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Discussion in 'Video / Cinema' started by Chocobo Dyl, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    First this is my tut and anybody that copy's it without my permission will be hunted down and killed by loads of puppies.

    Anyway,we don't have many tuts which means even less are on GIMP.
    So today we will make something like this.

    1.Open up a new file 420x150 white.

    2.choose a stock that is rather big,I'm using this.
    3.open your stock(NOT as a layer but by pressing open in file).
    4.Select the paths tool an start well at the beginning.
    5.add more but close together like so
    6.Once finished it should look like this.
    7.On your starting point hold CTRL and left click.
    8.Now open your path dialouge,Dialouge>Path.
    9.It should show the one you have just done,press the 5th button along on the bottom.
    10.Press on the move tool and the circles should be now replced by a dotted line,right click on it and select cut.
    11.Now go back to your blank graphic and select the airbrush,choose some colours that go with your stock character around about three should do.Spray them about randomly like so.
    12.Use the dodge or burn tool and set it to dodge and a scale of 8 use strokes to make it so that some overlap the others like so.
    13.Paste in your character,if needed scale it,Layer>Scale layer.
    14.Go to where it says pasted layer floating section in your layers section.right click and select new layer,you can now move your character.
    15.This is where you use your filters on the background.Add a few distorts I use ripple then mosaic.
    The result [​IMG]

    Have fun and please post your results
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  2. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    This really is a good Tut. Good job. You should keep making some. :D
  3. worbs

    worbs New Member

    nice one...
  4. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    I'm glad I eventually got a reply,I'm moving on to Photoshop but I'll probably still use GIMP now and again,I'm proud of it and if I get good enogh I'll teach people that don't have PS to use it,thanks guys.

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