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Megaman: Maverick Hunters Reborn

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by NeRo, May 1, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator


    The Year is 26XX, after the 4th Great Reploid war time has since passed. We are left with a peaceful nation where Reploids and humans co-exist with one another. At least until a major event happened. A team of new recruits were sent on there first recon mission to survey a area for mavericks and return with Intel. However Their were shadows waiting for them. They were attacked by Mavericks or so that's how the report reads. There were 2 renegade Reploids to attack. One clad in Gold and black armor and the other in Gold and White Armor. Later the Red Alert leader informs that this is in fact work of Gemini. a rouge who went renegade after being looked down upon due to his experiments. With this happening after so many years of piece the Maverick Hunter Core Force has been disbanded but it must be rebuilt to hunt down this new threat. They only accept the best of the best to track down Gemini find what he is planning , his location, and if possible stop him at any cost.

    May The Hunt Begin...

    Edit- posting as zeta soon
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "That's unfortunate. Those damned kids got in the way of everything." "Why not just send Zeta after them? He'll make short work of them all!" The two figures turned there attention towards the other reploid standing beside them. "Isn't that right Zeta? Go Zeta, turn the children into nothing but scraps and corrupted data. Leave none standing!" The two figures laughed darkly before opening the gate and letting Zeta into the wild for his meal.
    Last edited: May 1, 2012
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    ""Isn't that right Zeta? Go Zeta, turn the children into nothing but scraps and corrupted data. Leave none standing!" The reploid stood in silence. " Understood..." he muttered softly. With that one word he was gone that quick. "Location of these fools should be to easy...." As he reappeared on a empty road he found a small camp of soldiers. " well before i head to the main objective why not warm up..." The soldiers themselves had no idea Zeta lurked outside the camp but when they found out it was to late. He rose his right arm it transforming into a cannon a large beam of energy started to gather" INFORM THE OFFICIALS!!" a soldier shouted. " now...you know we can't have that....." Zeta said maniacally as he let out the blast from his cannon the entire camp came asunder in flame and ash.

    "Now...to find the objective at hand" Zeta closed his eyes and his scanners started to trace the area.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Megaman 8 - Aquaman (EXTENDED) - YouTube

    "Fixing and rewriting all protocols Chief. An emergency has been sent to our headquarters. Seems that it has been attacked by a small group." "Ok. Let us send some of our mechaniloids onto the battlefield to help out with the barrier of the camp. Sending in D-Rex's and Sinedroppers to the area. Teleporting right now." A bark was heard as a mechanical dog started to run into the room and run up to the chief. "OH! Zen! you want to go out to the field too?" "Are you sure Chief? I don't think his attack power is good enough to go against them." "Do not worry. Zen will be able to handle it. Ok Zen. I will link up with you. You will be our Search unit. If you find anything of value, you bring it back, ok." The mechanical dog barked as it was ready to join the battlefield.

    "Ok. Now commencing all portals. Ready for transportation. What about you Marvel? Is everything ready on your side?" "READY CHIEF!" "Ok. Teleportation now." The chief and his navigator team sent out the Deployment Mechaniloid team and some of the Maverick Hunters to help out and defend the camp. "Remember team. If you find any reploids who need rescuing, you go on and save them. Zen, I am now linked up to you in secret. Your mission is to find out who is responsible for the attack. You are also to help save reploids." Zen bark to show that it has heard the order and followed behind the Maverick Hunters who were also transported to the camp. "Be careful Zen..."
  5. Noir


    In a dark, special room where the lights are off, a Reploid woke up in his sleep. The time he woke up, a heavy, red and black armor appeared in his body. The diamonds in his armor starts to glow with light. He stood up and turned a computer on. The computer's functions seems to include contact other Maverick Hunters and some people.
    "Team, I guess the beginning of the end is just... beginning." The Reploid said. He crosses near a door which automatically opens.

    The Reploid walked straightly. His armor had Zero letters and marks in it, revealing he is the new Zero. Zero stretched his arms. He opens another door and was now outside.

