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Morph (Remake) (OOC/SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, May 1, 2011.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...


    When I was born I lived a normal life. I always did what I was told. I never disobeyed my parents. I went to parties occasionally and I spent time with my girlfriend. But ever since that incident at the party last night I haven't been me.....I mean literally I'm not myself im someone else and it's wierd because as much as I want this to be a dream I becomes more and more real.-December 12 2020.

    Today I turned into a bird but luckily I found out how to control these wierd changes. I finally changed back to myself today and it felt so good to be back into my skin and not someone else. Oh yeah and besides me turning into a bird today I turned into a monster from a television show I watch, I gained all the powers the monster had and I looked exactly like the monster.-December 14 2020

    Ok so I'm finally back home and I haven't changed at all today so I think in have the hang of this transformation thing but the reason why im writing today is because I don't think I was the only one hurt by that gas explosion from that party in Saturday. I saw a kid climbing on the walls and his eyes were a weird green color. After I saw him he crawled on the wall into the alley and when I ran into the alley he was gone. Also I haven't seen my bestfriend, my girlfriend, or my girlfriends sister. I hope there okay.-December 15 2020.

    Now the thing that happened at the party is on the news and now some kids are trying to get rid of the normal and some kids are trying to stop those who are killing the normals. The group killing humans are The Defiance and the group that is saving them are called The Spades. Someone came up to me today and asked me "who am I with?". I answered the spades and the guy threw me a jacket with a spade on it and ran off into the alleyway and like the wallcrawling guy he vanished.

    Beginner Roleplay rules apply.

    Kevin Mortian-Morph-Main character.(Knightof Darkness(Darian)
    Jordan Vex-Bestfriend (King Of Darkness)
    Era Eve- Girlfriend (Destiny)
    (Era's Sister) (Role Open)

    William (Curtis8494)
    Alitheia Lux(1Gannon1)
    Adam (ADogX)
    Akihiro Higo (xXAnTiFoRmXx)
    Amy Elliot (Zol)
    Kite Young (Keybladelegacy)

    Side: (Spade or Defiance)
    Age: (10-18)(if younger than 15 tell what happened to get powers in bio if over 15 no need to tell)
    Power: (Be descriptive please)
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Name: Kevin Mortian
    Nickname: Morph*
    Side: Spade
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Power: Morion Shapeshifter- A Shapeshifter who can not only change into a being but can also adapt there
    abilities strengths and weaknesses.
    Bio: Kevin is a average teen who loves sports. Kevin is the star player of his schools varsity football team. Kevin isn't cocky like most of his team he is always spending time with his girlfriend. Kevin never questioned his parent and he always obeyed anything they said no matter what it was. Kevin loves football but his passion is lacrosse ever since the football season was over all he does is play lacrosse and go to school. Kevin almost never gets out unless he going with his friend or his girlfriend.
    Other: He looks exactly like the picture i posted but without the wing and mace.
    Kevin also wears this necklace with a ring on it and a green gem inside it.
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Name: Adam

    Nickname: Wind Warrior

    Side: Spade

    Age: 15

    Appearance: White skin, brown hair, blue eyes. Hair covers left eye. 5'8 tall. Wears blue jeans and a Green sweater that's always zipped.

    Power: Ability to control wind and air

    Bio: Gained his powers at a party. He cares for what's right and will save all the Normals at all costs. He's also a close friend of Kevin.

    Theme: YouTube - Dragonforce - Disciples of Babylon
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    I'm sorry but I gave to decline you for now edit you bio and I don't think I can make you the bestfriend.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'm assuming we're still doing the old reservations? Allow me a moment and I'll go copy the character(with probably a few edits) from before.


    Name: Era Eve
    Age: 17
    Race: human-super powered
    Weapon: none, she mainly uses her powers. Though she does have a hand gun
    Abilities: Wind- with just swift movement of her arms and with complete focus she can call fourth the wind. She doesn't even need to move her arms she just needs to focus. With her powers of the wind and the air around her she can throw force ful throws of wind acting like a knife in the air towards someone or her powers could be used to catch somebody. Her powers also enable her to fly.

    Physical Description:

    Personality: Era is a sweet kind girl. She works hard on everything and she's highly involved in tons of activities. She tries to live a normal life.

    Era is confident in herself, holding her head up high. She is known for never, never giving up on anything.

    She's all about helping the world around her and doing the best she can to do just that. She is friendly and loving. Era is very caring.

    Besides that Era is brave diving into any challenge thrown her way. She also has very little fears except losing those close to her.
    History: Era has had a fair life. She recently moved to her new home 3 years ago, that year meeting Kevin. Kevin became sort of her best friend moving there and after a year they started going out. They've been together for 2 years.

