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Now Hiring

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    (May get moved to announcement)

    Hey guys if you haven't checked the main site hire board in a while we are hiring, and right now we're looking to fill a few positions right away!

    We're looking for some dedicated reporters to report on the latest news available across the world and web about Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix, and Disney.

    We're desperately also looking for a translator to join us. If you know somebody who speaks fluent Japanese and English or if you do, have them join us and send an application to myself. Additional skills, though can be taught, is the ability to overlap videos with the translations if they're in Japanese or to put English translation over Japanese magazine or image scans.


    You can find the application and additional information in the link above. Feel free to post any questions or general comments.

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