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Nate's Short Story Thread! :]

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Unsure, Aug 11, 2008.

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  1. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    Well, I'm going to post a bunch of different short stories here, each after one gets replies! :]

    Tell me what you think of each. lol thanks! :D

    I also take requests! :] So feel free to ask me.

    Short story 1.


    Drama, drama, drama.

    It's the basis of life. We're just people watching people watching people. It's like having a mirror in the front and back of yourself. You can keep looking farther and farther. Each person is the same, but they're all smaller than the last.

    "You treat me like a dog!" You hear this walking down the street; new orange Fanta-Creme Icee in your hand. You can tell it's a girl.

    "Do you even care about me?"

    Almost everyone is full of a little bit of selfishness. I lied. Everyone has a little bit or more. Some are just able to hide it better.

    The boy she's with, he's black, he says, "I have to treat you like a dog. It's easier to keep you on a leash because if I don't you keep you're mouth open twenty-four seven."

    You have to remember, you just seen these two, this black guy with his white girlfriend, maybe his wife. You were all three in the Speedway gas station. He mixes Mountain Dew with his orange Fanta-Creme Icee. They're already arguing.

    About halfway home, maybe more, you can still hear them arguing from across the street. Bicker, bicker, bicker.

    Grow up.

    Do you even know why I stay with you, she says, Do you know why?

    No one knows why they stay with someone. Is love even real? Let's consider love as a lie, just for the sake of the moment.


    It's dark outside and over a quarter of the moon is illuminating the
    sky. Streetlights are aligned in different positions along the road. You consider knocking on your best friends door. It's about midnight.

    This is Clyde. This is a town. Everyone knows everyone. We're a big family in this little town.

    Hi, I'm Kevin. Remember me? We went to school together.

    Hi Kevin. I don't care.

    The black guy says, "All you ever do is complain. Go play in traffic."

    Straight to the gut.

    In this little town word passes around fast.

    Jenny is pregnant, you say.
    "Jenny is pregnant?" They ask.
    "Jenny is pregnant." You repeat.

    You start to hate everyone you see. That's how little your town is. This is Clyde, Ohio. We hate you. We hate each other. This is how close we are.

    I hate you, she says.

    He replies, "Tell me something new."

    The whole while you're thinking, Damn this is a good Icee.
  2. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    WOW! That was different! But I liked it! :D I especially liked the ending with the Icee! It was hilarioius! :D I'd like to make a request...can you write another love story please? :)
  3. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    As a matter of fact I think I can post two of those for you. :]

    This one is called..

    1.) Don't Let the Stars Suck You In

    I really am lost in this crowd. There are so many noises and unfamiliar voices surrounding me. The sky is pitch black and freckled with stars. It's a marvelous site. I gave up on moving upstream. So you should know.

    I try to block out everything, standing there amongst the on moving crowd. They're like a flowing river, all going in one direction, and my back is pushing against the current. The fun fact is that they're not running into me. Each person minds their own business. Each person passes the way I'm facing, never turning to look at me, the one who is blocking a part of the stream.

    Everything seems to blur past me so fast. Time is sped up but the sky is still not changing. This is an everlasting flow. I'm not afraid. There is not a single face that is familiar to me. I don't even try to stop anyone. And to make matters worse, I have no idea where I'm at. I am lost.

    I can feel my emotions swell. My chest starts to heave and cave in. I can feel my throat tighten. Each eye starts to fill with tears. Finally I'm about to break down; finally to lose control and follow the crowd.


    No? I think.

    "Keep your head up." And there you are pushing forward through the flux.

    Who are you, I try to ask, but my throat is still too tight to pronounce words.

    Your forefinger raises to your lips and you hush me. And instantly you are standing in front of me. Everything stops for a moment. Time freezes and you wrap your arms around my neck.

    What is going on? I ask.

    "Just let me lead for a minute."

    Time is still frozen, let me remind you. Every person stands still; a single kid stopped in a midair jump. All while your hands are locked around my neck.

    Looking down at you I can feel my stomach squeeze. My hands are starting to sweat. Can you feel them sliding around your waist? Good.

    I can tell you that it's weird that we're both smiling, yet it feels natural. Your blue eyes in a squint of happiness. It's relieving. I promise.

    "I thought I'd let you...." you start to say.

    This time I silence you with my forefinger and my middle finger.

    Can you feel me falling for you? I ask.

    You nod your head and stand there silently, waiting, while I brush the rest of your bangs behind your left ear.