    Era has done dancing since she was really little and it has become her life. In middle school though she had to get involved with a school activity and dancing didn't count so she started cheerleading. She absolutely loves cheerleading. When starting high school, and at a new school, she didn't get along with the cheer squad. They were all jealous of her because she was a much better cheerleader than most of them and because she's been to All Star, State cheer squad. This year she is squad captain though still hated by all of the cheer squad.

    Era is glad though that all her cheering events to support the different sports, she's been around Kevin. Without him she would probably quit.

    Honestly for her, if it wasn't for Kevin, she wouldn't be as popular(outside the cheer squad that is). She and Kevin get invited to parties and everything else. Slowly though she was getting tired of them. The last party though she was most wary about.

    Kevin barely went to parties, only on occassions. She was glad about that. This last party she was wary from the start. You could only get in if you were big in the school, the community, and you were popular. The party was being thrown by college students with the selective high schoolers and special guests. All around the party people were talking about something, something big. When the incident happened, everybody left the party. Nobody stayed, for one reason, nobody was themselves anymore. In everybody something was changing no longer making them, them.

    Era the next couple days, not feeling right, didn't go anywhere. She barely even spoke to her sister whom she's very close to. Weird events were happening around her and she finally began figuring it out. The weird wind storm, the wind blowing through her hair, her feeling lighter than usual. It's all been caused by her.

    Era began gaining control on the powers and after so many days be secluded is finally stepping out. She's watched the news about the event and was even approached about being a Spade in which she accepted.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2011
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    I'm back in just let me go fetch my old temp.
  7. 1Gannon1

    1Gannon1 New Member

    Name: Alitheia Lux

    Nickname: Some call her Luxy or Luxy baby, but she detests this nickname.

    Side: Spade

    Age: 19

    Alitheia is a tall woman who usually wears a black business suit. It has a dark red tie and white trim on all locations where the suit ends. Her shoes are typical work shoes, and not sneakers or high heels. She is black, but not overly dark. She is past the point of "Tan" but still a bit before the point of being truly dark enough to be African level black. Her hair is two shades lighter of a brown than her skin. Her eyes are green, and her skin is almost perfect.

    Power: She can create anything, be it a toaster or lightning, as long as she gives up something of equal value (which can be interpreted many ways, be it in monetary value, weight, or use). For example, she could walk over to a large chunk of lead and turn it into a larger chunk of gold. Why? Because lead weighs more than gold. She could turn a bomb into a vase full of flowers. Why? A bomb would be more useful in many scenarios.

    Bio: Until now, Alitheia has lived a fairly normal life. She got A's in her classes, had time to go to parties, and was generally successful. In fact, she was reluctant to even go to the party because it seemed like it would be uneventful compared to other parties. But still, she went. That lead her to end up joining spade, after for weeks things around her began to change. Her mother and father changed into their weight in shoes, her house into a pile of smoking coals of the same weight. She slowly gained control over what she changed, but it took a lot longer than it did for morph.

    Theme: Through the Fire and Flames - By DragonForce

    Other: Still once in a while changes things without meaning to. Also, she cannot change those with powers, as the power in their blood resists her.
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sorry guys this is still on but I was gone for a while sorry for the absence
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Was wondering what happened to you. Anyways, onward then? :)
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Nickname: Will
    Side: Spades
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Black hoodie and a military jacket with a spade on the shoulder. also has longer hair. Eyes are a bright neon blue.
    Power: Can manipulate fire and ice. Can create weapons from them or turn himself into a weapon by expelling the elements in certain way.
    Also for some reason his eyes are harder to be linked through with powers
    Bio: Grew up torubled, in and out of homes while he kept getting into fights in school. He never knew who his parents were until he turned fifteen and learned of the spades. He joined up almost immedeatly after he learned his parents had fought with the spades. He is coisdered one of the spades most powerful yet most reckless fighters.
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Yeah I guess so. But I want to wait for a few more people to join.
  12. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Name: Akihiro Higo
    Nickname: "Distotion Factor"
    Side: (Spade or Defiance) Spade
    Age: (10-18) 13
    Power: (Be descriptive please)
    Infinite Eye-He can activate a power in his left eye which allows him to manipulate the scenery and distort dimensional control and come in and out of portals and speed up. He attacks with a katana.
    Bio: He was kidnapped and selected as a science project in which the scientist modified him and created a weapon that they were going to sell to the Defiance. But he escaped his mind wiped of his past.
    Theme: Cant think of one
    Other: He loves riceballs
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    All accepted just need at least three defiance members to start.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I'll make a leader for defiance later today
  15. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Name: Amy Elliot

    Nickname: Amy

    Side: Defiance

    Age: 17

    Appearance: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_p86nCiiFuWc/TRtsulq6xzI/AAAAAAAAAGA/JFLUIiezJZk/s640/scene+8.jpg

    Power: Item Shifter/ appearance Shifter

    Item Shifter: Can change any item into anything else... for example she could turn a lamp into a gun, with all the capabilities of a gun

