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My youtube video!

Discussion in 'Traditional Art' started by ultimaweapon463, Mar 27, 2008.

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  1. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

    YouTube - Winnie the Pooh- Final Edit

    winnie the pooh in spanish. I am not telling who I am or if I edited the video or not, but I did upload it...

    and i don't know if this is in the right spot but...

    it was filmed on a kind of steep hill between a lemon tree grive and a cactus... field
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  2. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    I like the place though. Where was it?
  3. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

  4. Wow it actually fits in with the music wtf?! Writhing in pain is quite gd as ven is dying or whatever...
    the ending rules. mr rogers ina blood stained sweater..... one complaint. Now im gonan have to go onto newgrounds or albinoblacksheep and watch all my fave lemon demon videos again....
  5. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    LOL! holy crap man! that was nice! the song pretty matched up wit the vid. Exelent man 5/5
  6. DualWieldRoxas99

    DualWieldRoxas99 New Member

    R u going to make one for the KH game that's for DS can't remember what it was called.
  7. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

    thanks for the comments!

    and i probably won't make anything for the DS game... I am not very good at making videos...
  8. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    well, with a little practice, im sure u can do it. Practice makes Perfect!
    Just start getting use to WIndow Movie Maker and then go to Sony Vegas Pro 8. Im not kinda and expert on this but i have done freaky stuff! like say, making clones?

    I made my brother a clone. Wow, i woudn't live if it where true.
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