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National Equality March GAY/Rally: Lady Gaga speaks

Discussion in 'General' started by Plasmos, Oct 11, 2009.

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  1. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos


    National Equality March Rally: Lady Gaga speaks

    Apparently Lady Gaga is speaking at a RALLY supporting GAYS & there RIGHTS. Seeing as her, herself is Biisexual she is supporting the march with them. I believe this caught a lot of people's attention.

    what are your thoughts on this?


    YouTube - National Equality March Rally: Lady Gaga speaks
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    There were a few things here and there that I didn't agree with her on. Obama is a POLITICIAN thats what everyone needs to realize. Politicicians lie in order to get what they want. Chances are he wasn't planning on immediate change for gay rights like he had implied. People need to be more patient. Rome wasn't built in a day.
    But she does have a point. People shouldn't have rights taken away because of their sexual orientation. Times change and the older generation seems to have a hard time grasping that. Honestly I'm 100% full heartedly straight ok so when I'm saddened by the way the gays are shunned sometimes you know there's got to be a problem.
    THere is a company not far from where I live that fired a woman. Later it turned out that she got fired because she was flirting with the boss who happened to be a woman.
    No matter what time, no matter what place it always seems that people like to discriminate someone. I think its about time that everyone to let lose, get over their prejudice and pride, and look far enough beyond the tips of their noses to realize that no one should be turned down because of skin color, culture, gender, or sexual intrests.
    Do we have to agree with it? No. Do we have to join in? Deffinately not. But is it YOUR right your YOUR buisness to deny complete strangers equal rights as your own such as the right to be married or get jobs because of their sexual interests? You answer that question for yourselves.

    So to answer the question, HECK YEAH Lady Gaga. HELL YEAH equal rights. Piece out,

  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I can agree with a good amount of that stuff.Freedom is to all,not just some of us,not even just the majority,but EVERY single one of us in the US.I myself am straight until I know otherwise,but I have many gay bisexual friends.Hell,I dated one.They are just like us,we are all human.Liking someone who has a dick when you have one,or viceversa if you are a girl,doesnt make you any less human.Just different.I hope one day that we do not have to argue about this because it has become a mute issue BECAUSE they have their rights and they are enforced,but that might not be for a long time coming.I believe,though,that our generation is much more accepting of it,so maybe I am wrong.COurse,have to wait for them to get into office before it can happen

    To equality for all,men,women,white,black,straight,or gay.
  4. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Even though there are gay people out there, no matter what they should still have the same equality as straight people. It's like saying it as immigrants can't come to the USA because there not Americans, or Latinos needs to pay for taxes because there Immigrants. Those are examples in our real life society today, equal oppurtunity for everyone is a must. Singling out an indivisual is A "NO GO". Seeing the obvious we will hear more about this later as the week progresses, and there probably willbe a PROTEST in front of the White House soon.
  5. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Bored out of my mind I wrote down what she said.
    Then I read it over and gave it a little thought.

    I don't reside in the US, but hell I'm up for equality any time. But like as everyone here has already said, this is just an example of discrimination whether based on orientation, appearance, race, gender etc.
    Hopefully something will be done if not, they (your politicians and their goons) will face more rallies and rants from the public. Hell, I may join them if I were there, holding a large sign saying "Gay for Gaga" =P
    More so, does having a celebrity on a podium having a say make much of a difference? With the generation of today, I guess it works. Many of us probably look up to them perhaps as far as to idolise and follow them in every way possible, Not me though, I have my own views. I would even think that more celebrities may even join in the rally for equal rights (in this case; Gay Rights). We see that happening, we see more Generation "Us" joining as well.

    Go team!
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