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Morph[Remake](Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jun 7, 2011.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...


    Ok so now im on the search for my friends and my girlfriend. I haven't seen them since we all got chased into the factory. I just hope she isn't.......well let me not think like that because I'm still alive...I'm a wierdo but still alive. I also need to find my parents they went missing for some reason like everyone else parent. I haven't been to school for 4 days now and I'm starting to think no else has either because I haven't seen people on the bus stop in the morning. I also observed something else when I transform into something I gain it abilities and memory. Today I go out on my search for my friends and the spades.-December 18 2020.
    Kevin emptied his bookbag of all his school things and began putting food in his bag that couldn't rotten quickly and all the first aid kits he had in his house. He looked at his family picture and frowned and then looked at his bag and continued packing the necessary for his expedition. Kevin had a feeling that he wasn't going to be home for a while so he locked the door to his house as he left out. Kevin then put the bookbag on his back and transformed into a cheetah and ran off into the woods behind his house. Kevin saw the old clubhouse him and Jordan used to play in when they were younger. Kevin ran towards the clubhouse and was there in an instant. Kevin transformed back and walked into the clubhouse. " Hello anyone in here" Kevin said looking around. Kevin flipped the light switch. It took a while for the light to cut on but it came on and once it did Kevin walked into the clubhouse to see that it was in perfect like as if someone had been staying there. Kevin then transformed back into a cheetah and ran out the clubhouse. "I guess I'll go check the house were the party was held" Kevin thought. Kevin ran toward the direction of the house and arrived there 5 minutes later. Kevin transformed back into a human and was panting heavily. "Looks like no ones here" Kevin said." I guess ill go and check the factory" Kevin walked to the factory so he could catch his breathe. When Kevin got to the factory he snuck into the gate and began looking around. Then Kevin had noticed a necklace on the ground. It was the necklace he had given Era for there anniversary. " Era.....where could you be...." Kevin said as a tear dropped from his eye.​
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    YouTube - ‪Kingdom Hearts Re: CoM Music - Naminé's Theme‬‏

    " Era.....where could you be...."

    The voice carried to her ears. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up looking all around her. All she saw was clouds. The warm sun was beating down on her face. The site was amazing. She looked around puzzled, how'd she get there? Was she dead, was this suppose to be heaven up beyond the clouds.

    She wrapped her arms around her body, scratches littered her body. She closed her eyes thinking back to the faithful day that she could of gotten here.

    The girl was clinging to a boys arm as they walked into a house. It was filled up with a bunch of college student, the boy she was clinging to and another boy with them must have been the only high schoolers there.

    "Kevin..." Era whispered and noticed the alcohol sitting around all over the place.

    "Hey, look it's Kevin, Jordan, and miss. beautiful herself, Era." A boy walked up to them. The girl, Era glared at the boy. She's encountered him before, he had a crush on her, and it wasn't a shy friendly crush, it was a scary crush for Era. She didn't tell Kevin, her best friend at the time not her boy friend yet, because she was afraid to. She was glad when he dropped out and he was gone. So much for that as they stood accross from him.

    She let go of Kevin's arm standing their awkwardly silently glaring at him yet at the sametime trying to hide it from him.

    "Come in, enjoy the party, there's plenty of drinks all around for everybody here." He stated opening up his home to them. Era looked at Kevin as they entered the party.

    "Kevin, I don't have a good feeling about this, not one bit." She whispered.

    Era found herself sitting on the couch a beer bottle forced into her hand by none other than the man who greeted them.

    "Sweet party Xavier." A bunch of people called out to him showing signs of him entering, him being the one who greeted them at the door, the one name Xavier. Xavier walked over to the couch and stood right above her. She looked up at him.

    "I hope you're enjoying this party." He said to all of them. "Oh Era you must meet somebody, she's pretty cool." Xavier said to her. Era looked over at Kevin and Jordan before standing up setting down the untouched beer bottle in her hand.

    She followed him into a kitchen filled with smoke. She looked at him and crossed her arms.

    "What do you want Xavier?" She asked him harshly. Just because she was partially afraid of him, she wasn't going to show fear.

    "Truthfully you, all you for just me and just me." Xavier told her pushing her against the wall and putting a big wet, disqusting kiss on her lips. She struggled in his hands. He didn't break the kiss. She struggled trying to get free until she bit his lip as hard as she possibly could. He broke free allowing her to suck in a lungful of air. She looked up at him and kicked him hard getting him further from her.

    "What the hell, bitch?" He asked mad raising his hand to his lip where he pulled his hand away and blood was on his fingers.

    Quickly she looked for an escape before running to the side to be grabbed by the arm and pulled back a knife at her neck. She became still quickly.

