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Nikylee's No Brush Sig Tut (Photoshop)

Discussion in 'Video / Cinema' started by Nikylee, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Nikylee

    Nikylee New Member

    Okay this is possibly the simplest sig you could make in my opinion. The Outcome will be determined on your own picking and placing skill. This might take a little while to get used to but here i the step by step Guide.

    Step 1
    Start a new project in the dimensions you want.

    Step 2
    Choose a Render/ Stock that has alot of intresting features and open it in a different project.
    (if you are using a render/ stock for a tutorial please give credit to the person who rendered it)
    For this one i will be using a Render from GameRenders - Your Source For Free Gaming Renders mainly because they have the best quality renders around.
    I will be using a King-Manga-Man Bleach render for this one.

    Step 3
    With the Lasso Tool select aspects on the render that you find intresting and copy and paste them into the blank project. Keep doing so until you have filled the entire background.


    Step 4
    Bring the render across now and position it and resize it until it flows easily into the background.


    Step 5
    Make a new layer and go Image>Apply Image and click okay. This will make the layer complete of everything of the other layers without actually merging them.

    Step 6
    Now with this layer go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur.
    Set this at 3.0-4.0.
    My setting is always at 3.3 and i'll show you why in a second. For now do a 3.3 Gaussian Blur. On the Layer menu on the side set this layer to Pin Light.

    Step 7
    Copy this Layer and change this Layer setting on this layer to overlay on a 35-50% opacity setting.

    Step 8
    Make a New Layer. Image>Apply image.
    Now for a new technique. Image>Adjustments>Variations.
    This may seem a tad confusing but you can slightly adjust the light settings of the picture here. Change the colours according to your personal taste. Click Shadow, Midtone etc to go between the light types.
    Change the layer setting to one that suits your colour, Hue normally works well here.


    Step 9
    Start a new layer. Press CTRL+A
    Edit>Stroke Do a 4 Pixel on Black setting Inside
    Set This layer to Soft Light

    Step 10
    Start a new layer. Press CTRL+A
    Edit>Stroke and do a 1 pixel on White setting Inside
    Set This Layer to Linear light.

    you will now have constructed a sig without any brush strokes what so ever. This is ideal for all new GFX artist who are starting Photoshop.


    Add text and its done
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2008

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