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Obama Debate

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Twilight Keyblade, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. My friends I have been observing our president and I have to say he is doing a worse job that I thought he would do. Trust me I knew he would not be succesful, but now he is screwing over our country.

    Recently Obama created a bill that said "Veterans must pay for their healthcare."

    What the hell!? :eek: Our veterans have fought hard and have taken permenant emotional, mental, and physical damage, and Obama says they should pay for their health? My friends, our veterans have fought for our freedom and they should be given the best care possible with no fininacial expense to them. WE OWE IT TO THEM!!!

    Secondly, President Obama has reversed the bush restrictions on embryonic stem cell research. While I understand his reason for doing so, I do not understand why he approves of embryonic stem cell research. I saw on the news today that stem cells can be extracted from baby teeth. So when a kid looses their baby teeth, we could send it to labs and extract stem cells from it instead of extracting them from embryos.

    Next up is Obama's treasury secetary Tim Geitner. Tim Geitner has lost the confidence of the american people and of congress. He has done nothing to help the failing economy and he should be removed from office.

    As for the AIG scenario, it was revealed that congress in the middle of the night, behind closed doors in january removed restrictions from the $800 billion dollar stimulus packages that would have saved tax payers from paying for the bonuses that the AIG excutives are asking for.

    There is also the fact that Obama has taken the restrictions off abortion, which there was no reason to as there are many alternatives to abortion.

    My friends, Obama is wanting to carry out a liberal and socialist agenda. He is immoral and he is hurting our economy and our country. His own supporters are starting to doubt him and so are most americans. If we don't stop this then we will loose the values and principles of our country, the liberal president and congress are trying to control our lives.

    This Must Stop!!!

  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_-_-_-_-. I really is ashame to call myself a american. Why? NONE OF Y'ALL IS GIVEN HIM A CHANCE!! Also, I doubt that all of it is true. Not only that, HE'S BRINGIN G BACK THE TROOPS HOME!! THE GOVERMENT'S KEEP ON DOUBTING THAT HE IS DOING IT TOO SOON, & he's still determine to end the war!! HE IS NOT HURTING THE ECONOMY!

    A LIBERAL SOCIALIST PLAN?!! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!! Not all americans are doubting him. Most of the obama supporters who where there for his speech is still supporting him. WHy? THEY TRUST HIM & HE IS SHOWING IT THAT HE REALLY CARES ABOUT THE USA!! CALLING OUR OWN PRESIDENT LIBERAL?!! HE'S NOT JUST MY PRESIDENT, HE'S EVERYONE'S PRESIDENT!!

    OBAMA DO NOT WANT TO CONTROL OUR LIVES OR SOME OF THE CONGRESSMEN!!! YOU is very bad at observing him, twilight & that's the truth. I doubt that Obama had taken the restrictions off abortion. Now I'm really is embarrass for you starting this thread about Obama & THERE'S PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES WHO USE THIS ONLINE COMMUNITY?!! I feel real bad about this, & I hope that God keeps on watching over everyone in this world & that Obama keeps on doing great things for America. I want Obama instead of another george bush anyways.

    WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT HIM BEING IMMORAL?!! STUPID SATAN ACCUSING THE BRETHREN BY USING YOU! UGH! You is trying so hard to see Obama to mess up or to see the negative stuff that you don't realize that Obama is trying to save America. Obama may make a mistake or two down the road in his presidency, BUT HE WOULD NEVER, EVER, BE EVIL TO CONTROL PEOPLE'S LIVES!!

    Sorry for the big words & a lot of exclamation marks, but I am really am offended by this. This reminds me of this white person saying on the news " I WANT OBAMA TO FAIL!!" That who you remind me of in a little bit of a way. Saying that you knew that Obama never would succeed: I say that you never did wanted to have faith in him. WHY WOULD HE WANT TO RUIN THE COUNTRY?!! HE'S NOT ANOTHER PRESIDENT BUSH WITH A MONKEY NOSE & A MONKEY EAR!! You never did bother trying to see the positive side of Obama! The congress thing, I doubt that had happened, & Obama would try so hard to change it so that AIG executives & others will get bonuses.

    I don't know anything about some stem cells research or restrictions on it.(Best for me not to know.) The veterans, ah yes. Why would Obama let the veterans pay for health care & they don't have to? That's kinda stupid hearing it from you (sorry, but I really think it is.) I doubt it that he would do it & I'll be shock if he did. I doubt he'll do something. He even made an oath & remember that.

    I need to calm down. I'm really is offended by this, especially from seeing the greatest things that Obama did & said that he will do. I feel real ashame from this & I feel real ashame that people from different countries have to hear this. :(:(
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm gonna specify on something you said, mainly because you don't know the whole story (I didn't really want to enter this debate, but from seeing this quote below, I see that I need to say something).