    Appearance Shifter: simply can change her appearance

    Bio: She grew up poor, with a distraught family... Her mother was a crack head and her dad worked a meth lab...
    this may explain why she chose to use her powers for the defiance
    She doesn't really have a great reputation, she is often thought of a little play-bunny
    She has a small group of friends and hates rules, she has an average of 3 detentions a week, breaking the school's record
    she isn't all that intelligent

    Theme: YouTube - ‪August Burns Red - Back Burner‬‏ Back burner
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2011
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Change the Bio and your excepted.
  17. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    what would you like to be changed about the bio?
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    I explained it to you in a VM and ok Destiny I appreciate it :D
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name: Xavier "Shadow" Koting
    Age: 21
    Race: human-super powered
    Position: leader
    Alignment: defiance
    Weapon: keeps a shot gun and knife on his person at all times, but may also carry other various items if need be
    Abilities: He has the power to manipulate shadows and nightmares, basically he controls darkness. The shadow lurking behind you everywhere you go can become it's own being controlled by him. It can take you as prisoner or hurt you. Also can cause the worst nightmares to come upon you during sleep.
    Physical Description:

    http://i385.photobucket.com/albums/oo292/DarkMajora25/Anime Pics/emoboy-1.jpg

    Xavier has long black hair with red died in parts of it. He before the incident had dark eyes but afterwards has recieved red eyes. He stands 6'2" and is very skinny. From first look one would not be able to tell that he's strong when intruths underneith his stick like body he has a strong built six pack.

    Personality: Xavier is a dark, depressed, angry kid. He is as emo as one can get. Throughout high school he was the freak everybody was afraid of, he was the kid who did the drinking, smoking, and drugs. He was that kid that everybody was curious about.

    Xavier never finished highschool he ended up dropping out of high school his junior year and started dealing. Here he built up a tough attitude of not taking crap from anybody.

    Xavier has become an emo, tough, aggressive, arrogant, intimidating person. One who should be feared.

    History: Xavier is an interesting character. He's lived a hard life many would probably die young from.

    He never knew his real mother(in person). His father had done things with many girls and continued to do so. Apparently to his understanding his mother was 14 when he was born and when he was born his mother dropped him off to his father, a man who he'd eventually turn out to be.

    His father was 17 high school drop out when he got Xavier as a son. The boy was angered by the new responsibility but nonetheless had to take care of his new son. He never was told he had to do it right.

    His son has had to watch as many girls would come almost every night and leave the next morning. Most of them were young or college girls. Xavier also watched and even at a young age learned about the drug business.

    In middle school his father was caught with drugs and arrested. Xavier was placed then in a foster home for certain juvenile children. He became depressed of being seperated from the man he actually grew to idolize.

    Slowly Xavier entered into the samething as his father.

    Xavier was throwing a party for a college friend of him. Xavier was secretly making deals, at this party of course cops had come and caused everybody in the party if they were underage drinking or doing drugs to run. They ran to a local abandoned nuclear factory which had unknowingly still had nuclear waste.

    Here an explosion happened. The next morning Xavier woke up hidden and quickly learned of his new powers. With his new powers and his type of mind he became the leader of a rebel super power group who planned to over throw the world and take over, them being the strong leaders.

    Xavier went to the same high school as Kevin, Will, and Era. When Era was a freshmen Xavier had a huge liking to her and through her sophmore year when she recieved creepy love letters and threats that she kept hidden from everybody were sent by him. He also is unknown to Kevin is his cousin, the son to his mother's little sister and Kevin's aunt.
    Famous Uses:
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Many apologies on my behalf of my disappearence. High school is well.......hectic. Especially public schools >_< But enough about that, what's important is, I'm back and ready to raise hell again.

    Name: Jordan Vex
    Nickname: Blaze
    Gender: Male
    Side: Spade
    Age: 18
    Before the blast- [​IMG]
    After-[​IMG](With the scar still there and red eyes)

    Powers: Pyrokinesis, electric manipulation, and cross-dimensional awareness
    Bio: Jordan was a cheerful teenager and outgoing guy before the blast. He was always very protective of all his friends whenever danger was occuring. After getting his best friend to join the lacrosse team with him, he later became captain of the team. He even found himself a girlfriend in the proccess. He was also the party animal, always being invited to parties left and right. Occassionaly he'd even drag Kevin along just so he'd have company when arriving, besides his girlfreind. Things looked as if they were going his way. After winning the championship game, him and Kevin decided to join a friend's party. During the party a quarall with the police led to them being chased into a factory. Unfortunately, some explopsion there led to his unavoidable gain of powers. His skin grew paler, his hair grew darker, and his eyes turned to a ruby red color. He had awoken to find that his arms were on fire and quickly stopped, flickering back and forth. Feeling that he was a freak, he ran off leaving his friends at the factory. He has not been seen since...
    Theme: YouTube - My Chemical Romance - "Welcome to the Black Parade"
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