    Zero turned his head down. "I hope the others are safe." Zero said as he turned his head up, and looks at everything near him.
  6. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    CGI stood patient in a spot safe from the warzone, he was the last line of defense if anyone showed up to play the hero. If anyone showed up like that he would just kill them using the most quick and painless method he could think of, seeing as he didn't like doing this, his serious and emotionless expression was just a facade to hide the fact that he didn't support this kind of violence at all and would stop Zeta if possible, but he was too strong... for now at least... he simply plat along until the right moment came.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The Chief continue to monitor what is going on throughout the camp, having his dog, Zen, to save anyone and to continue help provide backup for attacks. "Good job Zen. Just continue saving the reploids." "Chief. A couple of the Mavericks has found the target. We must commence battle positions." "Ok Zen. Go to the Maverick hunters position and survey who is behind the incident." The dog barked as it starts to run. "Maverick! By order of the maverick Hunter Organization, we command you to turn yourself in now." The dog eventually heard the call and eventually found itself several feet away from the agents. Two D-Rex's and Maverick Hunters were preparing their weapons at a a Reploid who was scanning the area with his cannon ready. "Hm... who is this? Zen. Please scan him for information please." Zen barked and set himself in search mode, collecting data on the Reploid who attacked the camp. "His face looks familiar..."
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Scanning Immediate area for subjects" His cannon began to pulsate on its own. Zeta's Programming was so flawed that he was borderline insane. It wasnt his fault though he remained a incomplete model. His eyes returned to a white hue and slowly turned around. " Turn myself in...." He said mildly and looked at his enemy with rage" Turn Myself IN!!!" Zeta smiled with a devilish grin " I'll gladly turn myself in officer if you can of course stop me and save the civilians in the neighboring city at the same time. "

    He raise his cannon quickly in the air and aimed. His cannon continued to pulsate till a rotating Blast of energy shot from his arm" I suggest you pick wisely i never miss my targets.... But in the mean time Chief. have you ever lost a limb before..? Allow me to show you how it feels!!" Zeta's arm cannons turned back into fist and he rushed in slamming a fist into the chest of his opponent" Get up...now!!"
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Well well well, what have we here? Do you see this Zeta? This is the organization who destroyed your creators because they feared you." The green and purple haired boy walked up the reploid with a look of amusement. "I'd say... we give them something to fear hmm? Heh heh heh... THUNDER!" A massive bolt of lightning struck the boy, creating an explosion of heat and sparks. When the dust cleared, two armored figures stood, hand in hand, thunder pulsating from their very being. "GEMINI...... THUNDER!!!!" The wave of energy released from the two armored figures was enough to decimate the entire enemy force. Zeta, of course, remained unscathed. "Well... that was less then enjoyable..."

    "... Power... I sense power..."
    Last edited: May 10, 2012
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    The small Maverick Hunter that was leading its small group was punched in the guts by Zeta. "What is this? Zen! Show me the data!" Zen barked as it transported the information back to headquarters. "Let's see...a Megaunit? I have never seen such rare weaponry systems. Marvel! Tell me what is coming up on your database." "This Maverick has some systems that surpasses some reploid. However, some of his weaponry is not appearing so I will need some time before I can decipher what they are. However... the name is... Megaman Zeta?" "Megaman? Shouldn't that unit has been defeated centuries ago after he sacrificed himself? *Gasp*" Zen started to bark as Zen started to whimper at two new figures. "Wait a minute. Is that... the leader of the group?" " The Chief was looking at the battle and had Zen to scan on the two new figures. However, the two figures threw a strong thunder attack. "ZEN! Get out of there now!" Zen whimpered as it ran and hid behind a box to avoid damage. The box ended up destroyed but it was able to keep Zen safe.

    "The small group... they have been destroyed. What about the other half of the group?" "They are heading towards the area now to try and dispatch the Maverick." "ZEN! Run now!" Zen barked as it started to shoot out its Shield Peeler attack at Zeta and his teammates to try and lower their defense and started to run while there were one more D-Rex to try and cover for him. "ZEN! Head back here! Now!" The Chief started to head for the transportation area so that he can try to provide backup. "CHIEF! What are you doing?!"
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " What are your orders sir" Zeta said as his fist left the reploid unit shattered. But as he said that he turned to being attacked. " This stupid Dog!" As the dog shot blast at Zeta He literally slapped them back" You insufferable....." Zeta's hands both turned into Arm Cannons. Both aimed at Zen, Zeta wore a devilish grin on his face " Cannons Of The Prince....Warp Engines engage!" A explosive beam was shot out of both cannons. a bast to big to dodge. This left the chief with 2 options Sacrifice Zen or block the explosion.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Life aura!" The blast from Zeta was absorbed into a forcefield created by a cloaked reploid. This stranger levitated a few inches off the ground. He wore a cloak that concealed all but his face, which had purple marks on each side. His eyes were a light shade of red, and power practically radiated from him. "You. Fight me. Show me your power." He pointed at Zeta as he spoke, indicating he wanted to fight him. He turned toward the remaining reploids and sneered, "Once I destroy Megaman, you'll be next Chief."

    "Zeta, be cautious. Strategy will need to be utilized against this one."