    His name is Rush Limbah (sp?). And I'm gonna guess you only heard what the news wanted you to hear. He said more, but the news (being Liberal) wanted to bash Rush, because he's Conservative and against Obama. He said that he hopes that Obama's plans will fail because they are leading America more towards Socialism, and that hopefully Americans will wake up and see that Obama's plans will lead us down the wrong path. That is what he said, but the news didn't show anything else because they are constantly looking to say somebody is an Obama hater.


    And as for anything else (Some of things I say here are my opinion).

    But is that truly a good thing? Sure, we probably shouldn't be in Iraq any more, but there are a few reasons why pulling troops back isn't the best option. I'm also going to point out that Obama isn't taking back every single troop; just the majority of them. First off, Bin Laden is probably still in the Middle East. We could use all the troops to just go and find him now. Second, there is a vast majority of our troops that want to be in Iraq. They feel like it's something they should do, and they don't want to pull out. Third, us pulling out would send out the wrong message. Our allied countries might not assist us in other things, if they think that we are cowards and run away (Or something along those lines).

    You clearly misunderstood what Twilight Keyblade said. He said that Obama signed a bill that said veterans have to pay for their health care. They aren't given an option (I say that because from what I see in your statement, it sounds like you think they have a choice on paying or not).

    Obama is Liberal. That's the truth.

    He's taken off at least one. It was more of a rule Bush made in December. It was something along the lines of a medical provider can refuse somebody something concering abortions if the medical provider wanted to refuse it.

    Could you please explain what you think is some of the greatest things Obama has done? Because the $700 trillion (I forget the actual value. But I know it's alot of money) stimulus package he signed isn't great at all. First off, it's not working. Second, it is putting America in more debt (Yeah... Woo... Let's owe more money, because that's not gonna haunt us in the future). Third, it's making the American dollar worth less, because part of the stimulus bill is them printing money, and that lowers the value of a dollar

    Well basically, Bush made restrictions on stem cell research. The restriction was something along the lines of no embryonic stem cell research. And Obama removing that restriction is pretty stupid. First off, embryonic stem cell research isn't worth it. Embryonic stem cells have been shown to cause cancer and other things in their research. Adult stem cells are much better. They don't cause cancer or anything, and they're much easier to collect. They don't require the need of an aborted fetus like embryonic stem cells do.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    , but I still put a son restrictions on it. I accidently typed in let instead of make. I didn't hear about something about Obama signing a $700 trillion package. Obama liberal?! -_-_-. Now I really want to move to Japan once I become a adult. Too much confusion here.

    IF it's the Bin Laden thing, I understand about not pulling out for that. Troops wanting to stay in Iraq? That's a first for me. I really don't want to believe that Obama wants to make America fall in more chaos. Why would he? I never did hear the part of him taking restrictions off of abortion. -_-_-_-_-. This makes me very upset that it makes me wants to live in Japan forever (Well, not forever. Want to be buried by my family.). I'm tired of politics. Never did like them. Too much confusions in them. Now I really wish that this thread doesn't exist. May someone close this to avoid more confusion?
  5. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Nobody's perfect. That's the truth. Some people might be displeased with his government, and some people might pleased for what he done. You can't please everybody by yourself, even if you have a billions of people on your side.
  6. Do you even watch the news or research about Obama? Becaus if you have'nt then I will be glad to show you where I got all of this info.
  7. worbs

    worbs New Member

    why doesnt tha surprise me that he is doing a crap job. typical as im about to move to the us but he cant be as bad as our prime minister over here in england seriosly. however saying that people are always gona moan in one way or the other about each and every person of power. wiether its about a president, prime minister or even a queen they wil always moan as you cant keep everyone happy in politics
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  8. I suggest for anyone who does not believe me to watch the news. I spend most of my TV time watching the news because i'm worried about America and I know what i'm talking about. The liberals are ruining this country, please open your eyes before it's too late.
  9. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    Everyone, stop picking on Twilight. He is telling the truth, I watch the news alot too and I saw this same stuff. They reported on Fox news last night that Obama did propose a bill that would force veterans to pay for their healthcare. It never passed but the fact that Obama even created such a bill makes me sick.

    If anyone was watching the news yesterday you would have saw they confirmed that congress did remove restrictions from the 800 billion dollar stimulus package that would have prevented AIG from getting big bonuses that came out of tax payer's money.

    Also he did remove restrictions from abortion and embryonic stem cell research about a couple of weeks ago.

    Also his treasury secetary, Tim geitner is likely to be removed from office because everyone except for the president wants him gone.


