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Mass Effect

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, May 15, 2008.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Okay, if you can imagine an RPG with futuristic setting, and lots of guns, this'd be it.

    The game's complexity put me off a bit, but it just takes patience and some adjusting. The control scheme is simple enough, but the use of Biotics (powers) is a little tricky, but not required to survive. The Biotics themselves are pretty interesting, but not all that useful. You'd probably only use them if you want something different to do other than gun your enemies down.

    Conversations in Mass Effect are in real time. As a conversation goes on, you will have a set of reaction choices, and as it keeps going, your options could change. The game has a morality system as well, which plays into how you react to enemies, and how you handle your convesations.

    The story itself is somewhat old and overused...forget that, lets move into graphics. *huge grin*

    20/10 on graphics. Hands down some of if not the very best I've ever seen on the next-gen console. If you could imagine realistic textures on every surface, every face, every body, armour, gun, explosion, sky, the enitire Galaxy is a blaze of graphical beauty. It dosent matter what you're looking at, you simply can't help but to say "wow" at every new planet, every new location, every new armour you obtain.

    That's all I'll say for now, because I haven't made that much progress yet.

    As of now, 9/10 overall score.

    360 Only.

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