. She fancied me. We asked each other out but it never happened. We weren't ready.
    I really miss her. I moved to a different country.
  10. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    I know it's hard to move from on place to another, especially from your homeland to another country O_O.

    But, so.. How's Bailey? What's the status?
  11. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    She's got a boyfriend now but I'm happy about that. She's being more friendly to me now. I said Merry Christmas to her yesterday and she replied to me. I'm happy.
  12. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    Nice man. Keep it up.

    As for me, no sign of her happiness T_T. Yesterday her parents grounded her (?). I don't know why but it has to be something stupid because

    last time she was grounded because she did something her mom didn't wanted to. And it was to cross the road (?????).

    And well, I wonder why now.

    But I was thinking in January to meet her and invite her to the theaters again. And hopefully she would say yes.
  13. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    By herself?
  14. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    No no, I think it would be rather impossible if she said yes. I have to invite her and other friends.

    Well, of her kind. I would say all the violin group.
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Bailey and I just had a really good chat.....on Facebook.....
    You know, I can't talk to her at school because she's always with her friends.
    Also I found out that she recently moved here aswell. She might have come here at the same time as me!!!
    Oh my....ofcourse, she was a bit nervous. Just think, you come to a new school and after a few months, I ask her out. I'm such an idiot!!!. Also, she comes from a major city near here. She must have come a month before me. Man, how come is it, that every girl I fancy has so much in common with me?

    Loca, how long have you known this girl?
  16. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    I've known her since we where 3. I never maked a move or anything because I was to nervous. A year ago a I realized that she is not comming to me and talk to me, I had to do it.

    So, then.. We were in my teachers doctor/surgeon(I don't even know what he is) on sayign thank you for the repair of my teacher's arm because... I mean.. A broken arm = No violin.

    So, we all played violin to the doctor as a thank you.

    My friend was talking to the girl I like, and I decided to join because of boredom. She was surprissed though, because I never talk to her that much. Only questions like: What part do you play on this piece?(Piece is like part of a concert/movement)
    Stuff like that, there was no conversation at all before.

    So, everything went well.
  17. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    If the girl's surprised, she might like you....but I probably would be wrong. I'd say, just go for it and see what she says....I'm not sure.
    If you've known her since 3 and you really like her. GO FOR IT!!!
    She might say yes, she might not.
  18. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    i had a crush with a girl 2 years ago (grade 7 now 9) because she's beautiful and hot, but i can't say "i love you" to her directly because i'm nervous and afraid. When we were gonna to grade 8, when i used Mxit, she asks me to a place, then i never gonna to to the place because i'm too nervous, and said "I can't because busy" then when i grade 8, she had a boyfriend. I was shock "if only i come".
  19. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    That's exactly what happened to me too, except that she didn't get a boyfriend, afterwards. Instead I left the country, not being able to see her again.
    Has this girl still got her boyfriend?
    Trump, this was exactly what I was thinking in Grade 7, when the girl (Grace) asked me out. I was too nervous and afraid too. She asked me out again at Grade 8 and I said no. After, I said no to her, I felt awful. I really, really liked her and everyone in the year knew that I did. Then, one day, everyone kept telling me to ask her out and I replied "That I wanted to but I can't"
    I know how you feel.

    Do you still like this girl and if so, has she got a boyfriend?
  20. Mike

    Mike Member

    It's always the darkest right before dawn.

    Right before you ask the girl out, it's the most frightening time (particularly if she means a lot to you). But then, the sun rises and it's wonderful.

    Go for it.
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