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New Years Resolutions

Discussion in 'General' started by YaminoHikari14, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    Akemashite Omedetou -Happy New Years eve/day!
    I personally still haven't thought of a New Years Resoloution I eventually will I hope. But what are yours? Do you have a secret personal one for your own gain and acheivement? Or do you have an open one that your willing to share with everyone? Both even? How many New Years Resolutions do you make up? And are you any good at keeping them? Feel free to share :)
  2. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    I've only made a New Years Resolution once before, the goal being to read more. I started off by reading fifty pages of Wicked and twenty five pages of Queen of the Damned a day. I lasted about a couple weeks, I still haven't finished reading them.
    I made myself a longterm goal, but I began acting on it days before today so I don't think it counts as a New Years Resolution. Becoming a badass in mind, body, and soul, so in other words be healthier, smarter, better person, and explore more spiritually. I try not to think about how long I'll last and just focus on the goal itself. I guess I want to specifically reach badass level cause my Mom is a badass, so I want to be one too but my own badass.
  3. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    Sounds pretty good :D Good luck with that! :) Maybe one of mine should be to read less, I can't keep my head out of books! Maybe another one of mine should be to try and go to bed at different times, try different and more methods of getting to sleep, I have trouble sleeping so maybe that should be something I should focus on..
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    You should finish Wicked at least; it's really good.

    I don't have any resolutions this year. Really, I'm just not good at sticking to something like that, so I don't see the point in coming up with something and pretending like I'm going to follow through. But good luck to the people with more will power than me. XD
  5. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... What is the point in New Years Resolutions anyways? Never did try, realize that it even existed and do not see the point in it. I'm like Kitty.
  6. xxxJRosesxxx

    xxxJRosesxxx New Member

    Oh my God, I actually got up at a descent hour today for the first time in weeks (besides for work) . Wnt to bed at ten, and woken up by seven thirty and got out of bed by seven fifty. Yay! Badass is on the way!
    Yeah, this post may seem silly and irrelevant, but most people don't have metabolisms like mine. My body must get a certain amount of sleep or I can't get up. If I don't get at least eight hours of sleep I'll force myself up if I have work or school (with the help of my Mom). But the moment I get home, it's nap time.
    These past couple weeks with the Holidays and parties have kept me up at night and sleeping all day. It wasn't easy geting back into a healthier sleeping schedule for me, so I see this as an acheivement.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I never have a New Year's Resolution. I rather just stay the same way that I am. If I want to improve myself, I'll do it of my own accord rather than making a pointless resolution just because it's New Years and not living up to it.
  8. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    Sounds good (Apologies for the bump -.-') The one I've finally made was just to try and do something good every so often and try not to get into a fight with some of the people at my school haha, they really do egg me on though (I think that's the term?)
    Everyone still keeping up with there's? Or has anyone who didn't have one made one out of the blue?
  9. yzw035

    yzw035 New Member

    I want to make new friends this year.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2013

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