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My problem, the truth about my life

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Roxel The ultimate nobody, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. I've been acting hastily and harshly lately and no one knows why... It's time I told you guys about my problem.
    When I was young my mother abandoned me and I was stuck with my stuck-up drunk father. He would beat me if I didn't eat when he cooked and by cooked I mean burnt shit, he'd beat me when I didn't go to bed on time. Then it got worse, my mother died in an accident involving my father...
    He came home and did the worst thing possible...
    He stabbed me, on both my arms
    This event racked at my brain for days, and eventually my conscience couldn't handle all the emotions and split in two giving birth to my alter personality who I call Rey. He got all the hate, rage, anger, misery and turned it into torment. He constantly controlled my emotions and my actions, he blinded my sense of right and wrong and then it got worse, he and I fell in love.. with a guy. My father didn't take it well... he beat me senseless and threatened the one we loved, I fell in love again, and when he threatened him I called 911.

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