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New cloth for Sora and Riku (KH 3D)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Mudstoise, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    I know that Nomura promised us new clothing for Sora and Riku in Dream Drop Distance, but am I the only one who thinks that Sora's new outfit looks too much like his Valor Form from KH2?

    I like Riku's new outfit however, but but but...... why did he get a haircut!?!?! T_T

    So anyway, what are your thoughts? :)
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator


    Nah doesn't look close!

    I read somewhere that his haircut shows the passage of time!
  3. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    It completely totally does!! Remove the patterns on the Valor Form outfit and there you have it! It looks like a crossover between his normal KH2 ourfit and his Valor outfit, and then having the colours swapped!
    Tell me, are you showing me both pictures to indicate that I'm stupid for ever considering such a comparison?!?!

    To show the passage of time?! So you are saying that as time passes your hair gets shorter, not longer? What kinda bullsh*t is that!?
  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    It doesn't look similar. Maybe because its Red, but thats about it. The shoes don't match, It's not black in-between his crotch area. It's not the same outfit. Relax.

    No he isn't, he is just showing you both pictures side by side. Nothing to do with your challenge your intelligence

    Well, I'm going to give you the first warning. Please do not cuss. We try to keep this forum friendly. Thank you :)

    Anyway, to semi-correct Angel. The hair thing only applies to Riku I believe. Nomura only had Riku's hair grow from KH1 to KH2 to show passage of time. Which was one year between those games. It was Immediately cut after those events, which means leading on to KH3D he cut it sometime before then.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The patterns aren't the same. The designs are barely the same also the colors aren't the same shade.
    Well that's opinionated.
    If you would like to go with that, I am all for it!
    Yup! That's it. During Riku's time away his hair grew to show the passage of time! His hair was cut immediately after.

    I think it would be funny to semi-correct you.
    The end of KH1 to the beginning of KH2 is about 342 days.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2012
  6. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    So how many chances do I have left? and, come on I was cencoring myself!

    Oh yeah? Well I don't like it. Long hair made him look like a badass.
  7. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Their new clothes are only present while in their 'dreaming' state. In my opinion their clothes are more reminiscent of their KH1 clothes, matching they age in which they appear in the series, which personally I interpret as them going back to the state in which they first became Keyblade Wielders.

    When they are in their normal 'awakened' state, they are in their KH2 clothes.

    As for Riku's hair, he looks much better now. The long hair made him look too old.
  8. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    No the long hair made him look grown-up and mature, and it looked really good.
  9. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    He's only 16 though.
  10. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    The long hair makes him better, he looks like a freaking idiot with short hair, How
    could you say it makes him old, it honestly doesn't.
  11. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Well i thought they looked like that because since there in a "dream state" thats how they seem themselves, thats why sora and riku look alot younger, and sora's oufit looks more like a crossover of his KH1 and KH2 outfits, with valor color. Looks cool though, looks really cool in the picture on my sig down below!!
    And i find it funny how they look like its been 5 or 3 years instead of just 1 year. In one year they grew up like that?
    Kairi was short that tall and they poked her chest out, Sora got real tall and a deep voice and looked way older from KH1 and Riku went from lookin 14 to eighteen..they all looked eighteen!!
  12. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Well the bottom half does look like it, but the rest is brand new. Its a mixture of KH2 Sora and KH1 Sora.
  13. Ejox

    Ejox New Member

    Thank god!! i thought i was the only who thought Riku looks good with short hair -.-
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I like their looks too. I wish they stay like that. -_- Some people tend to hate Riku's haircut and try to make immature Bieber jokes about him. I actually like their clothes a lot.
  15. juliuxking18

    juliuxking18 New Member

    I liked their new clothes,but i was kinda disapointed cause there's KH1's Sora,Riku and Kairi and there's KH2's Sora,Riku and Kairi,KH2's Sora,Riku and Kairi are seen only in KH2,and KH1's in all the other games,i love KH2's so i had some expectatives and then the first trailler comes out and bam there's KH1 again :(
  16. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I personally hated Sora's new clothes. When I first saw them I thought they were just valor form, but once I got my hands on the game I realized they were different. Still I loved the clothes from KHII and I hope they stick to that kinda look for KH3. On the other hand I loved Riku's new duds. And his hair cut was a lot better than in 2.
  17. ImmaRikuOfficial

    ImmaRikuOfficial New Member

    He needs to grow his hair back to KH1 form, I hope Sora gets new duds, his KH2 ones sucked so much, I had to outline his entire mofoing over designed outfit in art, Why couldn't it be simple like in KH1?
  18. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    Going back to DDD, I seriously think it was a weak plot twist that the organization were able to tail Sora because of the X on his clothes -_- weeeeaaak!!!
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Woah Woah Woah! It's more complicated than that.

    Master Xehanort had manipulated everything beforehand which why they were able to keep tabs on Sora during his Sleep.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... *Facepalms* Not to be mean but where did you get the idea that the "X" on his clothes is what made Master Xehanort to capture him? :confused:

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