• Square Elite
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Nintendo: Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Hey, been awhile, miss me?

    I’ve been mighty busy with school, a new job, and some other stuff, but luckily for updates, there hasn’t been a whole lot of news, until now.

    As of yesterday E3 press conferences started(I unfortunately was still in school then had some other things that I missed them, the first chance I get to watch the conferences I’ll update here, so check back). Today though is the big one. Today is the Nintendo Press Conference and as I sit back and wait, questions already begin to rise in my head.

    What will we see from Square Enix about its upcoming Nintendo 3DS Kingdom Hearts title, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance?

    Well real quick, there’s news that Square Enix is working alongside Sony on its new PSP Vita previously known as Sony NGP. What does that mean to us? Could we see another experimental Kingdom Hearts game for it like we’re seeing with KH3D?

    Check back with us often as I report in the best possible live updates about E3 and Nintendo’s upcoming conference.
  2. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    Square Enix is mighty silent this year at E3. Only having released a Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer and details on the new Hitman game. Kingdom Heart has yet to be seen, but as the even starts (officially today) we may be in luck.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    They are being really, really quiet. Already quick previews for third party game creators for Nintendo 3D was shown already and Kingdom Hearts wasn't even mentioned which is a surprise because last year it got the biggest appluad causing the guy to stop talking before moving on to name more. This year, nothing.
  4. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I know, it is both surprising and disappointing. Could it be that they scratched the idea? We haven't heard much from KH3D, but a name change. Also, I'm thinking Kingdom Hearts may be done. It's one of the biggest franchises in gaming history, yet no announcement. This is something they would for sure bring to the table at an E3, it has been there for the past few years. So, if we don't see it this year, we have the right to be a little worried.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    All we can hope for is maybe, just maybe there's a big interviewed lined up somewhere
  6. x3pic

    x3pic I'll Kill You.

    I am not to worried, the event really just started 14 minutes ago. We yet have seen what is at the Square Enix booth yet. So, when that happens I hope we see at least a sign of Sora's story.
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    refering to the PSP thing, could Square Enix be discussing BBS-2 or FF Agito XIII? I remember hearing Agito was on a portable system and heard slight mention of BBS-2
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    What you might of heard what Final Fantasy XIII-2. I will look into it though
  9. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    There was a thread about BBS-2 somewhere on the forums if I remember correctly
  10. Final-Form

    Final-Form New Member

    Oh man, I remember that. Which means I'll have to waste MORE money as soon as I get a PSP and a 3DS, with the games.
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    where did you hear it from?
  12. Roxion

    Roxion New Member

    You probably mean Birth By Sleep: Volume 2. That's a game that will come out sometime in the future.
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    yeah that's the one. I read that it mainly follows Aqua
  14. Noir


    They're working on many games, I think.
  15. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I think Playstation Vita could have a remastered Birth By Sleep on there or maybe even a cross platform Kingdom Hearts 3 on PS3 and PS Vita. There has been many interlinkings between the two such as the Action RPG game released by Sony (can't remember what its called) and Street Fighter x Tekken.

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