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Move, Kinect, or Wii?

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Ventus, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Personally myself I have found the Move a lot more enjoyable than the other two systems. I have just played the Kinect today and I can tell you, that its exceptionally fun but the controls don't work entirely smoothly. It took me 3 minutes to play a game because of the crappy interface of starting the game! The Move, even though it is low on games, has a lot more potential in my opinion and will outclass the Wii in every way. Firstly, the Move is precise and when you twist your hand or turn yourself, it correlates to the controller. Secondly, the Move is not a waggle fest. For sword fighting, you really have to swing to make it effective. It is incredible to play with in Gladiator Duel in Sports Champions with both controllers in your hand; left is the shield. Right, is the sword. I cannot describe how much of a blast it is and even though the Kinect appeals to me aswell with the matter of teamwork on a raft, the Move for me, has potential to have great experiences because of its precise controls, innovative gameplay and its line up for 2011, including Killzone 3 and Sorcery. The Move is what I thought the Wii was going to be like and if a game like Zelda appears, it will be incredible. I have to admit, however, that Kinect's Dance Central by the creators of Rock Band, Harmonix, looks like a great party game. Nintendo should begin to work on their next console before its too late. The clock is ticking Nintendo and if you don't come up with new IPs and a new console, you will fail. PS3 and Xbox 360 now have all experiences; the core, hardcore and the casual.
  2. Kit

    Kit New Member

    I have MANY problems with MANY points of your argument. Allow me to demonstrate.

    The Wii does this too. It's done this since it came out, and with the Wii Motion Plus, it got even more accurate.

    Once again, the Wii does this too. Maybe not for every game, but for the Swordplay event of Wii Sports Resort, AND for the new Zelda game. Which brings me to my next point...

    The Move is a BLATANT Wii ripoff, no matter how you look at it. From the controller to the concept itself.

    Refer to the third panel of this comic for further insight into my opinion of the "Sony Move."
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  3. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Can we all just say that the wii is getting old, the move is a rip-off, and the Kinect is really bad at what it does?

    Just putting things into perspective, is all.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I was gonna say that. Although admittedly I don't know how effective the Wii Motion Plus is since I don't have one. Or a game that uses it....

    Of course we can say that. But personally, I thought that the Kinect was a pretty inventive idea. And if it could work better than you guys say it does (Again, haven't used it), then I think it would be interesting to play a Dragon Ball Z game. Only difficult part would be the flying.
  6. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I cannot stress enough how the Move is SO different to the Wii. It tracks your body fluidly and the item you're holding twists and turns unlike the Wii with its crappy controls. You also have to move your body rather than sitting on the couch, flicking your wrists, which is not possible to fulfil if you read or watch other sources. You seriously need to try it before you call it a rip off. Sure, the design is unfortunate but the hardware itself is totally different. Try it yourself and tell me with YOUR OWN experience rather than a cynical gamer, who spends too long messing with their "Wii-Wii", that the technology itself is different. I cannot dethrone the fact of the similar games but games like Sorcery and even Killzone 3 prove that the Move will have different experiences.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    I personally have opinion on matters. Though I've not played the move nor kinect personally I got friends who have and I've done personal research.

    With Kinect you face problems with the fact that it tends to be buggy. I'm not sure if it's just not picking up or what but yeah. That's from internet searches then friends who got it say it works great in the beginning but it gets old sort of quickly. Great concept though to finally get people moving.

    The Wii is what I have played before and use. The problem with the wii is it's not 'as' interactive. Granted I don't have the motion plus, but still. There's not enough games that uses the function of the wii motion. Most of the games that I have I can sit on a couch and play them with movement of only just my arms. Not fully body movement(until you get the board for like yoga and stuff but the board just annoys me a whole lot). Other games I don't have to move anything. However we do have the wii to thank for kinect and move because it did show "hey look we can make games much more interactive now." The wii just didn't go as far in the beginning to show us 'how much' it can become interactive.

