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Morph: Original Transformation Story

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Abyssal Knight, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Where are am I?"


    "Corey Fleet..I told you we'd catch you and your band of thieves. But we aren't going to arrest you are anything of that sort, that would do nothing but send your gang into a riot so we are going to let you go."

    "But first Corey I'm going to give you a little present that I've been working on." A tall dark skinned man said as he walked towards the boy chained to a brick wall next to a unconscious girl. He pulled a syringe with a fluorescent blue glowing liquid inside, from the pocket of his police uniform. The man mustered the most sinister smirk he could before injecting the syringe into the boy and flushing fluorescent blue liquid into the boy.

    The boy instantly lost consciousness.

    The Man then proceeded in doing the same operation on the girl chained next to the boy who he had just recently injected.

    "Come to me in need...and I'll father you all, and help you become who you truly are meant to be"The officer said as he pulled the needle out of the girl's skin and walked out of the dim lit room.

    Setting: Baltimore, Maryland 2027


    Name: Colby Jones
    Age: 18
    Name: Corey Fleet
    Age: 17
    Name: Ashley Snow
    Age: 19
    Name: Torrence Hill
    Age: 18​

    "Stop Running from me you damned kids!" A police officer yelled as he hunched over to catch his breath.

    In the distance of the man there were three kids jumping over a fence dodging the police officers in front of them. "Torrence look alive, narks on your nine!" A boy yelled to the girl running only meter away from him.

    "I see them Colby, stop treating me like I'm helpless!"Torrence barked back at Colby.

    The guy in front of Colby and Torrence looked back at them displeased. "Keep your eyes open and on the objective!" The boy said as he cleared the fence in front of him without touching it at all.

    "Corey...we'll meet back up with you at the hideout, I promise I wont blow it this time" She said as stopped and opened a hatch leading into the sewers. "Go on in Colby".

    Colby jumped into the opening and slid down a long slide the shot him into the sewer waters. Torrence followed not far behind and landed behind Colby in the sewer.

    "Damn it Torrence, your splashing me!"

    "You should have moved then dumbass"

    "So why are we doing this again?" Torrence asked as she cracked her knuckles.
    "We need to find a cure for Ashley...her mutation is getting out of control, not mention we need to find out who did this to us and how they keep activating it" Colby said looking at Torrence with a disturbed look. "How are you ever so clueless about whats going on and your always around?" He asked.

    Torrence looked at him and went silence and began venturing deep into the sewers. Colby side eyed her and followed behind her at a distance.

    "Ashley, Im here...we have to go. Get ready we have to get mobile soon the narks are looking for us, but Torrence and Colby took the heat so we have a little bit of time to vanish" Corey said.

    He grabbed a bag sitting in a corner of the room and put it on Ashley's back and picked her up putting her on his back.

    "Corey...what if I..."

    "Ashley we don't have enough time for the what if, hold on..." Corey said as he jumped out the window of the four story building. When Corey reached mid air he and Ashley vanished into thin air and reappeared on the ground.

    "We should be at the home in a moment Ashley, hold on tight I might need to 'port' again" Corey said. Ashley nodded slightly and then tightened her grip on Corey's shoulders.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Corey began full sprint down the street with Ashley on his back.

    "Ashley everything is going to be okay! just hang tight for a bit" Corey stated as he ran across the street into a alley way. Ashley said not a word and slightly nodded with her eyes half way open.

    "Got damn it...where the hell is the light!" Colby said as he began feeling for the light switch on the sewer walls.

    Torrence stood there and watched then smirked slightly as she flicked the switch, cutting on a stream of lights. "Found it!" She said giggling. "Lets go doofus!" Torrence said running pass Colby.

    Colby snarled then began following behind her.

    The two continued running for about a block ahead from the street they were under and reached a door with metal bars on it.

    "Open it doofus, your the guy..be a gentlemen for once" Torrence said to Colby. She stood there patiently waiting, mocking him knowing that he would open the door.

    Colby walked up to the door and twisted knob and lifted the door up and pushing it inwards opening the door. When the door finally opened two S.W.A.T team member with guns stood at the entrance to their hideout.

    "Your under arrest! Don't fucking move or it will be your last!" They yelled.

    Colby and Torrence looked at one another and both raised their hands surrendering their arrest.

    "Shit! How did they know...who in the hell told them about our spot?!" Colby yelled angrily as he and Torrence were put into handcuffs and thrown into the hideout.

    "Corey going to be pissed about this..." Torrence said looing down at the grown.


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