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Nostalgic TV Shows

Discussion in 'Movies and Television' started by Kitty, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    So, I've been feeling a little old lately. And I've also been watching a lot of TV recently, which I don't usually do, so I've been seeing a lot of crap programming. Combining these two made me think about the shows I used to love as a kid, back in The Good Old Days.

    So anyhow, share which shows you enjoyed as a child, or which great old shows you've only just discovered now.


    As a kid, I think my favorite show was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I loved this so much, I wanted to be April O'Neil. >_<

    I was always more into the boy or gender neutral cartoons. I'd watch the girlier ones like My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake, but I was more interested in Alvin and the Chipmunks, Duck Tales, Mighty Mouse, Inspector Gadget, Smurfs, TaleSpin, Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers, Captain Planet, The Elephant Show, and Beetlejuice.

    When I got older, I used to watch Clarissa Explains It All, The Secret World of Alex Mack, So Weird, Boy Meets World, and Full House. *is also a little ashamed she used to like Hey Dude* SNICK and TGIF were awesome.
  2. OMGItzHaddaway

    OMGItzHaddaway New Member

    I feel ya', Kitty... While you're 7 years older than me, I get that feeling too. ANYWAY...


    A lot of my childhood was spent watching old TV series or movies with my parents: Leave it to Beaver, The Andy Griffith Show, The Carol Burnett Show, Cheers, etc. etc. etc. So I had/have a deeper appreciation for the shows that really mattered to my parents and grandparents when they were younger, and I suppose that just made me appreciate classic humor and drama more than even most older people I know.

    Don't get me wrong, I still spent a fair amount of time in front of the TV on Saturday mornings, with a big bowl of Fruit Loops, laughing like a hyena at Chip 'n' Dale and a whole slew of other cartoons, but nothing really hit me as close to home then staying up late with my parents and watching old Alfred Hitchcock movies or finally understanding Groucho Marx's jokes.

    And likewise, as I got older, I'd watch So Weird, Boy Meets World, and all that other good stuff. Boy Meets World being a favorite in my house, where even at the young age my other siblings were, they could do the "Feeny Call" that Eric did in the show perfectly, hahaha!

    But still, like I said, nothing really compared to those classic shows and sitcoms that I'd always watch. It's kinda sad, in my opinion, that kids now a days have such a bunch of garbage of cartoons and other shows that they really just can't understand why we thought Hey Arnold! was funny!
  3. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Kids Next Door, truthfully the embodiment of all children at that time of what we wished the world was like. I literally cried when i turned 13 cuz i thought i would never be in the KND and i shed tears on the last episode cuz that really was one of the biggest impacts of my childhood. I truly miss it! I STILL Got my Tree House that i go in lol
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Hey Arnold! was great. And I agree. There are quality kids shows out there now, but so much of it I just do not get, particularly the live action, preteen-oriented stuff. Which, yeah, not the target audience anymore, but I don't think I'd have especially enjoyed some of these shows if they'd been around back in the mid to late 90s, either.

    I'd watch some of those shows on occasion, and others like Happy Days, too, but I'll admit to being a Saturday Morning cartoon girl. I was more interested in the Turtles kicking ass. And my parents weren't much better, because my dad was almost as much of a kid as we were, so he'd end up watching the cartoons with us, or sticking on something like The Addams' Family or The Munsters. Or The Simpsons, in the evenings, back when the show was good.
  5. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    I HAVE.. no idea.. what those cartoons are. D:
    I never watched American TV, even though i live in America now. .............

    ANYWHO. I'm 13 now, going to be 14 this year... so. -shrug-

    hrm. nostalgic video shows.... they're all animes I watched in Taiwan as a kid/when I was a kid.....-think-

    Sailor Moon: my old friend used to have all the videos, but they were all dubbed in Chinese (LMAO). sooo.. sometimes even looking back at that makes me feel like a kid again ...well, they're re-making it. orz

    Mermaid Melody: I still watch this sometimes, when I have utterly NOTHING. to do.... but it remindz me of the time, where I had sparkly, baby eyes going, "UUUUUAAAAA." in front of the TV screen in my cousin's house. ._.

    Sugar Sugar Rune: ......man, girliest thing I ever watched. but I actually enjoyed it in the past with my adopted cousin... goodgrief, we even used to sing the opening song together. LMAO. but I still watch it just to get that nostalgic feeling again.

    Kiroro/Keroro: it'z this.... weird frog anime... well, it'z pretty cute actually. ..but I didn't watch the whole thing, buuuut... remembering how I sat in front of a TV screen watching random frogz do random thingz was.. pretty interesting. ...

    Winx: it'z been so long since I've thought of this. I wonder if it'z still on-going O______O ...but.. again, watched it in Chinese.. was very awkward. and the plot was interesting until I stopped watching it.

    Shugo Chara: ignore me for this but.. girliest . anime . ever .. -no comment- but I still get nostalgia from watching it with my cousin~

    I know there'z more.. but I can't think of any.. well, I know one but I don't know the name of it. qq.....
    I have more nostalgia in video games, but this isn't a video game thread~ :O
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I used to watch this too. But looking back on it, the North American dub is really dreadful. The voice actors are for the most part terrible and the people in charge were so desperate to make it acceptable for the youngest kids that they sloppily cut out the good violence and edited things to not offend highstrung parents. Hopefully the remake will be more closely based on the manga, which is actually a pretty good story.
  7. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I had to find a place to start this post at, so I decided to answer this first. I don't really know what qualifies as being 'great old shows", but I've been watching FRIENDS for the past four years and started watching the Golden Girls two years ago. Now, I don't know if these qualify as kid shows either; I started watching them in high school though, so they might count and I thought I should give them a shout out anyways XD


    As for shows I watched when I was younger :

    Sailor Moon : My cousin and I loved this one so much that we used to roleplay as the characters and there was always a fight on who would be Sailor Mars ! It was great when I was younger, but then I picked up a manga not too long ago and I realized that they had cut out quite a bit of things in order to make it more "kid" friendly.

    Digimon : Now this was actually a pretty cool tv show when I was younger. I used to hope that Ty would pop out of the screen and become my best friend >_> The Digimon world seemed so great and the idea of owning a Digimon was even better. I followed the series up until season four because then it started to get a little weird. (When the people could transform into their Digimon, or whatever that was.)

    Pokemon : Another great one; I remember collecting the cards when I was in Elementary school in order to challenge other kids on the playground. Again, it was a big dream of mine to actually be in the show with Ash and battle alongside him. Oh to be young and naive :rolleyes:

    Since I feel like wrapping this up for tonight, I'll name the rest of them and probably expand on it later. I loved watching : Boys Meet World, Hey Arnold !, Beyblade, That's So Raven, Lizzie McGuire, Scooby Doo and so on. Those shows were the best.
  8. Kodakliv

    Kodakliv Member

    Mutant Ninja Turtles was my all time favorite show, I also missed Hey Arnold, Tom and Jerry, The Looney Toon Show was another one, and well the cartoon that I watched all the time is still on, Spongebob Sqaure Pants lol.

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