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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...


    Ok so now im on the search for my friends and my girlfriend. I haven't seen them since we all got chased into the factory. I just hope she isn't.......well let me not think like that because I'm still alive...I'm a wierdo but still alive. I also need to find my parents they went missing for some reason like everyone else parent. I haven't been to school for 4 days now and I'm starting to think no else has either because I haven't seen people on the bus stop in the morning. I also observed something else when I transform into something I gain it abilities and memory. Today I go out on my search for my friends and the spades.-December 18 2020.
    Kevin emptied his bookbag of all his school things and began putting food in his bag that couldn't rotten quickly and all the first aid kits he had in his house. He looked at his family picture and frowned and then looked at his bag and continued packing the necessary for his expedition. Kevin had a feeling that he wasn't going to be home for a while so he locked the door to his house as he left out. Kevin then put the bookbag on his back and transformed into a cheetah and ran off into the woods behind his house. Kevin saw the old clubhouse him and Jordan used to play in when they were younger. Kevin ran towards the clubhouse and was there in an instant. Kevin transformed back and walked into the clubhouse. " Hello anyone in here" Kevin said looking around. Kevin flipped the light switch. It took a while for the light to cut on but it came on and once it did Kevin walked into the clubhouse to see that it was in perfect like as if someone had been staying there. Kevin then transformed back into a cheetah and ran out the clubhouse. "I guess I'll go check the house were the party was held" Kevin thought. Kevin ran toward the direction of the house and arrived there 5 minutes later. Kevin transformed back into a human and was panting heavily. "Looks like no ones here" Kevin said." I guess ill go and check the factory" Kevin walked to the factory so he could catch his breathe. When Kevin got to the factory he snuck into the gate and began looking around. Then Kevin had noticed a necklace on the ground. It was the necklace he had given Era for there anniversary. " Era.....where could you be...." Kevin said as a tear dropped from his eye.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2011
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Quietly a girl in her late teens began waking up. She yawned and looked around her room. She was going to leave today. Since the accident, the disappearence of her parents, and sister(just doing this until Hope decides to join or somebody takes the role), she hasn't left her room. Plus it's been a while to get used to the wind powers. A long while seeing as her room is a total disaster from experiencing tornados in her room.

    She stood up and walked over to her closet pulling out the duffle bag. She had plans to get to the bottom of things. She planned it all out. She wasn't going to sit back and just let people get hurt. The fact somebody from the party had emailed her asking to become a spade(though it was a wide range email) she accepted.

    The girl grabbed her dark blue skinny jeans, blue converse and her sky blue skinny tank top. She stepped out of the room and to the shower getting a quick shower and stepping out. She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and wrapped a blue ribbon around the pony tail.

    She ran back to her room and stopped at her dresser and looked at the picture frame of her and her boy friend, Era and Kevin monogramed on it. She picked the frame up and smiled but frowned.

    "I have to find him." She said to herself. She turned around and looked at her duffle bag. Inside it was 3 jeans, 4 shirts, another pair of shoes(boots), basic necesities(socks, underwear, bra), cell phone charger, iPod, iPod charger, GPS, her father's car/ house keys, money, a dress, her cheerleader uniform, jewelry, pajamas, first aid kit, non expiring food(soup and such), water, passport, ID, and a memory book she put together over the years. It had everything to her important and she would need for a very long journey. The truth was she has no plans of coming home anytime soon, not until she figured out what's going on, she finds Kevin, and her family.

    Era folded the picture and put it in her bag and shoved her iPhone in her pocket. She walked down the stairs and looked around the empty quiet house. A slight breeze blew past her neck causing Era to shiver some because it was a cold, lonely breeze. She put on her blue winter coat hanging on the coat rack and walked out the door locking it behind her.

    She closed her eyes and jumped up air wrapping around her body. She closed her eyes as it sent her soaring into the sky and speeding ahead towards no particular direction.

    "Kevin where are you?" Era whispered to herself the wind whipping around her body making it like nothing was said.
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    'That explosion......changed me to some......some....FREAK. Even after taming these powers I just can't control these thoughts of who I REALLY am,' Jordan thought. He was sitting along one of the generators inside the factory that had been completely destroyed except for a few scraps that were large enough for him to hide behind. He had been staying there since he found out the area was clear, only leaving out for the essentials like food, water, etc. He hadn't seen his family since the day of the explosion as he didn't want to see them as the way he was. He would even sleep in the factory just to avoid them. He slid down in his spot to get more comfortable. His rest was disturbed when he heard something approaching the factory. He got closer to the broken generator to stay more hidden. He didn't bother looking but did hear the boy's final line. 'Kevin,' Jordan wondered. He walked from behind the generator and said loud enough for Kevin to hear him, "Haven't seen you in a while, friend."