    "You tell your boyfriend or anybody, I will rip your heart out with this knife and it'll definately be mine or I'll keep you locked up forever, you understand." Xavier asked angry, forceful, and in a whisper. Blood dripping down his chin. Era was afraid now and nodded and was let go.

    "Kevin!" She nearly screamed running over to him the minute she saw him and hugging him.

    "I want to leave right now, no waiting, right now I want taken home." She said trying to hold back tears.

    "Cops are coming right down the road to here, everybody run!" A person came running into the house. Era turned around and looked at the guy.

    The next thing she knows a large group of all of them are running away from the cops. Some people drunk fell over and were more than likely caught but they kept running. Era looked ahead noticing an abandoned warehouse. People climbing an old electrical fence now turned off and fighting through the barb wiring.

    Before she knows it she's climbing up the fence and falls to the other side of the fence getting cut up slightly from the barb wiring. She stood up and turned around to Kevin and Jordan before not only hearing an explosion but being pushed by one towards the fence she just climbed. She opened her eyes being overwhelmed by a thick purple smoke and coughing trying to breathe.

    No matter what she did the only breath she took was of the smoke around here before she felt lightheaded and everything became real dizzy.

    Era looked around her surroundings. Did she die? She though back to the voice that woke her up.

    "Kevin!" She exclaimed to herself. She jumped up before she knows it she's floating in mid air. She looked around confused feeling wind whiping around her body. Then it hit her like a freight train or an airplane. The wind cushoned her though as she grabbed hold of a jet airliner wing flying who knows how fast. The plane was descending to the ground probably landing at the airport in the city.

    She looked to her right and noticed just a little kid looking at her surprised nobody else on the plane noticed her. Just as the kid turned around, Era lost her grip and the plane whipped past her. To her surprise again she wasn't thrown about like how she imagined, she just floated in place in the air.

    Era Eve was part of the explosion that would change the world, and she was reborn, reborn as a 'mutant' with powers over air and wind.

    Era from that point forward would be a new person.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Outside an abandoned house, was a dirty, bruised, Jordan laying uncouncious. Slowly he began regaining counciousness and felt pain all over his body. "Ow.....ow......OW," he exclaimed as he finally woke up. He stretched his arms upward feeling his bones ache and pop. He then stood up and rotated his body to the left and to the right, cracking everything else. He walked around the corner and noted a car driving down the street. He grinned and outstretched his arms toward the car. Incredibly, he began draining the car of all of it's electricity, powering him up. The car swerved and crashed into the abandoned house before catching on fire. Jordan merely walked away feeling completely rejuvenated. "Ah, much better," he said, walking off as the car behind him blew up.

    He made his way to the factory only to continue his investigation of what had caused the explosion. He entered through the back way, well what used to be the back way, and began his search for clues as to what happened that night.
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin had fell to his knees and began to cry. " Era.......Jordan.......where are you guys?" Kevin cried out. He then stood up with tear falling from his face and walked out of the factory. "I hope she's ok......I hope they're ok..." Kevin thought. He then looked up into the sky and said " I love you Era please be ok".
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan quickly jumped as he heard a cry from further down the factory. "Kevin," Jordan mumbled as he ran out and began running down the hallway smiling. 'I haven't smiled for what feels like YEARS now! I'm so glad Kevin's ok,' Jordan thought still smiling. He kicked down a door and saw a crying boy look up to the sky. "Oh PLEASE tell me this isn't Kevin," Jordan shouted. "The Kevin I knew would suck it up like a man and go out looking for his friends. Not standing around crying!"
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin turned around to see Jordan standing in the doorway. Kevin stared at him with no words then walked up to him and said. " Im glad your okay dude but.....we have to find her" Kevin said as he wiped his face. "I have no idea where she is and I need to know if she's ok so we have to go know"Kevin said as he grabbed Jordan's wrist and dragged him along. Kevin began walking back towards his house.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan went wide eyed as he was practically being dragged to Kevin's house. He tugged back so he wasn't being held and walked behind Kevin. "So, you haven't been able to find her, huh?" Jordan scratched the back of his head to think about the situation the two were in. Jordan didn't know Era as well as Kevin did, but the fact that Kevin liked her was enough for Jordan to be determined enough to find her. He placed a hand on Kevin's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, we'll find her Kev, I promise." Jordan smiled, hoping that this statement had reassured Kevin in a positive manner.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    A man sat on a large chair. He was facing a wall when a door opened up behind him. He looked behind him.

    "Sir, there's been a breach on camp. Nobody seems injured, but we believe it might be those mutants who have been showing up lately." A man who ran in stated. The man stuck out his hand and snapped his fingers as a large shadow hole opened up on the ceiling and a body in a soldier uniform dropped onto the table behind the man sitting in the chair.

    "Sir!" The man at door stated not realizing the danger he was in as the shadow of the other man grew larger.

    The man at the chair closed his eyes hearing the snapping of a neck and a thump as the other man fell to the floor dead.

