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Magical quest staring:Mickey Mouse

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by The Heartless King, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    MQSMM is probably one of the best Super Nintendo games i have ever played. I rate it 30/10 thats how fun it is. Im a kid but i know an adult would like it. It's fun. a if your a Mickey fan you would LOVE this game. If i had a video i would show it to you. Also you can get SNES games for free know how know how? Go to Doperoms.com and click emulators at the side of the screen then pick Super Nintendo entertainment system and then pick the top one and let it download and then once thats over click extract and type C:\ZSNES if you picked the top one with you should. to get roms go to roms at side of screen and then SNES then find the game you want like say MQSMM and by clicking on a letter like M you get all the games starting with M once you find a game you want (Don't download the ones with Xs next to them get the ones with Checks next to them and be shure it doesn't say in () (J) cuz you would be downloading the Japanese vr. get ones with Us in (). Downlad them and click extract and to C:\ZSNES if you have any problems tell me. Thats more about downloading stuff from doperoms. Oh and you can get N64 and gameboy color and gameboy advansed but DO NOT download PS2 games and gameboy games unless you really own them. same thing for wii ps1 and DS. Other than that SNES games N64 games and some other are completely free. You can download classic games but not newer games. Without owning them. You can get classic Zelda games Mario games you can get Earthbound with is fun (Thats what Ness and Lucas are from if you don't already know that.)
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008

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