    Boredom. The feeling of boredom crept down the spine of Cydnie Harrington as she sat in the heart of the Defiant's hideout which was somewhere deep within the woods. Her chimera like pet sat next to her as she would pet it in a loving matter. Her black blindfold made it so she wasn't able to see but she grew to know most of the smells and could even hear better because of it. She told the two boys who stood by the front door, and who acted as guards, "Open the doors, Zigfreed is coming." One of the boys nodded and opened the door, even though he had not even heard Zigfreed's rapid steps. Seconds later a sonic fast teen wearing a large black trenchcoat and a large black fedora hat ran in and up to Cydnie. He bowed in her presence and said, "Madam." She looked her head down on him and replied, "Zigfreed. Any news on finding him?" Zigfreed was flustered and replied, "Well Madam Clover, we haven't gotten close but we know for sure that he is in the immediate vacinity!" Cydnie shook her head in dissapointment and said, "Well maybe he is. And if that's so, he could be dead. I want him back here safe and sound, is that understandable?" Zigfreed replied with coourage, "Yes Madam, it will not happen again!" He turned to leave but Cydnie put his hand on his shoulder and replied, "I know it won't. So let me show you something." He was confused at first but nonetheless did as she asked and looked at him. She pulled down her blindfold and opened her eyes revealing her red eyes to him. To him, they quickly turned from red to pure black as he quickly dropped dead. She put her blindfold back on and said to her chimera, "Feeding time." The beast snarled as it began to feast on it's meal. "Guards, bring me Lagaleeca at once! I need him for a very urgent mission." The boys both nodded and began to leave her sight.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26


    "Am... I am... hallucinating.?" The young boy was standing near his bed as he started to have a headache as though his mind is searing in a meltdown. "What...what is going on?!" "Come back to me..." The boy started to stagger as he try to block out the voice but he was still having a hard time. Two kids with a spade symbol on their wristbands started to run to his head. "What is wrong Marcus?" "I...I am not sure...someone is..."

    The two students started to look at each other and started to focus on Marcus' forehead. They started to use ice on him in order to cool him down. "Marcus? Do you know who was talking to you?" "I...I don't know. I am seeing things. I might truly be hallucinating." "Come on. We might need to have you go and see a doctor." Marcus started to sit back in his bed while the student ran off to find a doctor.

    "He was nine and I was six. Wait a minute. Who was he anyways? Um... Ke... no. That's not it. I don't even remember him. It feels as though I have seen him before." The doctor, no more but just the age of 17, started to come in and started the daily check-up that he usually do on Marcus ever since the explosion. "What did you see?" "I am not sure. All I can remember, is flames and water. And maybe a light."

    Marcus then stood up from his bed and started to walk to the window. "You should relax some more and stop being so stressed out." "But... I don't know. All I know is this voice. I hardly see these two people in my life or maybe not." Marcus then closed his eyes and started to recite something that he remembered while he was having a headache. "He would kept on laughing and say, "remember when we used to play?".
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Tom sat on his bed in his room. Even after that party, noting really seemed to change much in his life. Except for the whole 'move things with your mind' thing, but nothing else. He had both hands behind his head and a few marbles were floating above his head. He then sat up, catching the marbles as they dropped. He walked over to a window and looked outside. "Nice day today. Maybe I should go outside. I suppose it wouldn't hurt me to go out more often. I know I'm not like one of those people in the comic books, wanting to use their powers to mess around with people just for kicks and giggles. I dunno though. Maybe I should hang out outside for a little while."
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin looked up and saw Jordan. "Jordan! Is.....is Era with you?"Kevin said as he got up. " please tell me she is" Kevin said. Kevin walked towards Jordan and made a half of a smile then it instantly turned to a frown. " Jordan did that explosion change you to...? Not mentally but like physical? Because it changed me i have been changing." Kevin said as he put his hand on Jordans shoulder he transformed into Jordan. " you see what I mean. Im....I'm a.....freak...."Kevin said as he changed back into himself.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "I am so close. I am within reach. All I need to do is to gain his confidence." Lagaleeca started to pace back and forth in his room as he was starting to plan his next move. "He cannot stay away from me for too long." He heard a knock on his door, interrupting his patience. "*Sigh* Come in worms." The guards started to walk into his room and saluted him, eager to give him the message.

