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Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Desert Warrior, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Okay, so I have begun this thread after playing the newest game in the series, Metroid: Other M, for the first time today. While I do not have the game myself (I plan to get it on Tuesday, along with BBS), I was at a place where somebody did have it. And, in my opinion, it is an awesome game. The game itself takes place sometime after Super Metroid (Heck, the opening video was basically an awesome remake of the last boss battle in Super Metroid), where Samus gets a distress call to some ship.

    While I do not know much of the story, having played it for 3 hours at most, I do know that the game opens up to Samus' history.

    The graphics are completely wonderful. When watching the video sequences, I'd swear I was playing an Xbox game or something (Perhaps the TV I was using had something to do with it, but whatever). And the in-game visuals aren't slacking either. The environments are great, adding depth to the gameplay.

    The gameplay itself is something unique for the Metroid series. The majority of gameplay is in a third-person point of view, similar to the side-scrolling games. But you are also able to switch into first-person mode to shoot missiles and examine things. Admittedly, first-person mode isn't that useful. Enemies don't drop health or missiles or anything. Instead, you just recharge these things. You can reload your missiles whenever, but you have to pass a certain threshold before you can recharge your health. There are items scattered about that increases the threshold, basically allowing you to take less damage before you are able to recharge.

    The music is also great. I'm listening to it as I type this, and I just love it.

    I have noticed that there some things about the game that make it seem somewhat like a remake of Metroid Fusion. The similarities I have found are (And just to be safe, I'm labeling them as spoilers): *spoiler*Both games take place on a research station. Both stations have several sectors that are created as different ecosystems. Samus is following the orders of her old commanding officer Adam. Every scientist on each station appears to be dead (But since I didn't get far in Other M, I'm not sure how true that statement is).*spoiler*

    Okay, now I'm done with my rant about the new game. Back to the (probably) original point of this thread. Who else here likes the Metroid series? What is your favorite game? Which ones have you played? Anything you want to brag about?

    I personally have played all of them except Metroid 2, (The second one made, not Metroid Prime 2), Metroid Prime Hunters, and Metroid Prime Pinball (But really? Does anybody consider that last one to be part of the series?). I have beaten all the ones I've played except Other M (Obviously) and the original game.
  2. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    On Other M,have not played it either,but I believe it takes place before Fusion and is not a remake.Atleast that is what i have heard for the longest time.It that is true,then it is the second to last game in the series timeline till a game goes past Fusion.Apparently it is also repetitive,though that is just from one review.I dont have a PSP anyways,so I wont know.

    For the games themselves,I have played Zero Mission,Prime,and Prime 2.Unfortunatly I have not completed either Prime game,one being played at an FYE and another being rented.I liked them though,and have beaten Zero Mission.

    I would love to play more of the games,I do enjoy them.
  3. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    just to clarify, here's the storyline: Metroid, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Other M, Fusion, Prime, Prime 2, Prime Hunters, Prime 3
    pinball has no place because it has no story.

    anyways, i've been a fan since the beginning. since i don't have a Wii, i'll miss out on Other M but i will say this in response to your spoiler DW, thats only the first half of the game. i've been watching playthroughs online since i can't play it and what you mentioned is really only the beginning.

    my favorite is Prime 2 and my complaint of the series is the learning curve for the old 2D games. there was no tutorial, it was learn as you go and if you die then oh well. very hard to play those when i was younger.
  4. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Oh,right,its for the Wii.I dont have that either anyways.

    Is that timeline for when the games were released or ingame storyline?Because from what I have read in the past and recently doesnt match up with yours in-game timeline wise.
  5. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    storyline wise
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I thought the pinall game was essentially the first Prime. But I don't think that is the proper storyline. Fusion is supposed to be the last game in the series timeline wise (Although you could kinda make Prime 1 take place afterwards if you use the Fusion suit). I remember reading somewhere that the storyline went Metroid, Metroid Prime series, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Other M, and then Fusion. Fusion would be last because of her having metroid DNA, and the suit looking entirely different from the other games.

    That doesn't suprise me. The furthest I got was to the ice sector. And not very far into that sector either.

    There wasn't a learning curve for me for Prime 2. Of course, I had played Prime 1 beforehand (But hadn't beaten it at that time). The beginning of Prime 1 has something of a tutorial. Just telling you what butons to press. I also liked some of the new equipment they introduced, like the 5 missile blast. But I didn't like how the Dark, Light, and Anihillator Beams needed ammo. Made using their attacks (Like the Anihillator Beam's Sonic Boom) all that more risky.

    I enjoyed Prime 3, but was dissapointed that there were no *spoiler (Not really)*Power Bombs*spoiler*
  7. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    no, the learning curve for the old 2D games, like Metroid and Super Metroid.

    and to be honest, i didn't like the ammo stuff either. but considering i knew the secret to the ammo it never bothered me and i never ran out

    as for the storyline; everywhere i read puts Fusion right before the Prime series.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Here's the first thing the Metroid Wikia says about Metroid Fusion.

    I'm still looking around for more evidence to support this. This is just the first thing I saw.

    I remember reading somewhere that the Prime series takes place before Metroid 2 because the Space Pirates still have metroids in those games. And after Metroid 2, the metroids are supposed to have been eradicated from the galaxy or universe or whatever.

    EDIT: While still looking around on the wikia, I was reading about Zero Mission. The last line for the plot synopsis is this:

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2010
  9. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    i just gotta say i liked most of the games, i haven't played zero mission, thats the only one i haven't. ive played and beaten all the other ones. My favorite one was Fusion and Prime 2 and three i liked the first one as well. but Fusion is at the top. I still dont have the new one but i plan on getting it. I liked her new suit she got in Fusion, the blue one i mean. You think they come out with a new one in the future?
  10. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Zero Mission was just the original Metroid with updated graphics and sound.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    And a little bit of storyline added to it.

    I bought Other M yesterday along with BBS. I would be playing it right now, but college work is in the way.

    Answer Man, your comment about your favorite game reminded me of something. Metroid's popularity in NA compared to Japan. I was reading that Metroid is more popular here in America than it is in Japan, and that Metroid Fusion specifically is more popular in Japan than in America. Which, if you were to use that as a basis for some video game research, Japanese people would prefer linear games compared to games where you wander around with no true direction to go.

    Oh, and I think they'd have the Fusion suit if they make a game that canonically takes place after Fusion.

    EDIT: Okay, so I've been playing Other M now for 5 or so hours. I'm not sure how close I am to the end of the game. I just got the Gravity Suit, and I think I'm only missing the Power Boms. And.... Damn. The game has gotten so intense. Best Metroid game yet.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010

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