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Now Hiring!!!!!!! Needed KHPlanet Content Writers

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by Destiny, Apr 23, 2011.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    23 April, 2011

    Needed: KHPlanet Content Writers

    What's This?-
    A content writer is the person responsible for updating the many people who go to Kingdom Hearts - KHPlanet.com for news. A content writer writes articles for the main site to provide content to the site. ​

    Content Writer is a huge job and in a lot of ways is truly a job that helps with the site activity more. For example, a site that doesn't give out any news doesn't have many if any members on their forums, a site with alot news has many of members on their forums. ​

    Why This Job is Important-
    Like mentioned above, news articles add traffic here to KHPlanet, the more news articles, the more KHPlanet gets notice, the more members we receive, more traffic for this site. ​

    So Content Writer is a very important job. Currently there is but only one Content Writer on the site, so we're in dire need of content writers. ​

    How Can I Help?-
    You can help by filling out the application below and emailing it to me. If your application fills our requirements you will be interviewed and could very well be added to one of Internet's Biggest Kingdom Hearts Fan Site, KHPlanet.​

    You must be well informed on the matters of Kingdom Hearts, being ready to type up an article the minute you log on to the website. Besides the internet search you must have another source to contribute, if it be a subscription to a gamer's magazine, know Japanese, etc.​

    Not only do we need just people up to date of the matters of Kingdom Hearts, we're also open for publishing news about Square Enix, Walt Disney, the two creators of Kingdom Hearts, any of the games voice actors, etc., as long as it has a connection to Kingdom Hearts. ​

    Besides having access to information, you must be well skilled in the art of the English language. To write you must be able to write. You must have decent grammar and spelling skills without the need of Microsoft Word or other spell check sources. You must also have access to something to catch some of the minor mistakes you make, such as Microsoft Word. ​

    Some other skills you may want but are not required, organization skills, ability to save images to use as the 'Featured Image' with your article, good time management(be able to at least try to get two articles out a month), the willingness to do a live over the phone interview with voice actors, access to msn, ability to meet with me once a week to get up to date on matters, good communication skills to not only stay in contact with myself but with your fellow content writers and forums staff members especially administrators. ​


    Just like any place you'd go to apply for a job, they'll be a few stages. You will be informed immediately though about a possible interview time. ​

    If hired to KHPlanet's Main Site Team as a Content Writer, you'll also be added as forums staff member, being add as part as site staff. With this position you'll be able to help not only to any main site updates, but you'll be able to contribute to any forums update.​

    This job is very important and takes a lot of Responsibility, just like any job you may get here on KHPlanet, you must be an active member of the forums and follow the rules. If you break a rule that would remove you from forums staff or even a result of a ban, you will immediately also be removed from KHPlanet main site team.​

    All Application can be Private Messaged or emailed to Destiny (KHPlanet Site Manager). ​

    ~Thank You​
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2011
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    22 March 2012

    Positions are reopened for KHPlanet Main Site Writer. We're looking for the following positions...
    Reporters- Must be able to track down news on either Kingdom Hearts or Square Enix
    Creative Writers- Whenever we don't have news and to help get the forums involved. Any RP post or Story can be reviewed or be able to add your own entertainment content.
    Translator- Must speak fluent Japanese and be able to translate Japanese from an image versus just text(though will be required). This is a must need for sometimes we have to wait on screen shots to be translated.
    Editors- Good grammar and spelling is all you need. You'll just go through articles and fix any errors you see. Much needed as well to know html/css coding to fix any errors with it.

    To apply use the application in the post before and you can PM me your applications. We will be hiring these positions for quite a while. But as always never be afraid to shoot me an application for the main site.

    Happy Kingdom Hearts :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2012
  3. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    We are actively looking for new content writers. Serious applications only.
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