    "Beoman. Madam Clover..." "You mean Widow Cydnie." "Um... yes Mr. Beoman. She wants to summon you right now. Said that it is...important." "*Sigh* Just when I am getting closer to what I need to do, she has to ruin it all. very well." Lagaleeca started to fling his wrist as he send out powerful fire energy. He started to snap his fingers and it exploded. He then warped towards Cydnie's location and folded his arms.

    "What do you want now?"
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius was sitting in his room thinking about how he could get rid of the Defiance. Then a pawn had walked in and told him they had seen a girl floating in the air. " Retrieve her now before the Defiance does" Darius said. "Yes Zero." The pawn said as he rushed out of Darius' room. Darius closed his eye. He began getting images of two teens at the factory in which he had awoken from his coma. " Where's my General Will I need to speak with him immediatly." Darius said to his main Pawn through telepathy.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era kept flying. She had stopped at Kevin's house, the school, and even Jordan's house, no signs of Kevin. She landed softly on the ground and leaned against the house of the party. She sighed knowing there's one place left she hasn't checked after this place.

    The Factory.

    'Could he be there? Would he? What if I was found by the Defiant or worst police?" Era had the thoughts pondering through her head. She stopped though hearing two recognizable voices travel to ear delivered to her by the wind as if like a gift.

    "Haven't seen you in a while, friend."
    "Jordan! Is.....is Era with you?"

    She smiled glad to recieve the gift from the wind, but she had no clue where to start. She closed her eyes and focused on which direction the wind that delivered it came from. She opened her eyes and turned in the direction.

    Flashback from the party flashed in her mind.

    "Cops, everybody run!" A college student shouted everybody got up and started running, Era standing there unsure what to do. Vodka was served along with beer and wine, and to her displessure and forced to do so she had a sip of wine. Era quickly looked at Kevin, Jordan, and his girl friend. Her parents would kill her and she'd never get into Harvard like she was planning.

    Quickly everybody ran out the backdoor police sirens heard driving down the street. Cops shouting and chasing them. Era didn't stop running as shouting called after all of them.

    Everybody ran when a few people directed towards the factory, everybody hopping the fence running into the abandoned factory. Era slowly climbed the fence and looked back seeing the flashing red and blue lights causing her to jump the fence but something getting caught on the fence, her necklace. She fortunately was standing on her tippy toes causing her not to be strangled completely. She struggled and finally broke lose her necklace's chain breaking.

    Just as she ran into the factory the explosion happened. Not in line of the green chemical flames, but through the wind, the chemical caught her and she inhaled them. She awoke the next day in her room where she could only guess her sister safely brought her home.

    "They're at the factory." She mumbled to herself. Without a second later she ran towards it, her dufflebag bouncing against her side.

    She saw the factory and two unrecongnizable people. She stopped and looked around hoping for some sign of Jordan and Kevin then she heard the shouting.

    "Kevin?" She looked at the one(not the pale one, aka Jordan, but whatever Kevin turned into).
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin had transformed back into himself and had heard a voice that sound familiar. Kevin turned around to see Era standing there with a dufflebag on her side. Kevin ran towards her. "Era are you ok?" Kevin said as he got closer to Era. Kevin then was standing in front of her. " I...I thought you were hurt or worse...." Kevin didn't want to finish his senetence. Kevin grabbed her hand and a ter ran down his face. " I'm glad your ok" Kevin said smiling. Kevin had signalled Jordan to come over with his free hand. Kevin looked Era in the eye.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era stood there in surprise but quickly hugged him tears falling fast out of her eyes. A peaceful happy wind kicked up and whipped around them.

    "Me?! I thought maybe you were, you and Jordan made it in the factory right when it happened!" Era shouted when suddenly both Kevin and Era were floating in the air, the happy excited wind still blowing around. Era looked around and suddenly they were both on the ground.

    "What happened to you though, and... what happened to Jordan? More so what happened period?" Era asked the questions flowing from her mouth.
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    " I don't know....I just remember waking up at the factory and going back home...then I woke up and began my search for you and the others." Kevin said. Kevin then kissed Era. " I'm so glad your ok" Kevin said. He then thought about the Spades. " Era have you heard of the Spades?"He said. Kevin looked into the sky. "So I guess you gained powers too" Kevin said. Kevin stepped back and transformed into Era and then hack into himself. "Im a Shapeshifter....I can transform into almost anything.....Kevin looked at Jordan and finally realized he had turned pale. Kevin looked at Era and smiled.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked at him and blushed when he mentioned she had powers too. She nodded and then was ataken back by him turning into her.

