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My story thread

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Chocobo Dyl, Nov 8, 2008.

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  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Well this is where I will keep my stories from now on (I'm sorry about Ice,I stopped working on it after the file mysteriously dissapeared.)So welcome.
    This is my first go at introducing comedy into a story so hre goes.
    Chapter 1-Marluxia
    Marluxia was driving in his car,this was pink of course. Too may things were on his mind,The org,his car's MOT,how pink he was....Wait what,how pink he was,that doesn't fit.....

    Meanwhile two cloaked men were hanging around in a graveyard,y'know where all cool cloaked people stay."So what are we doing here." One asked."Were waiting for pink boy and his pink mobile." The other cloaked man's mind went blank and a flashback started. Marluxia had just finished driving the batmobile,"Does it come in pink?" Marluxia had asked,"The closest I can get to that is...." He pointed to a car in the corner."I'll take it." The flashback stopped and thats how Marluxia had ended up driving this.


    Marluxia was worried about himself,"What's wrong?" an unfammiliar voice asked,Marluxia turned to see a male hobo,"Who the hell are you?" Ha he thought to himself,he still hadn't lost his male touch."You said you loved me." Damn he thought to himself.He threw the hobo out,"Oh my god I broke a nail." He inspected his nail that was cracked and covered in pink nail varnish.That was it he was going to sleep....

    Please rate comment and do other things.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2008
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