    The millitary training camp was theirs', it was the Defiance's. The man spun around closing his eyes before opening them.

    "Xavier." Somebody came bounding into the room. The man with black hair and bits of red dyed in it, black eyes, pale skin, piercings and tattoos all over his body(though his black pants, boots, shirt, and long coat covered them up).

    "I've told you not to call me that." The man, Xavier stated standing up. He stood about 6'2" though to the man he appeared to tower 9' over him.

    "I'm sorry, Shadow!" The person exclaimed. "I'm here to report, the camp is ours. We've also been able to erase its existance in the world." Xavier or Shadow grinned.

    "Good." Shadow stated standing up and looking outside of the tall mansion he was in serving as the camps classrooms, storage, officer quarters, meeting place, and various other uses looked over several smaller cabin in which now were being occupied by not millitary personels but Defiance members.

    "Orders?" Shadow looked over his shoulder.

    "Leave my site." Shadow stated coldly.

    "Yes sir." The person stated.

    "Also locate Kevin Mortian and Era Eve and of course locate those bloody Spades location." Shadow stated.

    "Yes sir." The person said leaving.

    Shadow turned out to look out the window before grinning.

    Xavier Koting was part of the explosion causing him to gain powers, he has been reborn a mutant.

    A mutant with a plan to get what he wants.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will strode through town, jacket hanging loosely off his slim frame. As his hair swished in his face he started kicking fire from his hands and letting his breath fog in front of his face as he breathed. His pace was quick as he strode through the streets. "Can't believe they send me to find a Defiance camp only to see nothing but abandoned tents..." He growled, fire spewing from his nostrils as he panted in anger. He melted a fence of a factory yard that he was striding through on his way back to the spade base.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Theses mere.....children....were blessed with such beautiful powers, and for what.....for them to fight one other with such power? Ignorant children. This is slightly off the plan.......but nonetheless, it's still......progressing." Kalid Stevens stood on top of a building overlooking the factory which he had created and had caused such a catastrophe merely four days prior. He would return there occasionally just to think and to plan for his next move. He looked around the area thinking of where to go next before he pulled out a small journal. He flipped through the pages until he found a page dated on that day. After reviewing the journal page he smirked slightly and quickly teleported away.

    Kalid quickly appeared behind Will, silently. "Hello William. It's good to see you," Kalid said loudly, so his presence was known.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will turned, knowing the sound of the voice very well. "Kalid, now what have I done that earns the grace of your presence? I wasn't part of your incident the other night so we know that's not it. Hmm... I wonder what it could be?" He barked, sarcasm dripping from his voice as much as the sparks spitting from his mouth. He knew of Kalid, and he knew he was not one to be reckoned with. Will had powers on the same level as Kalid, the only difference was Kalid could control his.
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin stopped and looked at him. " I know Jordan......We have to"Kevin said looking as serious as he could be. Kevin looked around then crossed the street and entered his house. "Mom!.....Dad......are you guys here?"Kevin exclaimed. Kevin walked into the dinning room and had seen blood all over the table and splashes of blood on te floor leading to the kitchen. Kevin was surprised to see so much blood. He then followed the trails of blood. When Kevin reached the kitchen and had seen a huge puddle of blood on the floor, and on the counters. Kevin stood there shocked and only could think o the worst.
  13. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Kalid smirked slightly before speaking again. "Oh, I see that I'm well known.......among you children." With each pause he took when he spoke, he inhaled heavily as if it were difficult for him to breathe. "You look slightly timid William. I'd have thought that someone as strong willed as you wouldn't be. Then again, you have every right to be when you're staring.........eye to eye with the man who not only gave you powers......but can take them away as well." Kalid's arm glowed intensely for a few seconds as if to intimidate Will. Kalid had a emotionless look on his face as he stared into the eyes of a boy who could almost be his equal. Almost, Kalid would remind himself. With his power to strip others of their powers, Kalid arrogantly assumed that he was the strongest out of them all.

