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need help please

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by the dark within, Sep 1, 2008.

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  1. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    i played kh2 again and read the manga of kh 2....

    in there, when sora want to wake up, roxas come to the mansion to bring sora back, right?

    then, if nobodies doesn't have hearts, so they can't feel anything, like:jealous, sad, But why when roxaz in the capsule chamber he can crying? does it mean that he actually has a heart? and axel can feel the miss felling too, you know when roxas left the org. does it mean that all the org member still have a little pieces of their own heart?
    or Just axel and roxas can have that feeling too?Are they special?
  2. This sounds interesting... Well... I am not sure anyways, but since Roxas and Axel are friends, the may be connected somehow, I don't know how. And this thing with Roxas crying, I cannot figure out why. lol
  3. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    there have been exceptions I think
  4. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Although Roxas, axel etc...(Human formed nobodies) have no heart, hence they have no feelings (ie jelosy, pain, anger, sadness, joy), They have memories of what its like to have feelings, emotions and a heart. That if what defines them from the plain nobodies.
  5. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    so, then its mean that the org XIII are the special nobodies?
  6. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved


    Exactly. However, I've an interesting theory. If you have read my earlier responses in the future of KH thread, let me get another theory out here.
    Here's the link to that idea; http://kh-3.net/forums/64255-post2.html

    If you've noticed, Sora and Roxas look identical in the face. I know that the fact that Roxas is Sora's nobody gives this an obvious explanation. But what if Roxas is actually Sora's missing twin?

    Or, seeing as how Twilight Town was a program created by Diz (Ansem the Wise), what if these "Special Nobodies" in the Organisation are in fact programs themselves.

    If you recall; While Roxas was living in Twilight Town, Axel was able to visit him there. But if you remember, I never saw him use a Corridor of Darkness to get there. And why is it that normal nobodies dissapear in a puff of silver and light, but Organization members fade?

    And how did Diz get the Keyblade into a program in the first place?

    My explanation for these things is;
    There are two realms, light and dark. We know this after KH2.

    What if one's artificial, and one's original? Or, maybe what happens in one, happens in the other. The birth of Sora, the birth of Roxas.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  7. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Actually even though Roxas is a nobody, he only has half of Sora's Heart remember?? He's really Ven, plus roxas does have emotions he shows in the video game and manga I think. And everything in Roxas's life isn't EXACTLY part of Diz's program, plus I don't think Diz knows a lot about the keyblade's power, barely even create it in a program. Also the effects of the disappearance of nobodies are probably artificial, well I mean nobodies aren't exactly made OUT of darkness, its just a shell. The Organization is the same but they're human shells and they have more darker paths and goals.
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Roxas may not be Ven. People shouldn't go around saying he is unless it has been confirmed. Honestly, he may be Ven, but you still shouldn't say it is fact until it is proven to be true.
  9. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    I think it has o.o
  10. worbs

    worbs New Member

    to true desert warrior
  11. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    I think I need a catchup....:confused:
  12. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    huh? wait, so in fact the nobodies don't have a heart but they actually remembered how to feel when they have heart??
  13. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    YES^^ i think thats the bassis of all our answer, but the whole twin thing just confused me:S sorry xD
  14. Master Sora

    Master Sora Kingdom Key

    Arrrghh!! here we go again...ummm...
    Ven and Roxas are the same..there, that will keep it pretty basic lol
  15. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    NOO!!!!!!!!!! i hate the idea of Ven=Roxas+Sora. Its just no >.<
  16. Lets play 'How many times do I have to do attempted suicide at this before it works?' !!!

    Why can't the japanese amke soemthing SIMPLE just one ickle time ONE TIME!!!!!!!!!!

  17. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    well if it's 2 simple there'll no fun and no theory 2 ^^'
    coz everything can be explained
  18. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    So...Ven is Roxas and Sora....as one or something??? WWWWHHHHAAAAAATTTTTTTT?????

    ....I'm cunfuzzled....
  19. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Ven is Sora's twin sister, who died giving birth to a fairy.. Thats his/her connection with roxas XD.
  20. Xarick

    Xarick New Member

    I DOOO!!!
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