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my Nobody and my character

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Noir, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Noir


    Age - 15 (RP)
    Weapon - Cool Keyblades (2)
    Appearance - Same hair as Riku and blue eyes
    Clothes - Black with white flames t-shirt, blue scarf, white pants, shoes with black and white checkers and Blue Glow Necklace
    Main Color: Royal Blue
    My Nobody:
    Age - 15
    Weapon - Cool Blue Ethereal Blades (2)
    Appearance - Same as Me (Erus)
    Clothes - Same as my (Erus) clothes, but sometimes black coat and Dark Blue Glow Necklace
    Main Color: Navy

    There! You can even use my roleplay characters in your stories to have adventures :)

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