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More than Kingdom Hearts 3?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by x3pic, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    -- Now we can’t help but think on what the next game in the series is going to be like.

    Nomura: First we have to get “Birth by Sleep” to the West (laugh) Everything with that has already bee decided for the most part. We are thinking about added a Critical Mode, and making bosses we thought were a bit weak stronger. And since Megaflare was too strong, we’ll have to adjust that. Some of the event scenes we’re going to change back to the way they were, and we’ll adjust some scenes so that the story is more easily understandable.

    -- Since you’ll be changing so much, does that mean we can expect a Final Mix?

    Nomura: Well, first we’ll have to see just how much it becomes different from the domestically released version. But we’d really like to be able to release one “Kingdom Hearts” game a year. We don’t want several years to go by without there being anything.
    -- In two years it will be the 10th anniversary for the series. Will we have KHIII by then?

    Nomura: No no, we’re going to keep that one a secret (laugh). Like I said before, we still have to release “Mystery” game that will connect the series.

    -- Can you currently say whether the series will end with the third game, or anything else about it?

    Nomura: “Kingdom Hearts” is Sora’s story, but the series that we’re developing now is also the story of one other person. You could say that it is a series where that person is the core.

    -- The series you’re developing now!?

    Nomura: I can’t say anything more than that (laugh)

    Sorce: Gamespot.com/ Khinsider.com /
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2010
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    ooohhh man!! now he's really got me excited now!!! KH3, different series and characters, I just can't wait!! :D
  3. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Im guessing this new series has something to do with Kingdom Hearts.. maybe a spin off
  4. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I'd guess that as well, though who the main character will be is amystery, maybe even someone we haven't even been introduced to yet
  5. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    one kingdom hearts game a year, huh? that is the best news i've heard this year!
  6. VentusXIII

    VentusXIII New Member

    wow, 1 a year? that is amazing!at this rate KH will be as big as FF!
  7. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Lets hope not. If so lets drop sora's story and get a new main character..
  8. Camdy

    Camdy New Member

    Probably, the way he said it, it seems like that.. Sounds great, it would be cool to get Sora`s story done with KHIII and then move on to the new series, similiar to KH but with a different character. I wonder if it`s a KH character? Like, someone in the series already, or a new one?

    And I sure hope KH wont became like FF, no 10 games or anything! Or at least, as said, not as KH, but with a new main character. But yeah sounds exiting!
  9. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Why shouldn't it become like FF? As long as they don't pull Pokemon Syndrome and use the same hero for twenty-million seasons, then it should be fine. The universe is vast!
  10. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    ^Soon Kindom Hearts universe will know Elvis and Chuck Norris as Secret Bosses.

    It's the same to me if a lot more of the games appear. I'll have a peek anyway, and if I don't like it, I don't play/buy it. Simple as that.
  11. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    I think that it could become as big as Final Fantasy. But if we can keep KH as it is in its core structure, we can have many different stories. FF was never the same story save for one, and that didn't go too well. I would love to see KH with a new story and new characters.

    I mean, the way its been up until now, Diseny doesn't have to be a part of it forever.
  12. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    Awesome!!!! ^^
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ??? Isn't that secret character the one in the very beginning of BBS on Destiny Island or was that someone different?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2010
  14. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    1) If it continues with sora's story, it will get boring, theres not much more sora can do anymore, and if KIngdom Hearts is truly sora's story, it will end with him. Though right now im thinking Kingdom Hearts is going to expand greatly. I'm just hoping we leave sora behind and focus on a new main character. In an alternate universe, like the FF games, and maybe have sora in cameo's like Cid is to FF.
    2) Having to many FF will kill the series. It was supposed to focused around Sora and his friends. I can see the next series being about Riku. But not a whole new kid, with a new keyblade. The keyblade thing is going to start getting old quick. Then they are going to try and switch it up with some other lame ass weapon and it will kill the concept of what Kingdom Hearts is.
    3) They just need to end it at 3

    If alot more games appear, I'll still buy em, but i think it will water down the series, and horrible games like Days would be made.
    On to the next note, this next game after BBS that connects everything has me excited.

    No we can't, its core structure consists of Sora and Kingdom Hearts. If you take away Sora, thats fine. You can leave Kingdom Hearts, but how many times do you wanna go there to save the heart of all worlds or keep the heart of all men from being taken over. It will get old

    Well its sorta late for kingdom hearts, Kingdom hearts from the start was all about having each game connect to a story. Switiching up the story now may get confusing.