    Are Twilight, Desert Warrior, and I the only ones that actually pay attention to politics?
  10. worbs

    worbs New Member

    to british poilitics yeah american for me no as im here in britain at the moment. but i aint disputing anything myself as i knew obama would be crap as president.
  11. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Well atleast Obama cares about the people, atleast he wants to do something other than sending troops to war. Bush screwed America over.
    Sure he might be taking healthcare away from the elderly but these are tough times and the economy needs to be fixed before anything else. I'm not saying that was the best thing to do, taking healthcare away from them, actually I think it's horrible but I think in the long run, he'll change your country for the better...heck maybe the world for the better.
  12. When has he evered showed that he cared? He has done nothing to make things better, he's making it worse. You, me, and everyone in our generation are going to have to pay off this debt and it's the majority of the blame goes to Obama and the Democrats.

    Just because someone can give a good speech does'nt mean he is going to be a good leader. So far has been a horrible president and that's not my opinion, that is fact. Everything he has done has hurt America and his approval rating has is now like 54% when a month ago it was like 87%. Face it he is a bad president.
  13. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    This is true. Even the economist have said that this stimulus package was not going to work and it would probably make the economy worse.

    The Democrats only care about their own liberal agenda and they are proving it. 2012 can't get here soon enough.
  14. worbs

    worbs New Member

    only time will tell
  15. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    But in that time what damage could be done? This is why I supported McCain, I knew that if Obama got elected it would lead to bad things but no one listened to the McCain supporters and now everyone one is paying for it and all I have to say to Obama supporters is "I told you so."
  16. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Ok dude seriously.



    (generally speaking)

    I dont know what your though on the word "liberal" is, but Obama is a Liberal. Im not sure why that is hard to understand.
  17. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Everyone, stop picking on Twilight." I'm not picking on him. I'm really is not. After hearing what y'all said, I just don't want to hear anything. I just want to hear the good side. I do watch the news, but the $800 million dollar thing & something about removing restrictions I had missed because I be busy with focusing on my life & with god & stuff.

    I knew that a good speech don't makes a good leader, but the things that he says he promise to do is what I'm watching. I don't want another George Bush, & I really want a good president. I knew what liberal means, I just gotten real confuse & worried & started to put down the wrong things on here.I didn't vote Obama because he's black, but what he promises to do & what he did during the elections.

    I don't mind voting for Mccain, but the good things that Obama did during the elections was enough to let me vote for him. Like worbs said, only time will tell. Who knows? Maybe it will turn out for the better. I don't know. I'm so upset & angered because I really don't want to believe that Obama is a bad president. -_-_-_- :(:(:(:(

    This steams me up & don't want to hear any politics because nothing ever goes the way that America wants. DON'T SCREAM AT THOSE WHO DIDN'T HEAR THE $800 MILLION DOLLAR THING!! Some of us be too busy too watch the news. We have important stuff.

    Anyways, I'm real ashame to live in America. Why: Too much violence, we might end up in another depression, banks might end up closing down again like decades ago, we'll end up trying to find another bank, etc. I really find America in nothing but in a time of chaos & confusion. People like me, who miss some of the important stuff & only saw the good things, I don't blame them or myself.
  18. I understand that you don't want to hear the bad things but it's important that you know about them because it will affect not just you but everyone.

    Just because Obama promised things does not mean he will make good on those promises. Most Obama supporters voted for him because of his promises but I supported McCain because I knew that Obama would make things worse.

    Most economist say that by the end of Obama's first term we will be in trillion dollars more in debt. I am someone that focuses on politics and on the news because it is one of the Most Important Things in our lives.

    I saw past Obama's lies and I knew that he and the democrats would try to advance their liberal and socialist agenda. Let me tell you all the truth about the liberals.


    They want to create universal healthcare for america. However you should know that the type of healthcare they want to give everyone has a bad side to it.

    1. You would have to wait months for a doctors appointment.
    2. The care you receive would not be as good.

    The democrats want to take out creationism in schools. They also want to take god out of the pledge of allenges. They also wish cut programs like special ed that is used to tyeach kids with disabilities.

    The democrats want to talk things out with the terrorist. The terrorist are are radical murderers and there is no talking to them. We should protect law abiding citizens.

    The democrats have recently tried to close some newspapers that have said some harsh things about the democrats. This is an attempt to control what you read and watch.

    The list goes on and on.

    Also to summonerbrandon, it seemed as though in your first post that you were calling me a liar and I take offence at that. I have no reason to lie and I am simply trying to inform everyone of what is really happening in washington.

    If you want to know where I get my information then I suggest you watch Fox News or check out Fox News.com.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Sorry. For some reasons, me or my family is affected by this. (We might in the future, but who knows.) I'm real upset about that education part. I'm super mad about taking god, my pure father, out of the pledge of allegience. HE'S THE ONE WHO CREATED US!! DON'T THEY KNOW THAT?!!
  20. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    I'm sure twilight will address this but i'm glad you have a better understanding

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