    Take a moment to remember what I did, moving my face nearer to yours. Do you recall our body heat mixing? Excellent. Do you remember the taste of my mouth? Yes, it was when I slowly pushed my lips against yours lips and moved them apart to get that right position to kiss you. I can still feel the way your lips felt; so soft and welcoming. I bet we both can reminisce the sound the pressure made as we pulled apart; both of our eyes still closed. That amazing popping sound. That was when time returned to normal. When I finally found my place in the crowd. And that was to move against; to move upstream. This time I won't be alone. Your hand in mine.

    This one is pretty short but I like it.

    2.) Above Our Seattle

    Let's find somewhere to sit, you say. My legs are getting tired.

    An absolute perfect spot to sit -- the bench looking down at the city. You lead me over holding my hand, gripping tightly in hope that I wouldn't let go. Ever. You smile to yourself as you sit down and pat the seat beside you. It has already been warmed from the sun and I find a comfortable position scooting as close as I can to you.

    Tell me if you feel me sliding my hand around your back; now around your neck. Can you feel my fingertips touching the side of your face as your hair is blown around through my fingers? You just keep watching the sun. Its light reflects in your beautiful hazel eyes. It's more than a moment of silence. It feels like years as I sit here and watch your face. You finally realize it and turn to me. Our noses meet.

    Hey you, you say.

    Hi, I respond.

    Silence again.

    My other hand slides into yours and I slip it up to glide it against the right side of your face. I did it just to see that smile again.

    There was no moment better than to slowly inch my lips against hers then.
    Details are kept to myself. It was that great of a kiss. Are you jealous?
  4. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    OMG! I have the biggest smile on my face right now, I can't even put into words how much I enjoyed reading that! And to answer your question, yes, I'm very jealous! : )
  5. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    Haha! Well thanks!! :]

    I love writing so much, I really do want to become an author. :p
  6. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Well you are definitely on your way! Honestly I think you should get these stories published now and sell it in bookstores all across the country! : )
  7. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    WOW!!!:eek: That was soo AMAZING!! You really made me happy about this when i read it.Your really amazing, u should be an author. Wow I really enjoyed those stories, they're so interesting and wonderful. Now I'm even more opened up to this. I'm going to give Infinity A's for this^_^. I love i, really.It's really good.
  8. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    Ahh you guys are awesome, lol.

    Let me know if you want me to post more or you have any requests.
  9. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Alright! Of course we will^_^
  10. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I'd like to read another drama! The icee one was really good!
  11. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    I don't have another drama one, but later tomorrow I can write you one! :]

    How's that?
  12. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Yea, that's fine. Can't wait! What other kinds do you have already?
  13. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    Well, I have really random ones. Lol.

    Here's one called...

    1.) A Constant Reminder

    We're stuck in this Cryostasis-like build. Our hearts are cold and cut open for cross-examination. Step aside while you let him take his place at my body to cut open anything he wants. Let him decide which part to remove; which part to reserve and transplant. This is my surgery. I may be dead, but my heart is still alive. It still pumps quarts and quarts of blood throughout my body. My mind may be asleep, but my spinal cord, that large group of bundled and living nerves, still sends messages through my body. It tells me to stay still, that everything hidden was suddenly exposed; to let the surgeon do his job.

    You hear his music in the background. Symphonic-opera. Its loud stroke of notes of the tenner and bass echo deep into my ears. The sound circulates my pinna, the outer part of the ear, those little goofy curves you play with where the dead skin collects. It enters into the auditory canal and into the inner ear, working on the insides; playing with each little trinket inside of my ear. Each sound now has changed from pressure wave to a signal of nerve impulses sent to the brain. My brain. The part of my body that lays dormant.

    All I can think of, while I listen to your shitty music and being operated on, is if I accidentally left the television on in my apartment's living room. I may not even wake up from this.

    My cellphone goes off and I wake up. The television is still on, but I'm laying in my bathtub. It's very cold around me; I'm numb. Something doesn't feel right. I look at my side and I have cuts down my side, below my ribs and near the back. The sun is shining into the open bathroom door and illuminating the ice-cubes around my hips; around my exposed knees. What's one less kidney? That kidney had started to fail. My doctor told me this awhile back. I grab the cell-phone and dial the doctor's office and ask to schedule an appointment. One less problem to worry about, plus it was free.

    This one isn't as good as the others, it's pretty old. Lol.

