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Lost Odyssey

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Lost Odyssey is a turn-based RPG, very similar to Final Fantasy.
    Two developers of FF, Nobuo Uematsu, and Hironobu Sakaguchi, did a large amount of development for this game. So, seeing that Uematsu has written much of the game's music, you can actually recognize the familiar melodies and chords used in earlier music of his composition.

    Sakaguchi was given the oppurtunity to write the game's story. I I've got to say, currently being on the third out of four discs now, he is truly one of the world's best story writers. I won't give away any details, but I will tell you just a bit about the game's main character, Kaim. He's very quiet at first, and you'll be able to see why. Kaim is what's called an "Immortal", meaning he cannot die or age. And he has lost all of his past memories....I'm stopping there.

    The gameplay is what you'd expect FF to be. Turn-based, and fun. The battle system has what's called a Target Ring. You equip these rings to your party members, to add special effects to their Physical Attacks. With a Target Ring equipped, when you attack in battle, a ring appears on the targeted enemy. An outer ring converges toward the other as you hold the Left Trigger. If you release with correct timing, you will achieve a Good, or a Perfect, depending on you accuracy. And the equipped Target Ring will have a greater assigned effect, whether it be increased attack damage, or a poison effect.

    You have two rows, front and back. There is a defence line protecting the back row from attack. The amount of HP for the defence line, is the added HP of you front row's characters. The line recieves damage as your front line takes damage. The more damage taken, the lower the defence of the back line will be. And it can't be recovered during battle. So if you have lvl 4 defence line, the damage to a back row character might be around 30-50, but with it at lvl 1 or lower, it will be the full damage. The enemy party can also have a defence line as well, so you'll have to act accordingly.

    You will have other Immortals, as well as Mortals in your ranks. Immortals learn skills by Skill Linking to other Mortals. Mortals however, learn skills by lvl'ing up.

    I need to stop now, but I hope this gives you some insight into the game, and hopefully, you're interested.

    I give this game, 10/10. This is one for all you RPG lovers out there.

    For Xbox 360 only.

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