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Minimum character count

Discussion in 'Archive' started by shadoweddestroyer, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Ok, I'm gonna' get straight to the point. I want the minimum characters for a post up from 10 to about 25. I'm quite fed up of spammish posts, not so much on RP's, but on the forums in general.

    Outside the Fun & Games section, all posts count towards your post count. People can put in just 1 or 2 words and get a post. I'm sure if I went round doing that, then I could get 100 posts in a week. It might not do much to help, but at least it makes people do SOMETHING more in their posts.......

    Thanks for reading! Gimme' some feedback, mods and members alike ^_^

  2. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    I have to agree, seen members who have been here for about 2 months with a stupidly high post count. I would suggest moving the RP section into the spam lounge until it starts becoming more like a professional RP.
  3. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    I think that the spam section should be deleted all together. Spam is a waste of space, and i agree the newer people who joined recently and have counts higher than mine is crazy. At least 70% is spam.

    But i would like for people to bring spam to mine and the other mods attention so we can deal with it accordingly.
  4. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    When I was a supermod when Ebal was admin we tried that. Seems people hated it. I got a lot of abuse mail :)
  5. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    On other forums I have been on the area where it was spam didnt count twords your posts at all.Usually the games and spam areas were put together,and neither counted twords it.I know on the first forum I was on I had over 1000 posts on everything but that part,but would have had over 3000 if the insanity area (the spam area basically) counted twords my post.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Yeah I've seen sites like what you say. See the spam city should be made where you don't gain any counts. Everybody doesn't need those. Me, I get most of my post count from RP and the little time I might go into creativity and debate.

    See if spam city post count was taken away sure member be real mad, but who cares, I mean it says it's not really for spam, but have fun. Now I go to spam lounge, but I really don't want those counts. I only go to chat to whatever member might be on and posting there.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I thought TD said that Spam City posts don't count towards your post count.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Wow, really, I missed that. So where do most people spam. Besides fun & games and spam city? I think it's neutral besides that. Now and then with theories and questions.
  9. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Yeah, I tried and Fun & Games section's posts don't count and that's good, but there's still spamming. Most of them seems to be in for example "What's your favourite character?", "What's the most hated character?", "Favourite world?" and topics like that. People should explain their opinions, etc.
  10. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Nah, all the spam is from the roleplay. Its just a few sentence (if that) posts. You should go into more detail, make it more professional like a book rather than a children's story.
  11. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I still got posts from the spam area,had over 100 mostly from there and some from kingdom hearts topics before going to the rp section
  12. Terra

    Terra (Previously RoxasXRiku)

    I never RP, so I have no posts from there. Although at least a 5 character limit if anything would be good.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Almost all my posts are from RP. My posts are pretty long one's and I work to keep the spam down. I have so many cause I'm in almost 10 RP's a time. I'm huge on RP'ing, it's like a hobby of mine.
  14. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    I think I just cannot write very long and "good posts". For those who don't know, I'm not an american or british, I'm just studying english. My native language is finnish and seems like there's just few things same in these languages. I know I make a lot of mistakes, I spell words wrong, etc. So, it's hard to me to write very descriptive text. Because english is quite hard to me. I also have to check the words from the dictionary all the time. I hope you understand, I'm not spamming purposely, if my posts look like a spam.
  15. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    >> Sorry dp, my computer's glitchy again <<
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2008
  16. worbs

    worbs New Member

    hey dont worry about it mate some of us are the same and cant all spell correctly.
  17. Yeah kyuu I understand, but seriously, I know you're Finnish, and you speak (or rather, type) better than alot of people. Why can't people make the effort witht heir own language. i'd just like to give an example (may bore some people).

    The average A-level spelling errors in foreign students taking English as a second language was 16% (16% spelt more than 10 words incorrectly) The actual percent for British students was 48%. Now I'm not saying Brits are dumb (why would I, I'm British :p), but seriously?

    It seems like if people cant type more than 5 words then they shouldn't get their post counts, thats what Im tryign to get at. And Pulse, I do remember that uppage, and I liked it lol. Ah well.....

    Anywayz, me pont s dat sum peopel jus dunt bovver wit thr spelin an grmar an such so thy dunt desrv thr conts d thy!!!!1!1!11!!one!!1!

    Also pulse, totally agree on the RP thing. Or at least certain RP's. No offense to anyone in the RP, but The New 'Orginization' (ORGANIZATION DAMMIT!!!) seems to be... overfolwing with spam basically. There are a few people in there who dont spam, but they are adrift on a sea of lololololololz :S

    I really like that siggy with 'Hey look that guy is double posting!' Wasn't it Flare who had that? (What happened to ol' Flare by the way Pulse, thought you might know.....)
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Umm, it actually seems that that post is a bit of spam. Plus you spelled with, witht. The New Organization might be spelled wrong and stuff, but I know the spem is watched, why because Hope watches it. Now some there are there, and I know that, like the KHForums brawl, ever since I said we need to stop this and stuff and start anew, people go on and post. Personaly I think it should be dleted, plus alot of people did spam. I tried to make my posts there as long as possible, but a few are short, but add alot to the story. Now besides that, the thread was double gun posting on speed with many posts like He went and sat down watching him cook. I think maybe a rule should be made that a post in RP should be at least 3 or 4 sentences long, and have great detail in it. Now this would probaly just be adding mods to the staff, but more mods for RP, Hope is great and so is sao and demon, but it's overwealming. Maybe more mods assigned there to help regulate spam stuff.

    Now I have to admit it has been getting better the people who were spamming in that thread I mentioned, I have PM'ed them and so has KoD, yet they went on that's why KoD and I said we need to stop and start a new one.

    I'll give credit to all of that, plus a few people have been posting in profile and I made a thread telling them to stop, and it's been stickey by my good friend sao. Anyway looking at alot of them, English, proper English from English speaking people is getting bad by almost all of us on this forum. Most of it is in a format like you were texting on your cell phone, not captalizing I, shortening words like you to u. Not putting periods and stuff after sentences are ended. Captalizing sentences.

    Anyway this is just to add on to shadowed dwmon, he did bring up a good point so I though I might add a bit more.
  19. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Lol, he was removed as a Mod and just left...

    Definitely, though I have noticed some mods don't really prevent spam too well, they tend to join in with silly posts like "Kairi smiled"
    shadoweddestroyer likes this.
  20. Oh so thats what happened to Flare... never thought him the sulking type.....

    Kairi Star, saying I spelt with 'with, witht' is just the most picky thign I've ever seen you do. It's like you were desperate to insult me in some way. It's a typo, we make them.

    In retaliation, I'd like to say you spelt spam 'spem'. Don't try and best me, I will demean you in some way .\ /. :p

    I also find it offensive you called my post spam. I made a good point, and will you look at my post count, and my join date. I'm probably one of the least spamming people on the site.....

    Oh and Pulse, about the mod thing, agreed. (And you picked the post I was going to use!!!)

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