    2.) The Mansion

    The beginning of the year and snow was falling, except for the old mansion at the top of the hill. The only place where snow never touched was that damn mansion we were likely moving into. This is absolutely great. - January 19th.

    February 13th.


    Coming home to kids, a wife, and a warm meal, my dad would say, is the greatest thing ever. Yes, it was great until the house took mom. Literally, or somehow, it engulfed her into one of the rooms. She opened the door and never walked back out. We searched constantly for her. We even tore the walls apart and refurnished the room. And not until a month later did we notice that she was in the portrait hanging from the west wall: the wall to the left once you entered the room. She was farthest back, behind a grinning man in a top hat. I swore he winked at me. My father didn't believe us.

    June 18th.


    My birthday was today. I had just turned eighteen, but the snow was still falling around town. I was excited because one of the town's girls, Mikki, a cute brunette from across the deli-mart, was coming to visit me. In fact, she had liked me for quite some time and I was fond of her.

    That night, after dinner, my father took my eldest brother, Lawrence, to the pub, leaving Mikki and myself alone to the mansion. What seemed to be a nice night leading to gradual intercourse turned out to be a festivity of walking armor that tried to kill us both.

    The Gothic Suit Armor from across my father's room, followed by a number of other pieces, had caught Mikki and ripped her to shreds. First decapitating her, then tearing her limbs from her body and tossing them across the room at me.

    I had ran out of the house to the pub to get my father. My clothes were soaked in Mikki's blood and guts.

    June 20th.


    We entered the house again, and the portrait was now hanging at the front of the double sided stairway, each set of stairs on the side of the forward hallway. The man in the top-hat had Mikki's head in his hand, and was grinning again.

    The only thing I could remember after that was my father carrying me out of the mansion while Lawrence set it ablaze. We watched it burn down from the only road leading up to it.

    September 15th.


    We returned from a short vacation. The town was at peace again and the snow had melted. The hill was now empty and the debris was cleared from it's point. What we knew of was the painting had made its way to another town. The old man in the portrait had a frown on his face, or so we heard.

    - Nate
  14. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Wow!! All of them were interesting and i really like the last one, it was mysterious yet really good. I like ur stories a lot. They really interest me. You really should b an author^_^
  15. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    Well thanks! :]

    I'm working up to becoming one!
  16. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I liked the Mansion! I was reading it in my room with all the lights turned off, and I was so scared! : ) Great Job, can't wait to read the others!
  17. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    Anyone wanna request something!? :D
  18. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Any other stories you've got I'd love to read them! : )
  19. Unsure

    Unsure New Member

    I have some inappropriate ones...Lol.

    So Idk if I should post them or not.

    Eh...they're not like OMG THAT'S HORRIBLE! But you know.

    Anyway, here's one that isn't bad...

    You'll understand it at the end.

    1.) Do Not Disturb

    We're going to step one foot into oblivion. Now take my hand and keep your mouth closed. Our footsteps do not echo, but our voices may carry. We do not want to be caught lingering here for very long. We must get what we came for and leave as quickly as possible.

    This is entering into somebodies mind. Do not be afraid unless the nightmares pervade. I will not tell you who's mind we have now entered, but it is said to be quite dangerous, so just hold tight. Don't close your eyes. Try to keep your breath slow. If something is happening squeeze my hand three times and I will turn to see if you need my assistance.

    As we go further in you will notice the light will get smaller and smaller. The darkness thickens and devours the light. This is not a tunnel. This is a room - an auditorium. It is filled with seats and an audience. And you do not want to meet any of the guests. They will not bother you if you do not bother them.

    Once your eyes adjust to the darkness just stare at the back of my head. Do not make eye contact with them. I promise you'll be fine. Today is a good day. I can feel it.

    If you're wondering why we're here, don't. There is someone in this mind that I must remove, and I know exactly where they are: Row A, seat nine. Now come along and don't waste time.

    This is my other personality. The one I am walking with, hand in hand; my cowardice side. Yet he keeps me company. He is the only one able to follow me here.

    You only make this frightening if that's how you see it as. But to remove this person only brings me to tears. And to cry would be to upset the whole audience.

    Personality, do not be shaken as the lights turn on and the faces stare at us. These faces wearing the traditional comedy and tragedy masks. One face distraught; one face in a laughing stupor. Ignore them and help me remove her. She has no name so call her Loneliness.

    Now then, let's get work and get rid of miss Loneliness. Shall we?
  20. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Uh....you probably shouldn't post those then, but any other ones, that are PG rated are good! : )
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