    OOC: All of Zeta's attacks are useless against "The Stranger" at this time. I give you (Vox) permission to control him for his denying of all your attempted attacks.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Zeta watched in amusement as his blast was engulfed. He raised a eyebrow for a moment then as the smoke cleared The character came into clear view" Ahh....i have records of you Bass... by chance may i ask Why are you here interfering in my business?" He cannons reverted to arms. He extended both hands forward and particles started to materialize" Allow me to Formally introduce myself he said as Two particle blades were created " My name is Megaman Zeta....Incomplete model 000" He rushed forward at bass with blades drawn." and i am YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!"
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Bass just watched Zeta attempt to fight him, but once he had gotten close enough Bass backhanded him, sending him flying into a nearby tree. He raised his arms into the air and pointed them at Zeta, "This is all you've got Megaman? Pathetic." Bass' arms turned into mega busters as he rained hell down upon the incomplete model, significantly damaging him. Bass floated over to him and grabbed his throat, "Get ability..." Zeta's powers doubled briefly as half was sucked into Bass. He dropped him and vanished.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Zeta was flung into a tree all the while smiling with pure insanity. " Every hit you make you data becomes mine!" Bass attempted to lay waste to zeta by barraging him with blast. All of which were ineffective" Auto repair engage" With every blast he took his armor reshaped and reformed the damage. Zeta was hoping bass would physically touch him" All i need is a physical sample of your data work and your as good as dead" zeta muttered to himself and as he expected Bass played into the folly drained energy then he vanished" You fool...my energy will disrupt your systems but you'll find that out soon enough. " Zeta said as he stood up waving the dust off of his body.

    " Objective Number 001 Delete the Bass Program" Zeta now made it his main objective to destroy Bass. " Chief Do you still wish to step forward?" The remainder of the repairs were taking place but Zeta was barely scathed at the least.
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "UGHH, Zeta.... Help us..." Both Geminis were high in the air, held up by Bass. "Fool, you think I'd be weak enough to fall for a trap like false energy?" Bass smirked as he squeezed the two reploids, their bodies uniting to revert back to human form. "So Zeta? How will you save your father figure hmm? You're a weak megaunit, if I had used more then 1/4 my power in that fight you'd have been scrap."
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Chief Cynfael was able to run to the Transportation Center and started to put in his I.D. number so that he can try to provide support. "To the camp. Cynfael Monday. Opening up Interconnection. Mapping percentage at... 89, 90,91... starting transportation." The Chief was able to change his position in a few minutes, going to the same spot that Zen was originally transported. "I must find him. Zen?! Zen!" Cynfael looked around and saw an injured Reploid who were also caught in the blast. "LifeSaver!" Cynfael ran up to the medical control officer to try and save him. However, the Reploid just pointed out the blast and permanently shuts down. Cynfael stood up and follow the direction of the late LifeSaver.

    "Who can even wield such power to do so much damage in the first place?" Cynfael heard some barking as he looked around to see Zen running. "ZEN! You're alright!" Cynfael bent down so that he can pet his patrol dog. However, he heard another blast from the direction that his dog came from. "The intruders must be that way." "CHIEF! CHIEF! You should turn back now! It is not safe for navigators like us!" The Chief heard Marvel yelling on his small speaker on the side of his hips and continue on towards the direction. "Chief? Chief? Please respond!" Cynfael kept on ignoring the suggestion, making up his mind to figure out who could even be cruel to attack. As he finally made his way to the gate, he finally saw four reploids, one was Megaman Zeta, who is currently in a battle with a familiar reploid. "What is going on?" As he turned around, he saw the two reploids who resembles each other. "It's Gemini."

    Cynfael did not know what else to do and decided to take out his M.W.S. "Leave them alone!"
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Zeta smiled briefly and as quick as he did he appeared in the air in front of bass" Did you think this would be easy? you foolish..foolish reploid? " Zeta Vanished again and re-appeared behind Bass laying one hand on his shoulder" I'll give you credit you made me actually think " As he layed a fist firmly into the right side of bass loosening his grip on Gemini. " Oh and it matters not if you fell for the trap fact is..i now have all of your data....."Zeta grabbed Gemini and Blasted the Ground with enough force to cause a cloud of smoke. When the cloud settled Zeta and Gemini were gone.

    Zeta set gemini down back at there base" Reckless...you let yourself come asunder to that flawed reploid....I was forced to retreat because you..."Nothing it doesnt matter your safe i have to do inernal repairs so i'm going to shut down for a few hours
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Zeta, you fool. I have similar powers to you, including data absorbtion. You have his data for battle--- I have it for your next upgrade. I will recreate that get ability program of his and combine it with you. Then... all will cower at your feet! And Bass... will serve you with no complaints." He laughed darkly before fusing with Zeta temporarily to recover, changing his looks to look similar to a combined Black and White Gemini.
  20. Noir


    Zero heard some booming and blasts noise in the distance.
    "What is that noise? A battle, I guess? ..." Zero dashes forward, hoping to see a Maverick, but it turns out to be very familiar reploids. He sees a Gold and black armored Reploid what appears to look like someone in the past. And then the another exactly looks like the rouge that was reported.

    "So that's him? What is going on here..?"

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