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Obsessed *OOC SU*

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Oath, Sep 4, 2009.

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  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Ok so its been a while since I've made an RP... so I might be a little rusty lol.

    Our story begins with a forum called Kingdom Hearts Planet. Moderated by strict but fair Administrators and Moderators, Kingdom Heart's Planet had the reputation of being the kindest Kingdom Hearts Website in the Interweb. Except of course when the administrators and moderators had to ban the occasional rule breaker, stalker, or spammer.
    When you join a forum like KHP, you dont expect to ever really meet in person the members there. It's like a one in a million chance that you will ever by random coincidence so is it really a coincidence when six members from that one forum all find eachother in person in the same building one day. Was that really just an unplanned coincidence? I dont think so and this is why:

    Seven months ago, me and my husband and my younger sister were getting ready to start yet another normal day. I told my sister to run outside to get the mail and when she came back in she had a letter in her hand addressed to her specificly. She opened the letter and read it to me and my husband outloud. I regret that I cant tell you exactly what it said because the letter has been confiscated by the police to do fingerprint testing but I can tell you that the letter was an advertizement for Kingdom Hearts fans like my sister. She was a member of Kingdom Hearts Plant as well as me.
    What it was advertizing was a three day long convention/party thingy to officially announce the day that the newest Kingdom Hearts game would be published for the general public. The first big event ever made just for a single game by Square Enix... that was the first red flag in my mind that told me something might be wrong. But I went online, and made calls to make sure that the advertizement was lagit. I could have sworn it was.
    Of course once we were sure it was real, my sister thought it would be fun to do and being her leagal guardian she needed my permission to travel so far out of state because the event was in a hotel in Chicago IL. I wasn't sure about letting her travel that far for that long all by herself so I said she could go as long as I and my husband could go along with her.

    All around the world, six letters were sent out just like the one this womans little sister recieved. The strange thing is that all of the recipiants knew eachother through KHP forums and they didn't even know it... yet.
    But the real question is why was it just those six who recieved any kind of information about the event? When the six of them got to the hotel they descover that someone has already checked out rooms for them but no one at the hotel has heard of any kind of event being held there. Who wanted those six people in that building and why?


    Amy Lovet: Mrs. Smith
    Mike Lovet: Mr. Smith
    Hope Simonson *Member 1*: Nozomi
    Member 2:
    Member 3:
    Member 4:
    Member 5:
    Member 6:
    The sender of the letters *baddie*: Taken

    Name: *If a member character, username too*
    Bio: *If one of the member characters tell about the day you got the letter*
    Appearence: *Real or Anime I dont care*
    Other info:
  2. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Ill be member 2, After all you know what they say, First is the worse, second is the best :p

    Name: Ryan Murphy

    Age: 17

    Bio: It was a normal day in my life. I had gone to school, hung out with my friends went to the libary to get my homework done before returning to the hetic scedual that is my life at home. After finaly arriving home i was told there was a letter waiting for me. I was a little surprised when i was told about it, I mean the only mail i get is my bank statement and that had come yesterday. When my younger sister handed me the letter i went off to my room to open it. Upon reading the letter i learned that it was and advertizment for kingdom hearts fans. Not been much into kingdom heats i figuired that someone had seen me on a forums i was on. But then there was still the question of how they got my address. My curiosity got the better of me as it does. I logged onto the forums to see that another member had recived a similar letter. Since the holidays were coming up soon i decided i would go to this event and see what it was all about.

    Personality: Calm and Collect. Has alot of Patience. Tends to think things through before acting.

    Appearence: *Real or Anime I dont care*

    Other info:

    Ill get a picture soon.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Sounds fun. I'll be #3. And on another day in the near future (site's gonna get really laggy for me soon), I'll edit this post for my profile.
  4. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    I can be member #4 if you want Mrs. Smith. :D
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