    "That's just plain weird." She said pointing at him looking like her. "But I always wanted a twin." She laughed. She nodded. "I'm just glad you're ok." Era stated looking at him.

    "I recieved an email about it. It sounded cool so I said yes to joining, all I know though about it is they're against the Defiant who've been showing up on TV a lot." Era explained.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will strode into the room, fire exstinguishing from hs right arm. "You called Darius?" He growled, striding towards the desk while shaking embers from his arm. He knew he was probably going to be sent on a mission since he was basically the best. It was sloppy but it was quick and brutal. "What needs killing this time sir?" Will snipped, keeping his temper in check. Ever since he learned of his parents dying just for this organization he had been angry, fighting just to spill some blood.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Tom wandered aimlessly through the city streets. He heard birds chirping as a slight breeze flowed through. "It's a wonder that you never come out here." He muttered to himself. "Outside isn't all that bad. This is nice, being able to see this." He chuckled to himself. "I suppose that incident changed you enough to go outside more often. The irony." He continued to walk through the city, not heading towards anything specific. He would look around at the trees and things as he walked past.
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan walked a bit closer to the two but kept a great amount of distance between them. He kept his hair covering over his eyes and said to Kevin, "I'm surprised either of you can be so calm in this situation. After all, we are abominations.......or more so me. Era can control wind, woo-hoo, Kevin is a human Ditto, and me.....I know things I shouldn't and have powers that aren't good for anything but destruction." He flipped his hair back to reveal his peircing red eyes and a scar over his right eye. He gave them a dissatisfied look and a bit of anger was also seen.


    Cydnie looked to Lagaleeca and gave a small smile. "Oh come now Lagaleeca, must you be so rude? I had a request that I need done immediately." Her 'pet' had just finished eating a deceased Zigfreed. She stood and walked to Lagaleeca, having to have to stand on her toes a bit to reach his height. She whispered something in his ear and then backed away. "He must be brought to me at once for important matters. He is a fighter so I advise you to be careful of that." She sat back down and waited for a response from him about his assignment.
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius looked at Will and smiled. "My warrior it is not an assaianation I can sending you on this time I want you to retrieve the boy named Kevin Mortian and whoever is accompanying him....bring them here alive and in good shape...for we may have more warriors." Darius smiling at Will. " you may go now" Darius said as he threw will a bookbag full of spade jackets.

    Kevin looked at Jordan in disbelief in what he had just said. " You're right Jordan....we are freak....abominations...."Kevin said in a soft voice. Kevin had a smirk on his face. Kevin walked up to Jordan and but his hand on Jordans shoulder. " It's going to be ok though....we will find away to be human again" Kevin said. Kevin looked at Era and signalled her to come on. Kevin walked out of the factory and sat down on the curb.
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned and caught the bag, slinging it over his shoulder. "Great, more people to bring into the bloodshed." Will said, turning and walking out the door. He quickly strode through the halls, heading to the outer courtyard quickly. As he jogged through the streets with his hood up he grinned as a few people noticed the spade on his shoulder and nodded at him. They were guarding the path to the factory as if he couldn't make it there alone. He slowly reached the fence surrounding the factory he smiled at the almost wastelandish look to the large building. He approached the fence and haved his hand the metal buckled as if exposed to a great heat, making him smile as he strode towards the factory, noticing the three standing there at the curb. "Hello fellow mutants..." He growled, loud enough for them to hear.
  19. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin looked at the boy. "who are you?" Kevin said a he stood up. Kevin looked back to see if the others were coming but there was no sign of them. Kevin then stepped back and asked "What do you want?". Kevin looked at the guy with a angered look on his face as if he were ready to fight.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned at the boy, the animalistic gleam still in his eyes though. "I'm Will and I'm just here to see which side you want on the war. See I am like you..." He said, lifting his right arm and letting fire travel from his palm up his arm. He lifted his left arm and smiled as three icicles protruded from the top of his hand like claws. "I have powers as well, the thing is I use them to protect what we used to be..." He said, eyes becoming cold at the thought of his past. But he shook his hair down into his eyes and looked back at the kid. "So, do you want to prtect the humans or just sit and watch as the Defiant kill everyone?" He growled at the kid, liking the fact that he had fighting spirit.

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