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New Staff Changes

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by Nova, Jul 25, 2009.

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  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hey everyone. We have recently made a few staff changes that you should be aware of.

    New Moderator- Rawr is the new mod in charge of 'General Kingdom Hearts'. Congrats Rawr. I'm sure you will make an amazing mod :)

    Promoted Super Mod- Sorabrawl has been promoted from mod in charge of 'General Kingdom Hearts' to Supermod. Congrats to you too Sorabrawl. You've earned it.

    Removed from staff- I'm sorry to say that Kairi Star had to be removed from the staff.

    These changes were all very carefully thought out and we did what we thought was the best for the forum. Congradulations to the new additions to our staff team. I'm sure you two will do great.
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    congrats Rawr and Sorabrawl.

    why was Star demoted from super mod?
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Congrats to Rawr and Brawl! (I was waiting for Rawr to be a mod)

    What do you have to do to be a staff member?
  4. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I'm sad about Kairi Star but I'll try my best as super mod.
    EtherealSummoner and Kyuu like this.
  5. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Mmm, Mod. It's Modtastic!
    I thank the staff for entrusting me this position, I'll try my best and will try to keep the place in order for everyone =]

    And congrats to Sorabrawl, I knew he'd take place as the next Super Mod.

    I'm sure the two of us will do great!
    Hope is always right! ;]
    dualblade likes this.
  6. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    whoa, star was demoted, man, I so sorry, dont want to know how, not my business, but congrats on the rest of yall.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ^^ IT's nice to see that Rawr & sorabrawl gained promotion. That's great. <.> But how in the world did Star got demoted & removed from the staff?! SHE JUST GOT PROMOTED TO A SUPERMOD! She's real good as a supermod!
  8. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    The mods decisions have been absolutely right people, if you could see even a glimpse behind the scenes you would know that Hope's choices have been more than correct.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thanks Choco. I needed that I think...

    There has been annother change made.

    Kupo has also been removed from the staff.

    Again I will say Rai and I have put a lot of hard thought into these new changes. Thanks

  10. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Congratz Rawr and sorabrawl. :D Good luck
    Goldfish likes this.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    I'm pretty sure everyone has been waiting for my post i would assume. Welcome to the team Rawr i've been waiting for you to join us for some time. As to why kairi star was removed it is all staff business to be blunt. I don't want any of you thinking that she got removed for personal reasons it was for the better of the forum so continue to have fun everyone any questions you have please PM them to me ;)
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I offer my congratulations to the newest moderators for KHF and express my sadness at seeing previous mods go. Vier gluck.
  13. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    Congrats New Mods.......:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  14. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Yay, congrats to Rawr and Sora~! ^__^

    I'm sure you've made the best decisions.
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... Why Kupo's & Star's name in grey?
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2009
  16. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    congratz for the Rawr and Sorabrawl :D I'm sure they are good choices
  17. Burnin'-Axel

    Burnin'-Axel Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Congrats you two! :D Hope and Raiden made good choices
  18. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Congrats to all new staff!!

    I know that Hope will never let us down.
    As for Rai as well, they would not just pick anyone for no reason.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Beacause we're vet members SB.(I though kupo was elite though, oh well) Anyways congrats rawr I'm surprised you weren't added to the arcade team but oh well you're at least on staff. Sora congrats on super mod.

    As for me being demoted and stuff, I was real upset at first but I was a little more worried due to an inncedent that happened before and making sure your ideasare thought about. No worries though I will make sure staff knows about those ideas so don't be afraid to keep P?'ing me your ideas and stuff I can give them onto staff.

    As for why I was demoted, kupo and I have been fighting since Febuary for the few of you remeber March(hmmm weird the last time I was demoted I was in Hawaii this time Florida and New Orleans) but now things are good. We fought mainly sort of on what we believedis right. Kupo thought it was ok to be opionated example if she thought your idea was stupid you and the idea were stupid. I personally thought she was mean to some of you members, some staff, and of course myself exaple incedents in Spam Lounge and a few other places and final she didn't discuss somethings with the rest on staff which was what I was talking about above which there was an incedeent she made a rule meeant for the old system of RP and not very fair to you, the members but is taken care of. Now I was in the wrong as well, I let these problems get to me to much and I would get well pissed off. I also wanted kupo to change her ways of tthe three things above but Rai told me that you can't change a person. And final I say stupid stuff when I'm mad. For eveen more depth reason talk to hope and rai.

    Anyways, congrats to rawr and sora, better choices couldn't have been made. :D
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    wow, that is deep in my eyes even if it is not that big. i'm sorry, really.
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