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Monster's Characters

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Ney Monster, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    C H A R A C T E R P I C T U R E

    C H A R A C T E R B A S I C S
    Name: Velvet Tolkien
    Age: 22
    Race: Gatting (Cat creature, with a human & cat form)
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Elemental Alignment: Earth, Water

    C H A R A C T E R B I O G R A P H Y
    It was the time of vintage treasures and clothing when this small kitten was born into the world. The night was snowy, quiet. Moon was full; October 31st was day of birth. Born to Barren & Lock Tolkien; they named this small one Velvet. Barren; the leader of the Village and Lock the Alchemist.

    At the age of 4 Velvet was enrolled in the village alchemy academy and thought all the basics and important magic and potion making. Her father wanted her to be a great fighter, hunter; Warrior. At the age of 9 Velvet was at the top of her class in battle skills, and was sent out on many missions.

    Her 16th birthday was soon to come, and the village buzzed with excitement and gossip. On a Gatting's 16th birthday they would be sent out into the world as an adult. They must survive in the forest for 8 days; on the 8th day if they did not return with a sacrifice they were banned from the village forever.

    Velvet's party was not the only being thrown at the time, but there was one other Gatting's birthday; Spike. Spike hated Velvet with a fiery passion. Only because she was next in line for the Leader, and the best in the form of alchemy. So, Spike planned on killing Velvet when they left the village and throwing her body in the falls, so no one would find her body, hoping that when she died her soul would be stuck between worlds.

    They parted the village together after the festivities; but Velvet didn't know of Spike's plan. After 4 days had passed she had not seen Spike, but little did she know he had been watching her. She had caught her sacrifice, and was preparing to slaughter. She has caught a Ice Phoenix, no one had caught one in hundreds of years, only the chosen caught them. This infuriated him, with on blow he knocked her out, thinking he had killed her. Taking her phoenix, and went on about his travels. Not bothering to hide her body.

    Days passed, Velvet woke up. But not in her village, she was in a small hut with bottles, herbs and ingredients lining the walls. "Ahh, you've woken up. Finally!" a voice came from across the room. Looking she saw a small old hermit rocking back and forth in an old oak rocker. Rubbing her head, she asked him; "Who are you? What happened?" He hushed her; "I'm Gordon, the swamp witch. But you can just call me Gor. It's not important what happened to you, but it is important that you rest and heal. You have a great journey ahead of you."

    Months passed and Gordon healed Velvet and sheltered her from harm. But one day he never returned to the hut, and she knew this was her time to move on, to begin this journey he spoke of many times.

    Velvet is now 22; and her new journey has just begun.

    C H A R A C T E R W E A P O N S
    Whistle: Element Staff/Summoning staff



    Druid Dancer and Firefly

    Velvet had the learn the craft of welding many different weapons, but only two would be sealed to her soul. These two are called, Druid Dancer and Firefly; daggers from her families' ancestors. The daggers were given to her by her father; Barren, even since they have never left her side.​

    What is a Gatting?

    A gatting is a cat like race. Their appearance is that of a human, with whiskers, tail and ears. Some Gattings have cat like claws that extend from the finger tips. Gattings also have a second form, this in which the Gatting takes on the for of a cat species. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Gattings are a rather peaceful race, but are not afraid to help those in need or help fight a War. All gattings are trained in whatever the Shaman of the Clan/Tribe are told be the Skies.

    Gattings love the all kinds of climates, but are most fond of Snowy Mountains. Un-like most cat like creatures, Gattings love the water and can be found swatting fish from a river on nice days and nights.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  2. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    C H A R A C T E R P I C T U R E


    C H A R A C T E R B A S I C S
    Name: Shimmy Victaina
    Age: 287 (forever 19)
    Race: Vampire
    Alignment: Neutral
    Elemental Alignment: Earth, Fire

    C H A R A C T E R B I O G R A P H Y
    Shimmy was just five years old when her parents took her to the village of Arebeau in late October. It was that time of the year when the father and mother took their only and favorite daughter to the peasant town to indulge in the festivities of All Hallow's Eve. Being a highly envied class of citizen in a bustling victorian city not too far from the village, they were extremely out of place, wearing garbs of aged white, noses turned upright at the dirty little peasant children running by. But Shimmy loved this town from as early as she could remember, and so they returned to Arebeau every year in late October.

    By age 16 she was going to the festivals without her parents, and every year it was a little better than the last. She'd spend hours playing festival games, and singing songs with the peasant children. Her love for this village would keep her sane.

    At the age of 19, she attended the festival like every other year, but this year it would change her life forever. While she was playing with the smaller children, telling them scary tales, she was snatched into the shadows. Hours later she awoke in the same shadowy alley; her skin felt cold, and she choked at the scent of the villagers in the square.

    What had happened to her?

    As she stood, orange hued eyes stared at her from across the darkness. From that moment on she knew what had happened.

    She ran home as fast as she could, but her new senses kept drawing her back to the village. She would ruin her own life that night, whether she wanted to or not. A newborn was un-controllable, wild and vicious. After she slayed many in the village, she returned to her home. The thirst was tame. Her parents had already been informed of the newborn, but they had no clue it was their daughter. Shimmy killed both her parents, and fled the town.