    Disney had a part of why its great. Though i can see what your saying. Taking Disney away from it wouldn't be smart. Odds are they are going to loose fans, it won't sell as good. and that would be the end for KH, so their best bet is to stay Disney until they have a SUPER LEGIT replacment like traveling to FF worlds?

    No this new character is probably someone who haven't seen..or Riku
  15. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    The concept (at least to me) of KH is the Keyblade. That little weapon is the series' trademark. Disney and FF combining was pure genious, but Disney really doesn't have to be there. Of course, you take away both, then you'll have a serious breakdown in fanbase. But then again, I don't think we want to see a KH with ONLY Disney. That would get old very quickly.

    Instead, how about this;
    You take a hero who is chosen by the Keyblade, and who says you need to keep the whole heart of all worlds thing? Anyway, rather than saving the heart of all worlds or the hearts of all men, why not trying to save his own?

    A story of redemtion persay?
    I think these stories could become much more mature. But that's just me.
  16. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    How can the Keyblade go over the Kingdom Hearts itself? If the name would be that and there's no Kingdom Hearts altogether, boy would that be messy, they would have to change the whole concept, and turn it around. As epic there mentioned, the story is constructed by these games and if you make a Final Fantasy like concept (new story each time), that wouldn't fit to the description.

    Sound like bit too... cliché.

    I would rather want to see Kingdom Hearts Online than neverending series, but that's just me.
  17. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    That's what I mean by Pokemon Syndrome - they keep f***ing using Ash for all. . . how many seasons are we up to now?

    Here's another thing, Xepic - You say that the series would die if we switched to another 'lame ass weapon' and all that other stuff, but savor this - How have we made so many differing Roleplays?
  18. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I'd like to adrsess that Kingdom Hearts, is what the series revolves around. The concept of the video game is always been about Kingdom Hearts. Shit, i dare say kingdom hearts wouldn't be the same with out a kIngdom hearts..
    And uh the whole disney thing wouldn't get "old very quickly", because um they have been doing it for 8 years now and um its still sitting pretty strong. Though, i do agree it can branch to other worlds besides disney ones, just don't completely drop Disney. I mean if you didn't know Disney is the reason why we have your precious "keyblade".
    A story of redemtion persay?
    I think these stories could become much more mature. But that's just me.[/QUOTE]

    Save his own what? heart? thats so f***in lame. A mature game would be good, but not that cliche, oh im the chosen one let me go save the world shit! <- thats way to basic, the reason why kingdom hearts is so successful is because they took that concept and threw twist and turns in it, added a little disney and a little enix, and made it work.

    like a million, but yea what i'm saying is if they do it drop that Ash(Sora). And lets keep it refreshing.
    If your talking about the roleplays in our forum, i dont' read the at all. I don't even go into the RP section.
    Again, Kingdom Hearts isn't Kingdom Hearts without, A Knuckle headed main character (Sora or Riku), Companions (Donald and Goofy), the important weapon (Keyblade), and The domain (Kingdom hearts).
    If they manage to keep these things, replacing the main character and the compainions then so be it.
    But there is things they MUST keep, which is the Keyblade and Kingdom Hearts. Now, with this being said how old would the story get if every new main character receives a keyblade. VERY OLD. On top of that it would kill the concept of the keyblade being a special weapon. Now, give the main character another weapon, he is no longer special, he can't lock key holes, im damn sure he would have a hell of a time getting to kingdom hearts. So where do we go from here?
    A main character, with no companions, and no keyblade, who can't reach Kingdom Hearts? <-- that is not a Kingdom hearts game.
  19. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Sure it could be.
    The main character doesn't have to be the one who opens Kingdom Hearts. You could always have a sidekick with a Keyblade.

    The main character could even have an incomplete keyblade as well. There's plenty of possibilities.
  20. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    o_O the main character has never opened kingdom hearts in the first place...
    Sora <-- Main Character of Most of the games never opened KH
    Aqua <-- The main character of BBS, never opened KH
    so um duh?

    Next, No more people with keyblades. That would just take away the purpose of the keyblade. Its confirmed that the next kh game will not star sora, but another central character in the game. I doubt he will have a keyblade, but then again he may have one if he some how connected to Sora.

    What do you mean incomplete keyblade?

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