    Jordan stood outside for a few minutes, faintly remembering not to just walk into anothers home. He leaned against the wall outside, but noticed Kevin was taking longer then expected to come out. "Hey Kevin, what the hell are you doing in there," he yelled inside of the house. He then began to walk inside but stopped halfway in when he noticed all of the blood. Jordan nearly fell out when he saw the amount of blood in nearly every part of the living room. It was even worse as it had lead to the kitchen, where Jordan found Kevin, horrified by the sight of it all. "No way," Jordan mumbled to himself in disbelief.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned at Kalid, clicking running his hand over the glow on Kalid's arm, freezing the arm solid. Yes he felt extremely weak from this move, but he wanted to remind Kalid, his powers were equal to his. "Mind you Kalid, you know the only reason I tolerate your interferance in the war is because you gave people their powers." Will growled, melting the ice off Kalid's arm, the move weakening him even more.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Kalid looked at what Will had done to his arm and then looked back up to him. "Then I wonder why you haven't done anything about me murdering most of your, unworthy, members," Kalid smiled as he finished his statement. He thought back to all the Spades he had killed, and realised he must have kille at least 40 of them, deeming them unworthy. He looked at Will in the eyes before continuing, "Your arrogance reminds me a lot of myself William......that needs to change soon. What would your dear mother and father say if they saw you now." Kalid began to test Will, see how far it would take to touch a nerve.
  16. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Amy slowly walked down the street looking at the bland black pavement before her. She slowly reached into her pocket and pulled out a cigarette. She lit it and continued to walk down the street looking at the sky. She flicked the blonde hair out of her face and looked down the street to see cops coming in a car a couple miles down the street..
    "Ah shoot." Amy said frantically, throwing the cigarette in the grass and casually walking back to her house. Ever since they had caught her drinking, they came down her street a lot more often.
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin looked at his blood stained hands in disbelief. He couldn't think of anything good at this moment only terrifying things no one could ever imagine unless driven to the point he was at this very moment. Kevin looked back at Jordan then back at his hands. "Jordan......do.....you think....th..they...killed my...parents?"Kevin as hesitantly. Kevin looked back at Jordan then walked out of the kitchen with no emotion on his face. Kevin ran upstairs, went under his bed and grabbed a small box and put it his bookbag. Kevin looked at Jordan. " Let's go we can't stay here......they may have watched us." Kevin said.
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's nerve sparked but his face remained unchanged. Yet his eyes were what gave him away. They started to glow like they were embers. "You know that I don't care how many of the weaker members you kill, just so long as I can continue my job Kalid. You know I'm only here to find out why my parents sided with them and then I'll just end up like you, killing whatever gets in my way." He barked, voice cold as his breath fogged thickly.
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Smoke could be seen in a small neighborhood. The cause was a wooden shelter that had been ignited. Many people gathered because there was a small boy inside. Some screamed and shouted but no words seemed effective. Suddenly the flames were extinguished. Fire fighters arrived seconds after and found no boy. The crowd dispersed in puzzlement. Later a child came back to the shelter. "Fire,.....that's right...it wasn't a dream?!" he begins to think back.

    It all began the day of the party. The party that my "friends" invited me too. I guess you can call them that. I don't believe in friends. Anyway I was unwilling to go to the party but I went anyway. We arrived at the party and many of my classmates were there. I created a facade with a smile and greeted them. I had multiple conversation although they were dull and meaningless. The music was extremely loud and irksome. Food was splattered on the floor along with broken objects. It was the same as any other party I've been to except one thing. "Fire!" Yes that's right. Three kids from a nearby party crashed ours. They seemed to be 2 or 3 years older than we were. They tipped over tables and acted in a rude and belligerent manner. I stood and watched uncaring towards the situation. One of these boys, he seemed to be the leader was flirting with one of my "friends". I decided to intervene and that is when things began to worsen. During this time many began to run and leave while I fended for myself. Then that's when things get fuzzy. I remember waking up, the house on fire; smoke and debris clouding the air. Everyone had escaped the scene. I too, picked myself up and began to limp to a nearby place, a factory. My body was covered in bruises and small embers remained on my skin especially on my head and hands. Again I can't remember but what I think to be an explosion occurred. Next thing I know I felt I can finally show my true colors. Red! And to cause all kinds of hell. With this new found freedom I burned a building nearby.

    Kite, now called Phoenix realizes where he must return, back to the factory.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Come on Kev, let's not get drastic here," Jordan said, trying to reassure Kevin. "I'm sure this is just a scare tactic, hell probably a bunch of emo freaks came in here and some ceremony or something. It's probably goat blood!" Jordan now tried to add a bit of comedy into the mix, hoping to add some bit of humor into this dark moment. "And 'they'? What do you mean 'they'?"

    Kalid became quickly upset and punched Will in the face as hard as he could. He shook his fist and told him, "That determination of defeating anything in your past...........is percisely what I want from you. But not showing even the slightest sign of respect for the men below you, is NOT what you need.........nor for you to get frustrated over your parents so easily. What's dead is dead, and that is why you should move on, look forward.......not into the past." Kalid turned his back to Will before continuing, "And becoming the man I stand before you today is not what I want, nor what you need. You must become something more.......a real man. And as for your parents, well.......I'll just say that they were two of the most important peices in this chess game. A game that I am playing William."

    He looked back at Will before pulling the hood on his coat up. "There are two boys out there who are with close ties with he Defiance. They just murdered an innocent couple, about three blocks from here. Reaching them will get you one step closer to your ultimate future." With those last words, Kalid disappeared instantly, in thin air.
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