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Nightmare Realm [R] (OOC/Sign Up/Discussion)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FON, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Nightmare Realm (OOC/Sign Up/Discussion)

    Major note: I accidentally released this early, seeing how its almost Christmas, it seems dark for this time of holidays.

    The Eternal Nightmare

    Fear. It is something that we all have. It lives within the vast, dark, cold reaches of our minds, as we do our best to hide such things. In sleep, we dream... but in sleep, we also fear... These, are our nightmares. Our fears combined together into a horrific image as we sleep, and no matter what you do, you can't wake up until the horror has subsided on its own.

    But in fear, there is courage. Courage, that will help destroy our fears. This however, is hard to accomplish...

    Recently, reports of people missing have drastically been increasing. To top it off, an old, eerie, and giant mansion has recently appeared out of no where. No one exactly knows how long it has existed, and some say that it was haunted. You however, were either forced, or willingly went to discover its secrets. But when you made it inside, you felt woozy, and the room began to spin and morph, and soon you find yourself unconscious, and when you recover, you find yourself in a dungeon...unaware of where you are...


    The Dungeon: The starting point of this journey. The cages are made of steel and the prison is guarded by ghosts. There are mainly cells and dead corpses, leaving you to wonder who else came and what terrible fate they must have encountered.

    The Ball Room: A giant room that lies above the dungeon. The room is decorated with statues various monsters, a huge chandler that hangs from the ceiling with many candles lot, the floor is made of marvel tiles and the windows are grand in size and reveal the dark ad forever night time sky and land. At the far end are a bunch of tables and a giant doors that lead into the kitchen.

    The Kitchen: This is where the meals are made, an is kept messy for some reason.

    The Hall: A long hallway with pictures of monsters in all shapes and sizes, and statues as well, all leading to the stairs to the upper level, the entrance to the ball room, and the entrance to the courtyard.

    The Courtyard: A labyrinth composed of hedges, it is a huge maze and in the middle is a bench with two pits of dead roses. There is also a Minotaur stalking this place as well.

    The Throne Room: A giant room with a long carpet leading to a throne of gold, and a painting of a monster above it. Several statues of pumpkins and are lined up towards the throne.

    The Chambers: Many beds and coffins lie here, with a giant bed in the middle of the room. This appears to be where the owner sleeps.

    More locations shall be revealed later on....


    Species: (Human or Monster? If monster, what kind exactly?)
    Faction: Humans or Nightmares
    Abilities: (If Any)

    All KHPlanet Rules apply and all KHPlant RP rules apply.

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012

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