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Mass Effect

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by dualblade, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Anyone here enjoyed these wonderful games? While I have not been able to play the first game,I have played and beaten ME2 on a friends 360 and currently own the ps3 version,though I wont be able to play it till my ps3 comes back form Sony.

    This is just one of those games that I really got into and love to play over and over,to see whats new and get better results,see the different dialog,and get everyone out alive.Vanguard is usually my personal choice of playstyle,though I like most of the other ones.Adept is the only one I couldnt get into.

    So,anyone else here play it?
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    You've gotta play them in order with a single file. All the stuff you do in ME1 will transfer over to ME2, and then all that stuff will transfer over to ME3.
  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    ME2 on ps3 has a comic that plays at the start that lets you make choices on the major events in the first game (I think 6 in all).We dont get ME cause its owned by Microsoft themselves if im right,but they dont own ME2.

    We would have to transfer ME2 to ME3 still,though if im right it will have the same comic for both systems,and include ME2 stuff as well if Im right.

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