• Square Elite
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Megaman Battle Network Series

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Figure.09, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member


    Who else plays these games??? It has to be my favorite game. Of.all.time.

    Too bad it ended though. =\ I had the best chips and the most stars when I played the 2nd and 3rd games. I had five stars in 2 and then only 5 in 3. I could have gotten six stars in the 3rd but I could never beat Darkman V5. <_<

    And thank god they brought back the Job BBS in the sixth game. It's good to bring back some old side quests. d(*_*)b
  2. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    It's been a while since I've played these. They were good, but after the 5th, it was killed IMO. But it's been a good game for a while. Heck, most of Rock games are successful.
  3. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Actually, I thought it was dead after three. Once the fourth came out...it was so over. That game sucked. I liked it because it was megaman, but overall the new tourniment feature and sprite models killed it all for me.

    The fifth was amazing after playing the fourth, imo. Despite those new 'liberation' missions, of course.

    And sixth = win.

    :l I hate the fourth game the most.
  4. Splitoverload

    Splitoverload New Member

    I'm totally opposite. I loved the 4th most. The 5th was crappy. I beat it, and I don't even remember what the plot was XD

    And 6th. Freakin' godmod 'till the end.
  5. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    6th was a great way to end the series. =/ They had 200 chips, the normal 62 megachips, and 5 total gigachips.

    They basically crammed all the original idea's of previous games into one. And it worked excellent.

    And you LIKED the fourth? XD All I did once I beat it was get all the standard chips. I beat Bass after that.

    I don't remember even going to face the Dark Megaman dude in Secret Earth (or whatever that secret place is).

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