    Now for the move I have heard different stuff about it. First off though, there's not too many games that truly 'use' Move, and the games I've seen using move you don't need your whole body once again. But a few say it's fun to do and apparently there's a dance game with the move that is really awesome. Here's though where the move advances more than the wii(but not to kinect because I know it does this already), but move I believe if I'm thinking of the right thing has a mic on it so different singing sort of games you can sing to it instead of just be singing to the air with no point. This appeals to me more because of my high interests in music(but once again this also happens with Rock Band, it's just not 'as' expensive).

    So basically I got mixed views. The only one I have used it the wii and like requeim stated, the wii has just gotten old and I also feel that it more so appeals to just little kids more.
  8. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Wii=Crappy waggle fest.

    Comparisons: In sports challenge, there is a sword fighting game, were (IK it is crazy but) YOU DON"T HAVE TO WAGGLE!
    In Wii Sports Resort, in the sword fighting game, you can waggle! It totaly defeats the perpouse of Wii Motion Plus! Wii motion plus did nothing, it didn't change how you played the game. You could still just move your ris back and forth and win!
    In the PSMove if you wagle, u lose. Waggling doesn't work. It's more of good clean REAL movements.
    I thought the wii was going to be like that, it wasn't. Then when the PSMove came out and I played it, all I could think about, is how cool playing a KH game on this would be epic.
  9. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    EXACTLY my point. There's a METHOD on how to play swords with the Move. Waggling doesn't work.
  10. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    my best friend just bought his Kinect and I plan to play it when I go home for Thanksgiving break so I can't comment on its gameplay at the moment, neither with the Move, but I can comment on the Wii. I've had a Wii system since it came out and I thought I had the most advanced game system out there, you know a game that actually gets you up and moving instead of sitting down on a couch for hours on end. However, now that I see the Kinect that has no controllers at all, I'm thinking the Wii isn't so advanced anymore. I personally enjoy the gameplay of Wii, especially Wii sports but one thing I don't like, and actually this is a major dislike for me, is that when you have to connect your Wii remote to your Nunchuck, you're limited by how far you can spread your arms apart. Now I have really long arms, so for me this is annoying cuz the cord connecting the two is too short for me, and playing Wii Boxing is just not that fun if I can't fully extend my punches. So the Kinect, with "no strings to hold me down" (lol) appeals to me more than the Wii.
  11. Kit

    Kit New Member

    You do realize that they make wireless nunchucks? Trust me, it makes things MUCH easier.
  12. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Ok Wii = Crap
    Move= Much better but still not my kind of thing.
    Kinect= Cool but, i heared some bad things about it, and I don't have a Xbox

    @ LDC

    The thing is with you thinking the Wii was the most advanced system, is that in all aspects, its the worst.
    Worst Graphics is a big one for me.
    And for a lot of people, the whole getting up and active in the game doesn't work for them. Im in that group of people.
    I like to be able to wake up early on a saterday morning and curl up under a blanket on my couch and sit there motionless(exept for your fingers.)
    Lots of people didn't like the whole standing up part of gaming.
  13. iAqua

    iAqua New Member

    Hm. I haven't actually heard or seen the other two... Until now, that is... So, my vote goes to the Wii :\ I suppose the three would probably be more or less the same...?
  14. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    *gasp* they make wireless nunchucks!!!! well I know what I'm getting for christmas :D anyways I don't think that Wii is the most advanced game system as of right now, but when it first came out a few years ago, I did think it was advanced at that time, obviously with the awesome advances in technology since then the Wii is increasingly becoming obsolete.
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    well until they announce the Super Wii.
  16. Kyer

    Kyer New Member

    This I agree with, also with the WII the only good game I have seen is SSBB, yet I still do not use the wii remote for, I use the gamecube control for it so it kinda defeats the purpose.

    As for Kinect, my friend got one recently, I am hoping to try it this weekend, as for the Move, It will have to wait but from what I have heard it seems pretty good.

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