    C H A R A C T E R W E A P O N S

    Siren's Soul​

    Not all vampires have weapons, most use there bare strength, or quick skills. But Shimmy was raised in one of the riches, strongest and skilled covens. This coven trained, and taught Shimmy the powers of magic, weapon skills and fighting. At the vampire age of 100 years, she was aloud to go out into the wild and find her own weapon, this would be a hard task.

    After weeks in the wild, she came across a Siren. It glowed crimson, and with that she knew she was her weapon. After the battle of the Siren, she was able to capture her soul, welding her into her scythe.

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012
  3. Ney Monster

    Ney Monster New Member

    C H A R A C T E R P I C T U R E

    Cordelia's Seal Form:


    C H A R A C T E R B A S I C S
    Name: Cordelia Runa
    Age: 116 (25 Human Years)
    Race: Selkie / Water Fairy
    Alignment: Neutral
    Elemental Alignment: Water & Air

    C H A R A C T E R B I O G R A P H Y

    The ocean was rough that night due to a squall that had hit earlier in the evening. A faint cry of a new born echoed through the caves and as mother soothed it. it soon began to thunder again, and oddly enough the baby had calmed and coo'd to the sound in the distance. Her mother soothed and rocked her while singing a Celtic Lullaby. This newborn Selkie was named Cordelia; she was born into the Runa Clan.

    Cordelia's first few years of life where hard, her father had been sent to War and her mother was forced to look after the Clan. Lulu; the families nanny did most of the care taking on Cordelia's part. When Delia turned 8 she was enrolled in attack and defense classes. This was the order of her father, but her mother just wanted her to be a spell weaver like herself. So, after her attack and defense classes, Lulu would sneak her off into the Skull Cove where she trained her as her mother wished.

    Delia caught on quickly to the Spell weaving and was soon casting and calling on the elements without help. The elements Air & Water clung to the young Selkie. Delia's mother soon realized her daughter was born with s special gift. This gift being that Cordelia could both see Life & Death. With her right eye she could see death, this is why she wears the eye patch. And with her left she sees life or the real world. When both her eyes are open or her right eye is un-patched she can chose to enter the realm of the undead.

    As for her attack and defense went, it was not so good. She was third ranked in her class. Years past and her father had finally came home.

    One day he asked Cordelia to show him what she had learned while he was gone, so she did. He was not pleased with her fighting skills and pushed her even harder. Barren hated the fact that his daughter was not like the other Selkies, but thought of her as a freak. He also hated that she took after her mother with the spell weaving. Delia grew angry at her father and shied away from him. When she turned 19 Delia said goodbye to her mother, gathered her belongings and set sail across the ocean that hide the Clan's cover for Sailors sites.

    Where is she now? Cordelia is on a grand adventure! Find her by the waters edge, or sailing the 13 seas.

    C H A R A C T E R W E A P O N S


    Cordelia is not one for fighting, but when it comes down to it; she uses her Staff to help her weld the elements that have chosen to listen to her.

    Her staff is named Drifter. It's made from drift wood, sea glass and clam pearls.

    The S E L K I E Race


    Physical Outlook
    Selkie are not that different from the Humes. In fact, you may say that physically they are the same. Selkies, when they are younger, enjoy growing hair in a spunky or spikey fashion. Females always enjoy having long hair that can be the colors grey, silver, blonde, sea-green, emerald green, blue, and mouse brown. Men may want to refrain their spikey fashion or grown their hair out as well. Hair colors in males are grey, silver, blonde, sea-green, blue, dark red, and dark purple. When Selkies come to an old age, they cut their hair short and their eyes become a light-blue. Men will usually grow a goatee at old age. Selkies always have light skin and usually their eyes are the same color as their hair. The pupil of a Selkie's eyes is the same color of the iris, making it seem as if they don't even have pupils. Selkie also have larger lungs then Humes, the average Selkie can hold their breath for a maximum of 2 hours. Selkie also make excellent swimmers and their light weight muscles allow them to go in to the deep, dark areas of the ocean.
    Selkies stop physically aging at the age of 40, but, until then, they always appear younger than they really are.

    Cultural Outlook
    Selkie were first in clans. Many of the Selkie families today still hold their clan pride on their family crest. Some of these clans include the Wolfies, Racoon Tails, Owl Heads, and the Sea Lions. The most powerful were the Sea Lions. These clans later joined together before migrating to Celetemp. Selkies are often the rogues of society. Most of them find thievery as a game and are often more inclined to play than work. Regardless they still respect some laws and will usually "charm" their way out of things.
    When a Selkie dies, their bodies are traditionally set in weighted coffins and allowed to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Most of these coffins are later found empty.

    Social Outlook
    Selkie see the races in many different ways. The Selkie find that Humes are too uptight and will immediatly see Bangaa as rather obnoxious. Viera make excellent partners to the Selkie, as do Moogles. The Selkie will even find friendship with Yuke. When it comes to Lilties, Selkies will have no stereotypical views.

    Racial Traits
    Very fast and slightly charismatic
    Very weak to powerful attacks
    Deep Water Travel
    Hold Breath
    Resistance to cold

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2012

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